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1. appointed的定义



2. appointed的发音

Appointed一词读音为 [əˈpɔɪntɪd],其中强调音在第二个音节上。

3. appointed的同义词

根据appointed在不同语境下的含义,可以有以下同义词:designated, designated, assigned, nominated, delegated, arranged。

4. appointed的例句

- The new manager was appointed by the board of directors.

- The company has appointed a new CEO to lead its expansion plans.

- He was appointed as the ambassador to France.

- The committee has been given the task of appointing a new chairman.

- Our meeting is scheduled for the time appointed by the organizer.

5. 与appointed相关的短语和表达

- be appointed to: 被任命到某个职位或岗位上。

- self-appointed: 自我任命的。

- well-appointed: 设备齐全、装饰精美的。

- appoint someone as: 任命某人为……。

- by appointment only: 只接受预约。

- appoint a time/date: 确定时间/日期。

6. 举例说明appointed在不同语境下的意思

a) 作为形容词:

- The appointed time for the meeting is 10 am.


- The appointed leader of the project is highly experienced.


b) 作为动词:

- The company has appointed a new sales director.


- The judge was appointed to hear the case.



1. appointed的发音及词性

Appointed是一个形容词,读作 [əˈpɔɪntɪd],重音在第二个音节。

2. appointed的意思


- 被指定的:指根据计划或安排,某人或某物被选定或安排做某项任务、担任某职务或参加某活动。例如:

- She was appointed as the new manager of the company.(她被任命为公司的新经理。)

- The committee was appointed to investigate the matter.(委员会被指派调查此事。)

- 被任命的:指某人被正式选定担任某职务或承担某项责任。例如:

- He was appointed as the ambassador to China.(他被任命为中国大使。)

- The new CEO has been appointed to lead the company's expansion plans.(新任CEO已被委任领导公司的扩张计划。)

3. appointed同义词


4. appointed例句


- The newly appointed teacher is very popular among the students.(新任教师在学生中很受欢迎。)

- The appointed date for the meeting is next Monday.(会议的指定日期是下周一。)

- The committee has been appointed to oversee the construction project.(委员会被指派监督这个建设项目。)

- She was appointed to be the spokesperson for the company.(她被任命为公司的发言人。)

- The appointed time for the interview is 9 am sharp.(面试的指定时间是上午9点整。)

Appointed是一个常用的英语词汇,它可以表示“被指定的”或“被任命的”意思,常见同义词有designated、selected、assigned、nominated等。读者在使用时要注意根据语境选择合适的含义,并注意正确发音 [əˈpɔɪntɪd]


1. appointed的意思是被任命或委派,通常指某人被选为特定职位或任务。

例句:She was appointed as the new CEO of the company. (她被任命为公司的新CEO。)

2. appointed的读音为/əˈpɔɪntɪd/,重音在第二个音节。

例句:He was appointed to lead the project. (他被委派领导这个项目。)

3. 同义词包括designated、selected、chosen等,都指某人被选定或指定做某事。

例句:The team designated her as their captain. (团队选定她作为队长。)

4. 还有一个常见的用法是appointed time,意思是约定的时间或指定的时间。

例句:Please arrive at the appointment time for your interview. (请在面试约定时间到达。)

5. 在一些正式场合,appointed也可以表示“特别指定”的含义。

例句:The guests were seated in their appointed places at the banquet. (宾客们在宴会上坐在特别指定的座位上。)

6. Appointed还可以作形容词,表示“按照计划或安排好的”。

例句:The meeting will be held at the appointed location and time. (会议将按计划在指定地点和时间举行。)

7. 除了以上用法外,appointed也可以表示“适当的”或“合适的”。

例句:This is the appointed time to discuss our plans for the future. (现在是讨论我们未来计划的合适时间。)

8. 无论是指被任命、指定,还是按计划安排,appointed都带有一种正式且有责任感的氛围,适用于各种场合。

例句:He was appointed to be the spokesperson for the company. (他被任命为公司的发言人。)


1. appointed time: 预约时间

例句:We have an appointed time to meet at the restaurant at 7 PM.

2. self-appointed: 自命不凡的

例句:He was a self-appointed expert on all things related to sports.

3. well-appointed: 设备齐全的

例句:The hotel room was well-appointed with modern amenities.

4. appointed representative: 指定代表

例句:The company's appointed representative will be attending the meeting on their behalf.

5. newly appointed: 新任命的

例句:The newly appointed manager has already made significant changes in the company.

6. appointed position: 指定职位

例句:She applied for the appointed position of head of marketing in the company.

7. duly appointed: 正式任命的

例句:The duly appointed judge presided over the court case with fairness and impartiality.

8. government-appointed: 政府指定的

例句:The government-appointed committee is responsible for making decisions on environmental policies.

9. self-appointed leader: 自封领导者

例句:He declared himself as the self-appointed leader of the group without anyone's consent.

10. pre-appointed: 预先指定的

例句:All participants must follow the pre-appointed schedule for the conference


1. Designated

同义词:assigned, selected, chosen

例句:He was designated as the new team leader.


2. Nominated

同义词:named, appointed, elected

例句:She was nominated for the position of CEO.


3. Commissioned

同义词:authorized, empowered, delegated

例句:He was commissioned to complete the project.


4. Delegated

同义词:entrusted, assigned, transferred

例句:The task was delegated to a more experienced team member.


5. Appointed

同义词:designated, selected, chosen

例句:He was appointed as the new manager of the department.


6. Selected

同义词:chosen, picked out, elected

例句:She was selected for the scholarship program.


7. Chosen

同义词:selected, picked out, elected

例句: He was chosen to represent the company at the conference.


8. Elected

同义词: chosen, voted in, selected

例句: She was elected as the president of the organization.


9. Designated

同义词: appointed, assigned, nominated

例句: The designated leader of the project was unable to attend the meeting.


10. Named

同义词: appointed, designated, chosen

例句: The newly named CEO has a lot of experience in the industry.


通过阅读本文,相信您已经对appointed有了更深入的了解。appointed可以作为动词或形容词使用,意为“任命、指定”或“被任命、被指定的”。它的读音为[əˈpɔɪntɪd],请大家多加练习。在使用时,可以搭配一些常用的词组,如be appointed as、be appointed to等。此外,appointed的同义词还有designated、selected等。例如,“She was appointed as the new manager of the company.”最后,我是网站编辑小明,希望本文能够帮助到您,并且欢迎关注我们网站的更多精彩内容。谢谢!