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1. “appointed”指定的意思


首先,我们来看一下“appointed”的最基本含义。它可以表示某人被指定或任命做某件事情,比如,“I have been appointed as the new manager of this department.”(我被任命为这个部门的新经理。)或者“John has been appointed to represent our company at the conference.”(约翰被指定代表我们公司参加这次会议。)

2. “appointed”约定的意思

除了表示指定,还有一种常见的用法是表示约定或安排。比如,“We have an appointment with the doctor at 3 o'clock.”(我们和医生有一个3点钟的约会。)或者“I have an appointment with my hairstylist tomorrow.”(我明天和我的发型师有个预约。)

3. “appointed”装饰精美的意思

此外,“appointed”还可以表示装饰精美的,比如用来形容某个地方布置得很漂亮或豪华。“The room was beautifully appointed with elegant furniture and artwork.”(房间里摆放着优雅的家具和艺术品,装饰得非常漂亮。)

4. “appointed”预定的意思


1. "Appointed"是一个英文单词,读作[əˈpɔɪntɪd],意思是被任命、被委派或被指定的。

2. 这个词通常用来表示某人被正式选中或安排去做某件事情,也可以指某人被指派担任某个职位或角色。

3. 比如,你可以说“我被任命为公司的新CEO”(I was appointed as the new CEO of the company)。

4. "Appointed"也可以用来表示某物被选定或安排用于特定的目的。比如,“这栋建筑已经被指定为历史遗迹”(This building has been appointed as a historical site)。

5. 此外,这个词还可以用作形容词,意思是预约好的、约定的。比如,“我们已经在三点钟和医生预约好了”(We have an appointment with the doctor at 3 o'clock)。

6. 总而言之,“appointed”是一个非常常用且多义的单词,在日常生活中我们可能会经常遇到它。希望本次介绍能够帮助你更好地理解和使用它


1. appointed的含义


2. appointed作为动词的用法


- He was appointed as the new CEO of the company.


- The committee appointed a new chairman for the project.


3. appointed作为形容词的用法


- The appointed time for the meeting is 2pm.


- We will meet at the appointed place.


4. 双语例句

- The newly appointed manager has a lot of experience in this field.


- The government has appointed a special committee to investigate the matter.


- The company has appointed a team of experts to handle the project.


- The appointed date for the event is still subject to change.


- The appointed lawyer will represent the defendant in court.



1. "appointed time" - 指定的时间,通常是指某项活动或会议的开始时间。

例如:The appointed time for the meeting is 2 PM, please be on time.

2. "appointed place" - 指定的地点,通常是指某项活动或会议的举办地点。

例如:The appointed place for the event is the community center.

3. "appointed task" - 指定的任务,通常是指某人被委派或安排完成的具体工作。

例如:She was given the appointed task of organizing the company's annual party.

4. "appointed representative" - 指定代表,通常是指某人被选为代表参加会议或代表团进行谈判。

例如:The CEO will be our appointed representative at the industry conference.

5. "self-appointed" - 自称的,通常用于指那些自己任命自己做某件事情的人。

例如:He was a self-appointed expert on all things related to sports.

6. "appointed position" - 被任命的职位,通常是指政府或公司内部高层领导职位。

例如:She was promoted to an appointed position as the head of marketing department.

7. "well-appointed" - 设备齐全的,通常用于形容房屋、酒店等拥有一切必需设施和装备的场所。

例如:The well-appointed hotel room had a beautiful view of the city.

8. "disappointing appointment" - 令人失望的约会,通常指某次约会没有达到期待的结果。

例如:Their first date turned out to be a disappointing appointment as they had nothing in common.

9. "appointed heir" - 指定继承人,通常是指某人被选为遗产的继承人。

例如:The appointed heir to the family fortune was the youngest son.

10. "appointed day" - 指定日期,通常用于指特定的重要日子或节日。

例如:The appointed day for their wedding was finally here and they were both excited and nervous


1. Designated: 指定的,被任命的

例如:He was designated as the new manager of the company.

2. Selected: 被挑选的,被选定的

例如:She was selected as the lead actress for the upcoming movie.

3. Chosen: 被选择的,被挑选出来的

例如:The committee has chosen him to be the next president.

4. Nominated: 被提名的,被推荐的

例如:She was nominated for an Oscar for her outstanding performance in the film.

5. Appointed: 被委派的,被任命的

例如:He was appointed as the head of the department by the board of directors.

6. Elected: 被选举出来的,当选的

例如:The new mayor was elected by a majority vote.

7. Designated: 指定的,被指派的

例如:She was designated to be in charge of organizing the event.

8. Commissioned: 被委托的,被授权的

例如:He was commissioned to write a report on the current economic situation.

9. Delegated: 委派代表,被授权代表

例如:The CEO delegated her to attend the conference on behalf of the company.

10. Authorized: 授权,被授权

例如:He was authorized to make decisions on behalf of the team during his absence
