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1. 发音概述



2. 音标解析

- a: 发音为[ə],类似于汉语中的“啊”,舌尖放在下齿龈处,轻轻吐气。

- l: 发音为[l],舌尖抵住上齿龈处,声带振动。

- e: 发音为[iː],类似于汉语中的“衣”,双唇微微张开。

- d: 发音为[d],舌尖抵住上齿龈处,声带振动。

- ʒ: 发音为[ʒ],类似于汉语中的“之”,舌尖放在上齿龈处,声带振动。

- ə: 发音为[ə],类似于汉语中的“额”,舌尖放在下齿龈处,轻轻吐气。

- n: 发音为[n],舌尖抵住上齿龈处,声带振动。

- s: 发音为[s],舌尖抵住上齿龈处,在气流通过时发出清晰的嘶嘶声。

3. 音节划分


4. 发音练习

- 练习1:重复跟读allegiance这个单词,注意延长重读的li部分。

- 练习2:将allegiance这个单词分解成每个音节,然后拼接起来进行跟读。

- 练习3:结合汉语中的“啊里给你说”这句话来练习发音,注意延长重读的li部分。

5. 注意事项




1. 什么是allegiance?


2. “allegiance”的起源


3. “allegiance”的用法

通常情况下,“allegiance”都会跟着介词“to”一起使用,例如:“pledge allegiance to the flag(向国旗宣誓效忠)”、“swear allegiance to the queen(向女王宣誓效忠)”。但是在某些情况下,也可以单独使用,例如:“He has shown his allegiance to the company through his hard work(他通过努力工作表现出对公司的忠诚)”。

4. 如何表达“allegiance”的同义词?


5. “allegiance”在当今社会的意义



1. 什么是allegiance?


2. allegaince的用法

- 作为名词,allegiance可以表示对某个国家或组织的忠诚,例如:“She pledged her allegiance to the queen.”(她向女王宣誓效忠。)

- 作为动词,allegiance可以表示对某个人或事物的效忠,例如:“The soldiers swore allegiance to their commander.”(士兵们向他们的指挥官发誓效忠。)

3. allegaince的例句

- My allegiance lies with my family, no matter what happens.(无论发生什么事情,我的忠诚都属于我的家人。)

- The athletes showed their allegiance to their country by winning gold medals in the Olympics.(运动员们通过在奥运会上获得金牌来表现对国家的效忠。)

- As a citizen, it is our duty to pledge our allegiance to our nation and uphold its values.(作为公民,我们有责任向我们的国家宣誓效忠并维护其价值观。)

4. allegaince也可以引申为对某种信仰、理念或团队的忠诚,例如:“The employees showed their allegiance to the company by working hard and achieving great success.”(员工们通过努力工作并取得巨大成功来表现对公司的效忠。)


1. "Pledge allegiance" - 表示宣誓效忠,通常用于国歌或宣誓仪式中。

2. "Swear allegiance" - 意为发誓效忠,与"pledge allegiance"意思相同。

3. "Loyal allegiance" - 指忠诚的效忠,表示对某人或某事物的坚定支持和忠诚。

4. "Allegiance to the flag" - 意为对国旗的忠诚,通常用于表达对国家的爱和尊重。

5. "Fidelity and allegiance" - 指忠诚和效忠,强调对某人或某事物的坚定不移的信任和支持。

6. "Allegiance oath" - 表示效忠誓言,通常用于政治上的宣誓仪式中。

7. "Fealty and allegiance" - 意为尊敬和效忠,强调对某人或某事物的尊重和坚定不移的支持。

8. "Allegiance to the crown" - 指对王权的效忠,通常用于英国相关议题中。

9. "Patriotic allegiance" - 表示爱国者的效忠,强调对祖国和民族的热爱和保护。

10. "Allegiance to the leader" - 意为对领导者的效忠,通常用于政治或军事领域中


1. Loyalty - 忠诚

2. Devotion - 奉献

3. Fidelity - 忠诚

4. Commitment - 承诺

5. Dedication - 奉献精神

6. Faithfulness - 忠实

7. Obedience - 服从

8. Allegiance to a cause - 对某一事业的忠诚

9. Adherence - 遵守

10. Fealty - 忠诚效忠

1. Loyalty (忠诚)

Loyalty is a strong feeling of support and devotion towards someone or something, often shown through unwavering commitment and dedication.

2. Devotion (奉献)

Devotion refers to a strong feeling of love, loyalty, or enthusiasm towards a person, cause, or activity.

3. Fidelity (忠诚)

Fidelity is the quality of being faithful and loyal to someone or something, especially in times of difficulty or challenge.

4.Commitment (承诺)

Commitment is the state or quality of being dedicated and loyal to a person, cause, or belief.

5.Dedication (奉献精神)

Dedication refers to the act of giving all one's time and energy to a particular task or purpose.

6.Faithfulness (忠实)

Faithfulness is the quality of being true and loyal to someone or something over a long period of time.

7.Obedience (服从)

Obedience is the act of following rules, orders, or instructions from someone in authority without question.

8.Allegiance to a cause (对某一事业的忠诚)

Allegiance to a cause refers to being fully committed and loyal to a particular belief, principle, or movement.

9.Adherence (遵守)

Adherence is the act of following rules, guidelines, or standards set by someone or something.

10. Fealty (忠诚效忠)

Fealty refers to the loyalty and commitment shown by a vassal towards their lord or ruler. In modern usage, it can also refer to loyalty towards a person, group, or cause
