1. autocracy的定义
2. autocracy的含义
3. autocracy与其他政治制度的对比
4. autocracy的同义词
5. autocracy的例句
- The country was ruled by an autocracy for decades, until a revolution overthrew the dictator.
- The autocracy has suppressed all forms of dissent and opposition.
- Many people yearn for democracy after living under the autocracy for so long.
1. autocracy的发音
autocracy一词的发音为 [ɔː'tɒkrəsi],其中重音在第二个音节上。在英语中,字母“o”发音为[ɔː],字母“a”发音为[æ],字母“t”发音为[t],字母“c”发音为[k],字母“r”发音为[r],字母“s”发音为[s],字母“i”发音为[i:]。
2. autocracy的读法
根据其拼写规则,在英语中读作 [ɔː'tɒkrəsi]。其中,“au”两个字母连读时,读作[ɔː];字母“t”的后面跟随元音时,读作[t];最后一个元音是长元音时,读作[i:]。
3. autocracy的同义词
4. autocracy的例句
(1) The country was ruled by an autocracy for many years, until a revolution overthrew the dictator.
(2) The autocracy suppressed all forms of dissent and opposition, leading to a lack of freedom for its citizens.
(3) The autocracy was characterized by corruption, nepotism, and human rights abuses.
(4) In an autocracy, the ruler's word is law and there is no room for democracy or checks and balances.
(5) Autocracy often leads to economic stagnation and social unrest due to lack of accountability and transparency in government.
1. Autocracy的意思是独裁统治,来自希腊语的“auto”(自己)和“kratos”(统治)。
2. Autocracy可以读作[ɔː'tɒkrəsi],其中重音在第二个音节。
3. Autocracy的同义词包括dictatorship(独裁政体)、tyranny(暴政)、despotism(专制)等。
4. 例句1:The country is under autocracy, with no freedom of speech or press.
5. 例句2:The autocracy of the boss made it difficult for employees to voice their opinions.
6. 例句3:The citizens rose up against the autocracy and demanded democratic reforms.
1. Dictatorship
Dictatorship是autocracy的同义词,指的是由一位独裁者或独裁政权控制的政治制度。例如:“The country was ruled by a brutal dictatorship for decades.”(这个国家被一位残暴的独裁者统治了几十年。)
2. Tyranny
Tyranny也是autocracy的同义词,指的是极权主义或暴政。例如:“The people rose up against the tyranny of their ruler.”(人民起来反抗他们统治者的暴政。)
3. Despotism
Despotism也可以与autocracy互换使用,指的是专制或暴政。例如:“The country was under the despotism of a ruthless dictator.”(这个国家处于一个无情独裁者的专制统治之下。)
4. Absolute monarchy
Absolute monarchy指的是绝对君主制,也可以与autocracy等同使用。例如:“In an absolute monarchy, the king has unlimited power over his subjects.”(在绝对君主制中,国王对他的臣民拥有无限权力。)
5. Totalitarianism
Totalitarianism也可以作为autocracy的同义词,指的是极权主义或集权主义。例如:“The regime imposed strict totalitarian control over every aspect of people's lives.”(该政权对人们生活的方方面面实施严格的极权主义控制。)
6. Authoritarianism
Authoritarianism也可以与autocracy互换使用,指的是威权主义或专制统治。例如:“The authoritarian leader suppressed any form of dissent and opposition.”(这位威权主义领导人镇压任何形式的异议和反对。)
7. Caudillismo
Caudillismo是一个来自西班牙语的词,可以作为autocracy的同义词,指的是军阀政治或强人政治。例如:“The country was plagued by caudillismo for many years.”(这个国家多年来受军阀政治的困扰。)
8. One-man rule
One-man rule指的是一人统治,也可以与autocracy等同使用。例如:“The country was under the one-man rule of a ruthless dictator.”(这个国家处于一个无情独裁者的一人统治之下。)
9. Autarchy
Autarchy也可以作为autocracy的同义词,指的是独裁统治或自给自足。例如:“The autarchy of the ruler left the country isolated and impoverished.”(统治者的独裁使得这个国家孤立并陷入贫困。)
10. Monocracy
Monocracy指的是单一统治,也可以与autocracy互换使用。例如:“The monocracy of the king was challenged by the people's uprising.”(国王的单一统治受到了人民起义的挑战。)
1. 意思:专制统治
2. 怎么读:[ɔː'tɒkrəsi]
3. 同义词:dictatorship, tyranny, authoritarianism
4. 例句:
- The country was under autocracy for many years before transitioning to a democratic government.
- The autocracy of the king was challenged by the rebellious citizens.
- The autocracy of the company's CEO caused unrest among the employees.
5. 相关词汇:
- Autocrat: 专制统治者
- Autocratic: 专制的,独裁的
- Autocratic rule: 专制统治
- Autocratic regime: 独裁政权
- Absolute power: 绝对权力
- Despotism: 专制统治,暴政
autocracy是指一种集权统治的政治制度,它的发音为/ɔːˈtɒkrəsi/,读作“奥托克拉西”。在使用autocracy时,我们可以用其同义词despotism来替换,例如“His rule was characterized by autocracy and oppression.”此外,与autocracy相关的词汇和短语还有dictatorship、authoritarianism、tyranny等。最后,我是网站编辑小张,希望通过本文能够帮助大家更加深入地了解autocracy,并且喜欢我的文章就关注我吧!感谢阅读。