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1. "accord"的发音指的是这个词在英语中的正确读法。它的发音为/əˈkɔːrd/,其中重点在于第一个音节的发音,即短元音"ə"和长元音"ɔː"的结合。


2. 如果你对英语发音不太熟悉,可能会觉得这个词有点难读。但是别担心,其实只要掌握了一些基本规则,就能轻松读准它的发音。

3. 首先,注意到单词中的双"c"和双"d"都有重复发音的趋势。所以,在读这个词时,要把重点放在第二个"c"和"d"上面,同时把重复发音融合在一起。

4. 其次,注意到单词末尾的字母"d"是一个浊辅音,在读时要略微延长声调,并且舌头要放松下来。

5. 最后,在读这个单词时要注意把重点放在第一个元音上面。记住它是一个短元音,所以不需要太大力气来发出声音。

6. 如果你还是觉得有些困难,可以尝试听一些英语短语或者句子来练习这个单词的发音。比如,"in accordance with"这个短语就可以帮助你更好地理解和掌握"accord"的发音。

7. 最后,别忘了多多练习,只要坚持不懈,相信你很快就能轻松读准这个单词的发音啦!


1. "accord"是一个多义词,可以指代不同的意思,但最常见的解释是“一致”或“符合”。

2. 在英语中,“accord”通常作为动词使用,意为“给予”、“授予”或“同意”。例如,“The boss accorded me a raise.”(老板给了我加薪。)

3. 作为名词时,“accord”可以表示协议、一致或和谐。例如,“We reached an accord on the terms of the contract.”(我们就合同条款达成了一致。)

4. 另外,作为名词时,“accord”也可以指代汽车品牌,特别是本田汽车公司的旗下品牌。所以如果你听到有人说“我开着一辆Accord”,他们很可能在谈论一辆本田汽车。

5. 总之,“accord”这个词的发音是/əˈkɔːd/,重音在第二个音节上。记住这个发音有助于你更准确地理解和使用这个词。

6. 最后,如果你还想进一步了解“accord”的用法,请阅读相关的例句或查阅英语词典。相信随着不断练习和积累,你会越来越熟悉并且能够正确地读出“accord”的意思


1. "Accord"作为名词,意为“一致、符合、协议”。

例句:The two sides reached an accord on the trade agreement. (双方就贸易协议达成了一致。)

2. "Accord"作为动词,意为“符合、一致”。

例句:His actions do not accord with his words. (他的行动与他的言论不符。)

3. "In accordance with"是固定搭配,意为“按照、根据”。

例句:We will proceed in accordance with the instructions given by our boss. (我们将按照老板给出的指示继续进行。)

4. "In accord with"也是固定搭配,意为“与...一致”。

例句:Her views are in accord with those of her colleagues. (她的观点与同事们的观点一致。)

5. "Of one's own accord"意为“自愿地、主动地”。

例句:He came to help us of his own accord. (他主动来帮助我们。)

6. "With one accord"意为“一致地、齐心协力地”。

例句:The audience stood up and applauded with one accord. (观众们齐声起立鼓掌。)

7. "Accordance"是名词形式,意为“一致、符合”。

例句:His actions are not in accordance with his words. (他的行动与他的言论不一致。)

8. "In accord with"和"in accordance with"都是固定搭配,但前者更常用于口语中。

例句:In accord with the rules, he was disqualified from the competition. (按照规则,他被取消了比赛资格。)

9. "Accordance"也可以用于表示“依据、根据”的意思。

例句:In accordance with the law, he was sentenced to five years in prison. (依照法律,他被判处五年监禁。)

10. "Accordance"还可以指“协议、条约”。

例句:The two countries signed an accord to promote economic cooperation. (两国签署了促进经济合作的协议。)

"Accord"作为名词和动词都表示“一致、符合”的意思,常见的搭配有"in accordance with"和"in accord with"。此外,还有相关的短语和固定搭配,例如“of one's own accord”、“with one accord”等。"Accordance"是名词形式,可以表示“一致、符合”,也可以指“依据、条约”。以上就是关于"accord"的用法和例句部分的介绍


1. In accordance with - 与...一致;根据

- The contract was drafted in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed upon by both parties.


2. Accordance with law - 按照法律规定

- The company operates in accordance with the laws and regulations of the country.


3. Accordance with tradition - 符合传统

- The wedding ceremony was held in accordance with tradition, with the bride wearing a white dress and the groom wearing a tuxedo.


4. In full accord - 完全一致

- The two leaders were in full accord on their plans for economic cooperation.


5. With one accord - 一致地;齐心协力地

- The team worked together with one accord to achieve their goal of winning the championship.


6. Accord and satisfaction - 和解条款;偿还和解

- The dispute between the two parties was resolved through an accord and satisfaction agreement.


7. Of one's own accord - 自愿地;主动地

- The employee offered to work overtime of his own accord to finish the project on time.


8. In accord with - 与...一致;符合

- The company's actions were in accord with their values of honesty and integrity.


9. In good/bad accord - 和睦/不和

- The siblings were in good accord and rarely fought with each other.


10. Bring into accord - 使一致;调和

- The mediator helped bring the two parties into accord and reach a compromise.



1. 同义词:agreement


例句:After much discussion, we finally reached an accord on the new project proposal.

2. 同义词:concord


例句:The two countries have enjoyed a long period of concord and cooperation.

3. 同义词:harmony


例句:The members of the team worked in perfect harmony, resulting in a successful project.

4. 同义词:consensus


例句:The committee was able to come to a consensus on the best course of action for the company's future.

5. 同义词:understanding


例句:We have a mutual understanding about our roles and responsibilities in this project.

6. 同义词: concurrence

解释: 指多方在同一时间、地点或情况下发生的事情。

例句: The concurrence of events led to a chaotic situation that was difficult to handle
