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1. caps的概念


caps是一个英文单词,通常被用作名词,也可以作为动词使用。它的全称是capital letters,意为大写字母。在英语中,大写字母和小写字母有着不同的用法和含义,因此caps也具有不同的解释。

2. caps的含义

作为名词时,caps指代的是大写字母。它可以表示一段文字中所有字母都是大写形式,也可以指某个单词或短语中首字母为大写形式。例如,在句子"The name of the company is written in all caps."中,"caps"就指代所有字母都是大写形式。

3. caps的发音


4. caps与其他单词同义

除了caps以外,还有一些单词也可以表示大写字母的概念。例如uppercase、capital letters等都可以与caps互换使用。但需要注意的是,它们可能在不同场合下有着不同的用法,因此并非完全等同。

5. caps的用法示例

① The title of the book is written in all caps.


② Please don't write your name in all caps, it's considered rude.


③ The company logo is made up of three letters in all caps.



1. 读音:[kæps]

2. 同义词:帽子、帽子盖、封顶

3. 例句:

- He always wears a baseball cap when he goes out.


- The bottle has a cap to keep the liquid from spilling out.


- The team capped off their season with a championship win.



1. caps的意思


2. caps的发音


3. caps的同义词

- hat:帽子

- headgear:头饰

- lid:盖子

4. caps的例句

- She always wears a stylish cap to match her outfit.


- The soldiers all had their caps on straight.


- Please make sure to turn off the caps lock when typing your password.


5. 使用场景



在计算机领域,caps lock是键盘上的一个按键,用来切换字母大小写。当caps lock被打开时,输入的字母将会变成大写形式。

6. caps的双语例句

- 她戴着一顶红色的棒球帽出门了。(She went out wearing a red baseball cap.)

- 这顶鸭舌帽真适合你。(That duckbill cap really suits you.)

- 请关掉大写锁定键再输入密码。(Please turn off the caps lock before entering your password.)

- 我们要为士兵们准备新款式的军用cap。(We need to prepare new style military caps for the soldiers.)


1. Caps lock - 大写锁定键

例句:Please remember to turn off caps lock when typing your password.(请记得在输入密码时关闭大写锁定键。)

2. Capsicum - 辣椒

例句:The dish is seasoned with a pinch of capsicum for extra heat.(这道菜加入了一点辣椒增加味道。)

3. Capital punishment - 死刑

例句:The debate over the use of capital punishment continues to be a controversial topic.(关于使用死刑的辩论仍然是一个有争议的话题。)

4. Capsize - 翻船

例句:The boat capsized in the storm and all passengers had to be rescued.(船在暴风雨中翻了,所有乘客都被救起来。)

5. Capability - 能力,才能

例句:She has a great capability for learning new languages quickly.(她有很强的能力快速学习新语言。)

6. Caption - 标题,说明文字

例句:The caption under the photo explained the historical significance of the building.(照片下方的说明文字解释了这座建筑的历史意义。)

7. Captivate - 迷住,吸引住

例句:Her performance on stage captivated the audience and received a standing ovation.(她在舞台上的表演吸引了观众,获得了起立鼓掌。)

8. Capable - 有能力的,能干的

例句:He is a capable leader who can handle any challenge that comes his way.(他是一个能干的领导人,可以应对任何挑战。)

9. Capitalize - 利用,充分利用

例句:The company plans to capitalize on the new market trend and expand their business.(公司计划利用新的市场趋势扩大业务。)

10. Capable of - 有能力做某事

例句:The new employee has proven to be capable of handling multiple tasks at once.(新员工已经证明自己有能力同时处理多项任务。)


1. Hat - "I always wear a cap to protect my head from the sun."

2. Lid - "Please put the lid back on the bottle before you shake it."

3. Cover - "The chef put a lid on the pot to let the soup simmer."

4. Top - "He placed a cap on top of his head to keep warm in the winter."

5. Headgear - "The soldiers were required to wear their caps at all times during training."

6. Bonnet - "She tied her hair up and put on a bonnet to go for a walk in the park."

7. Beanie - "I love wearing beanies in the winter to keep my head warm."

8. Beret - "The artist wore a beret while painting in his studio."

9. Skullcap - "In some cultures, it is customary for men to wear skullcaps as part of their traditional attire."

10. Tam o'shanter - "The Scottish man proudly wore his tam o'shanter as he walked down the street."






1. 帽子(Hat) – “我总是戴着帽子来保护头部免受阳光的照射。”

2. 盖子(Lid) – “请在摇晃之前把盖子放回瓶子上。”

3. 盖(cover) – “厨师把盖子放在锅上,让汤慢火炖。”

4. 顶部(Top) – “他在头顶上戴了一顶帽子来保暖冬天。”

5. 头饰(Headgear) – “士兵们被要求在训练期间始终佩戴头饰。”

6. 帽子(Bonnet) – “她把头发扎起来,戴上帽子去公园散步。”

7. 针织帽(Beanie) – “我喜欢冬天戴针织帽来保暖头部。”

8. 贝雷帽(Beret) – “这位艺术家在工作室画画时戴着贝雷帽。”

9. 骷髅帽(Skullcap) – “在某些文化中,男性穿着传统服饰时会佩戴骷髅帽。”

10. 军便帽(Tam o'shanter) – “这位苏格兰人自豪地佩戴着军便帽走在街上。”
