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1. assassin的含义和定义



2. assassin的发音及读法


3. assassin的同义词


4. assassin的例句

- The police are searching for the assassin who killed the president.


- The movie tells the story of an assassin who struggles with his conscience.


- She hired an assassin to get revenge on her husband's killer.



1. 发音:assassin的发音为[əˈsæsɪn],重音在第二个音节。

2. 读法:assassin可以分解为两个部分,第一个部分“ass”发音为[əs],类似于“as”的发音;第二个部分“assin”发音为[ˈæsɪn],类似于“a sin”的连读。因此,整体的读法为[əˈsæsɪn]。

3. 同义词:assassin的同义词包括killer、murderer、hitman等。

4. 例句:

- The assassin was waiting for his target in the dark alley.


- The government hired an assassin to eliminate the enemy leader.


- She was accused of being an assassin, but she claimed to be innocent.



1. assassin的意思


2. assassin的发音


3. assassin的同义词


4. assassin的用法示例

- The government hired an assassin to eliminate the rebel leader.


- The movie is about a retired assassin who is forced back into action.


- The police are still searching for the assassin responsible for the mayor's death.


5. 双语例句

- He was known as the most skilled assassin in the underworld.


- The young prince was protected by a group of trained assassins.


- The assassin shot his target with a silent gun.



1. Killer - 杀手

例句:The assassin silently approached his target, ready to strike at any moment. (这位杀手悄无声息地接近他的目标,随时准备出手。)

2. Hitman - 执行者

例句:The organization hired a hitman to take out their rival's leader. (这个组织雇佣了一名执行者来消灭他们对手的领导人。)

3. Murderer - 杀人犯

例句:The police are still searching for the murderer who killed five people last week. (警方仍在寻找上周杀害五人的凶手。)

4. Executioner - 行刑者

例句:The executioner carried out the sentence of death by hanging. (行刑者执行了绞刑的死刑。)

5. Eliminator - 消灭者

例句:She was known as the best eliminator in the business, always getting rid of her targets without a trace. (她被认为是业界最优秀的消灭者,总是能够毫无痕迹地除掉她的目标。)

6. Sniper - 狙击手

例句:The sniper took out his target with one clean shot from his rifle. (狙击手用步枪一枪干净利落地消灭了他的目标。)

7. Assassin - 刺客

例句:The assassin was paid a large sum of money to take out the politician before he could reveal any incriminating evidence. (这位刺客被支付了一大笔钱,在政治家透露任何罪证前将其消灭。)

8. Slayer - 杀戮者

例句:The slayer went on a rampage, leaving a trail of bodies behind him. (这个杀戮者发狂般地杀戮,身后留下一串尸体。)

9. Eliminator - 消灭者

例句:The government hired an elite team of eliminators to take out the terrorist threat. (政府雇佣了一支精英团队的消灭者来消除恐怖主义威胁。)

10. Slayer - 斩杀者

例句:The slayer struck down his enemies with swift and deadly precision. (这个斩杀者以迅捷和致命的准确度击倒他的敌人。)


1. 刺客 (cikè):这个词来源于法语,也是assassin的同义词,指的是雇佣杀手或暗杀者。

例句:The assassin was hired to eliminate the target at any cost. (这位刺客被雇佣以任何代价消灭目标。)

2. 行刺者 (xíng cì zhě):这个短语指的是专门从事暗杀行动的人,通常用来描述政治性暗杀。

例句:The president narrowly escaped the attack by a group of assassins. (总统险些遭到一群行刺者的袭击。)

3. 暗杀团伙 (àn shā tuán huǒ):这个短语指的是一群组织在一起从事暗杀活动的人。

例句:The police have been trying to dismantle the assassin syndicate for years. (警方多年来一直试图解散这个暗杀团伙。)

4. 刺杀任务 (cì shā rèn wù):这个短语指的是被委托进行暗杀行动的任务。

例句:The assassin was given a new assignment to eliminate the foreign diplomat. (刺客被交付了一个新任务,要消灭外交官。)

5. 暗杀技巧 (àn shā jì qiǎo):这个短语指的是从事暗杀活动所需要的技巧和技能。

例句:The assassin's training included various techniques for stealth and assassination. (刺客的训练包括各种潜行和暗杀的技巧。)

6. 暗杀手段 (àn shā shǒu duàn):这个短语指的是用来实施暗杀行动的手段或方法。

例句:The assassin used a poison-laced dart as his preferred method of assassination. (这位刺客使用带有毒药的飞镖作为他首选的暗杀手段。)

7. 暗杀目标 (àn shā mù biāo):这个短语指的是被选定作为暗杀对象的人物。

例句:The politician was aware that he was the prime target of the assassin's next attack. (政治家意识到自己是下一次刺客袭击的主要目标。)

8. 暗杀计划 (àn shā jì huà):这个短语指的是策划和准备进行暗杀行动所需要的计划。

例句:The police were able to foil the assassin's plan to kill the president. (警方成功挫败了刺客要暗杀总统的计划。)

9. 暗杀阴谋 (àn shā yīn móu):这个短语指的是阴谋策划暗杀某人的行动。

例句:The assassin was just a pawn in the larger conspiracy to overthrow the government. (这位刺客只是更大阴谋中颠覆政府的一个棋子。)

10. 暗杀命令 (àn shā mìng lìng):这个短语指的是下达暗杀任务的命令。

例句:The assassin received his orders from a mysterious figure who remained in the shadows. (刺客从一个隐藏在阴影中的神秘人物那里接收他的命令。)
