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1. 丰富的发音



2. "Aff"读音与"of"相似


3. "uence"读作/əns/


4. "ffluence"中两个"f"都不发音


5. 通过反问增加趣味性




1. 富裕的定义


2. 富裕与幸福


3. 用法示例


4. 富裕的影响



1. Affluence的意思


2. Affluence的用法


3. Affluence的例句

(1) His family's affluence allowed him to attend the best schools and travel around the world.


(2) The city's affluence is evident in its luxurious shopping centers and high-end restaurants.


(3) The country's rapid economic growth has led to an increase in affluence among its citizens.


(4) She was born into a life of affluence and never had to worry about money.


(5) The affluence of natural resources in this region has attracted many foreign investors.


4. Affluence的近义词

wealth, prosperity, abundance, opulence, riches

5. Affluence的反义词

poverty, scarcity, deprivation, neediness, destitution


1. Wealth

- "Affluence" is often used to describe a state of wealth or abundance.

- Example: The family's affluence allowed them to live in a luxurious mansion.

2. Prosperity

- This word also refers to a state of wealth and success.

- Example: The country's economic prosperity has led to an increase in affluence among its citizens.

3. Opulence

- This term suggests extreme wealth and luxury.

- Example: The extravagant party displayed the host's opulence and affluence.

4. Riches

- Similar to "wealth," this word emphasizes the possession of valuable assets.

- Example: The businessman's sudden rise to riches was due to his successful investments.

5. Fortune

- This word can refer to both monetary wealth and good luck or success.

- Example: The lottery winner's newfound fortune brought her affluence beyond her wildest dreams.

6. Abundance

- This term highlights the abundance of resources or possessions.

- Example: The landowner's vast property showcased his abundance and affluence.

7. Plenty

- Similar to "abundance," this word emphasizes a large quantity or supply of something.

- Example: The CEO's generous salary allowed him to live in plenty and enjoy his affluence.

8. Affluent Lifestyle

- This phrase describes a lifestyle that is characterized by wealth and luxury.

- Example: The celebrity couple's affluent lifestyle includes expensive cars, designer clothes, and lavish vacations.

9. Well-to-do

- This phrase refers to people who are financially comfortable or prosperous.

- Example: The well-to-do neighborhood was known for its residents' affluence and high social status.

10. High Society

- This term refers to the wealthy, elite class of society.

- Example: In order to gain access to high society events, one must have a certain level of affluence and connections


1. Affluence of wealth: 财富的丰富

- The city's affluence of wealth is evident in its luxurious shopping malls and expensive restaurants.

- 这座城市的财富丰富在其奢华的购物中心和昂贵的餐厅中表现出来。

2. Affluence of resources: 资源的充足

- The country's affluence of resources has made it a major player in the global market.

- 这个国家资源充足,使得它成为全球市场的重要参与者。

3. Affluence of knowledge: 知识的丰富

- Our generation has an affluence of knowledge at our fingertips, thanks to the internet.

- 我们这一代人有着丰富的知识,多亏了互联网。

4. Affluence of opportunities: 机会的丰富

- Growing up in a big city offers an affluence of opportunities for personal and professional growth.

- 在大城市长大为个人和职业发展提供了丰富的机会。

5. Affluence of options: 选择的多样性

- With so many different brands and products on the market, consumers are faced with an affluence of options.

- 在如此多不同品牌和产品竞争下,消费者面对着众多选择。

6. Affluence of choices: 选择的自由

- In a democratic society, citizens have an affluence of choices when it comes to voting for their leaders.

- 在民主社会,公民在选举领导人时有着丰富的选择。

7. Affluence of experiences: 经历的丰富

- Traveling to different countries allows us to gain an affluence of experiences and broaden our perspectives.

- 去不同国家旅行让我们获得丰富的经历,拓宽我们的视野。

8. Affluence of culture: 文化的多样性

- Living in a diverse city like New York exposes us to an affluence of cultures and traditions.

- 生活在像纽约这样多元文化的城市让我们接触到丰富的文化和传统。

9. Affluence of love: 爱情的充盈

- A happy marriage is characterized by an affluence of love and affection between partners.

- 幸福婚姻以夫妻间充满爱意和情感为特征。

10. Affluence of blessings: 祝福的丰富

- Counting our blessings reminds us of the affluence of love, health, and happiness in our lives.

- 计算我们的祝福提醒我们生活中爱、健康和幸福的充足
