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The pronunciation of brigade

1. What does brigade mean?

The word "brigade" is a noun that refers to a large group of people organized for a specific purpose, such as military or firefighting. It can also be used to describe a group of people who work together or share a common interest.


2. How do you pronounce brigade?

The correct pronunciation of "brigade" is bri-gade (brɪˈɡeɪd). It is pronounced with two syllables and the emphasis on the first syllable.

3. Synonyms of brigade

Some synonyms for brigade include:

- Unit: a group of people working together as one entity

- Troop: a group of soldiers or other military personnel

- Squad: a small group of people within a larger group or organization

- Team: a group of individuals working together towards a common goal

4. Examples of using brigade in sentences

- The fire brigade arrived at the scene within minutes.

- The military has sent an entire brigade to assist with disaster relief efforts.

- The volunteers formed a cleaning brigade to help keep the community park clean.

- Our team worked like a well-oiled brigade to finish the project on time.

5. Tips for using "brigade"

When using "brigade" in your writing or speech, keep these tips in mind:

- Use it as a noun to refer to a specific group or unit.

- It can also be used as part of an idiom, such as "marching to the same beat/working like a well-oiled brigade."

- Avoid using it as an adjective, as it is not commonly used in this form.

In conclusion, "brigade" is pronounced bri-gade and refers to a large organized group with a specific purpose. Some synonyms include unit, troop, squad, and team. Remember to use it correctly in your writing and speech for clear communication

How to say brigade

1. Brigade的含义:Brigade是一个英文单词,指的是一支军队中的团队或者小分队。它可以用来形容某个组织或团体的成员,也可以指代某个特定的工作小组。

2. Brigade的发音:Brigade读作/briˈɡeɪd/,其中字母“g”的发音为浊辅音,发音时舌尖触到上颚。

3. 同义词:在不同语境下,Brigade可以替换为其他相近含义的词汇。例如,在军事领域可以使用“regiment”、“battalion”、“squadron”等;在工作场合可以使用“team”、“group”、“crew”等。

4. 例句:

- The firefighters brigade responded quickly to the emergency call.


- Our company has established a new marketing brigade to promote our products.


5. 总结:Brigade是一个多义词,在不同语境下有不同的含义和用法。但总体来说,它都指代着一支具有共同目标和任务的团队或者小分队。记住它的发音和常用同义词,能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个单词

Usage and examples of brigade

1. Definition of brigade:

A brigade is a large military unit, typically consisting of several battalions or regiments. It is usually led by a brigadier general and can range in size from 2,000 to 5,000 soldiers. The term "brigade" can also be used in a non-military context to refer to a large group of people organized for a specific purpose.

2. Pronunciation of brigade:

Brigade is pronounced as /brɪˈɡeɪdʒ/ in American English and /brɪˈɡeɪd/ in British English.

3. Synonyms for brigade:

- Division: A division is a larger military unit that consists of several brigades.

- Regiment: A regiment is a smaller military unit that typically consists of three to five battalions.

- Troop: A troop is a small unit within a cavalry or armored regiment.

- Company: A company is the smallest unit within an infantry battalion.

4. Examples of usage:

- "The 101st Airborne Brigade was deployed to the Middle East as part of Operation Desert Storm."

- "The firefighters quickly called for backup and soon the entire fire brigade was on the scene."

- "The construction company formed a special brigade to work on the new bridge project."

- "The police launched a special task force brigade to combat organized crime in the city."

5. More examples with synonyms:

- "The 1st Infantry Division, also known as the Big Red One, played a crucial role in World War II."

- "The Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is an armored regiment within the British Army."

- "The cavalry troop rode through the open field, ready for battle."

- "The 3rd Company of the 2nd Battalion was responsible for securing the perimeter during their mission."

In conclusion, a brigade is an important military unit that plays a crucial role in combat operations. However, the term can also be used in other contexts to refer to a large group of people working together for a specific purpose. Knowing the pronunciation and synonyms of brigade can help you better understand and use this term in various situations

Phrases with brigade

1. "Join the brigade": 加入队伍,表示加入某个团体或组织的意思,也可以用来表示加入某种运动或活动。

例句:Are you ready to join the brigade and make a difference in our community?

2. "Fire brigade": 消防队,指专门负责灭火和救援的组织。

例句:The fire brigade arrived just in time to save the burning building.

3. "Brigade of volunteers": 志愿者团队,指由志愿者组成的团队。

例句:The brigade of volunteers worked tirelessly to clean up the park.

4. "Brigade of chefs": 厨师团队,指由厨师组成的团队。

例句:The restaurant has a talented brigade of chefs who create delicious dishes every day.

5. "Political brigade": 政治团体,指致力于推进某种政治目标的组织。

例句:The political brigade organized a protest against the new government policies.

6. "Fashion brigade": 时尚圈子,指关注时尚和流行趋势的人群。

例句:She's part of the fashion brigade, always dressed in the latest trends.

7. "Brigade of friends": 朋友圈子,指一群朋友之间的紧密关系。

例句:We've been friends for years, we're like a small brigade of friends.

8. "Brigade mentality": 集体意识,指一个集体中共同的想法和行为模式。

例句:The army instills a strong brigade mentality in its soldiers.

9. "Brigade of workers": 工人队伍,指从事某种工作的一群人。

例句:The construction site was filled with a brigade of workers, all working hard to finish the project on time.

10. "Brigade of fans": 粉丝团,指某个明星或团体的忠实粉丝群体。

例句:The singer has a huge brigade of fans who follow her every move

Synonyms for brigade and their usage in sentences

1. Definition and pronunciation of brigade

- Brigade (noun): a large group of people organized for a specific purpose, especially in the military or firefighting

- Pronunciation: /brɪˈɡeɪd/

2. Synonyms for brigade

- Squad, team, unit, troop, battalion, company, division, corps, contingent

3. Usage in sentences

- The fire brigade arrived at the scene within minutes and quickly put out the fire.

- The medical team from the disaster relief brigade provided aid to the victims of the earthquake.

- The army brigade was deployed to the border for a training exercise.

- Our school has a cheerleading squad that performs at all our sports games.

- The rescue team consisted of members from different units within the fire department.

- The troop marched in perfect formation during the military parade.

- The company of soldiers received commendations for their bravery in battle.

- A division of police officers was assigned to patrol the city during the protest.

- The marine corps is known for their expertise in amphibious operations.

- A contingent of volunteers helped with the cleanup efforts after the hurricane.

4. Additional information

Brigade can also be used as a verb meaning to organize or group together for a specific purpose. For example:

- We need to brigade our efforts if we want to achieve success
