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1. 拼写:coven,读作[kʌvən]


2. 同义词:coven的同义词包括:covey、gathering、group、assembly等。

3. 例句:a coven of witches(一群女巫);a coven of vampires(一群吸血鬼)




除了coven之外,还有一些同义词可以用来描述类似的概念。比如,“witch coven”(女巫团),“witch circle”(女巫圈),或者“witch gathering”(女巫聚会)。这些词汇都可以用来指代由女巫组成的小团体。

例句方面,我们可以说:“The coven gathered in the woods to perform their rituals.”(女巫团聚集在树林里进行他们的仪式。)或者,“She was initiated into the coven last night.”(她昨晚被引入了这个女巫团。)


1. "Coven" is a term used in Wicca and other forms of modern witchcraft to refer to a gathering or community of witches.


2. The word "coven" comes from the Latin word "convenire" which means "to come together."


3. In traditional Wiccan covens, there are typically 13 members, representing the 13 lunar cycles in a year.

在传统的Wiccan coven中,通常有13名成员,代表一年中的13个月亮周期。

4. The coven gathered on the night of the full moon to perform their rituals and honor the goddess.


5. A coven is led by a high priestess or high priest, who is responsible for guiding and teaching the members.


6. In some traditions, new members must go through an initiation process before they can join the coven.


7. The coven's practices and beliefs may vary depending on their specific tradition and spiritual path.


8. Some covens focus on healing, while others may focus on divination or nature-based magic.


9. Synonyms for coven include "circle," "clan," and "gathering."


10. The coven's rituals often involve casting spells, honoring the elements, and celebrating the cycles of nature.


11. In Wiccan covens, there is a strong emphasis on equality and respect for all members, regardless of gender or sexual orientation.

在Wiccan coven中,强调平等和尊重所有成员,无论性别或性取向如何。

12. Covens can provide a sense of community and support for those who practice witchcraft, as well as a safe space to explore their spiritual beliefs.


13. Some covens may also hold workshops and classes to help members learn more about witchcraft and deepen their practice.


14. The word "coven" is often associated with witchcraft, but it can also refer to a group of animals or even a group of friends.


15. In conclusion, a coven is a gathering or community of witches, who come together to practice their spiritual beliefs and honor the goddess


1. Coven的意思

- Coven是一个英语单词,发音为[kʌvn],意为“女巫团体”或“女巫集会”。它来自于古英语中的cōfen,源自拉丁语中的cōpānia,意为“伙伴关系”或“共同的饮食”。

2. Coven的读音

- Coven的读音与其拼写相同,发音为[kʌvn]。其中的[o]发音类似于汉语拼音中的[o],而[e]发音类似于汉语拼音中的[e]。

3. Coven的同义词

- 在英语中,除了Coven这个词外,还有一些其他可以表示“女巫团体”的同义词,如:witch coterie、witch circle、witch clan等。

4. Coven的例句

- The coven gathered around the fire to perform their rituals.


- She was initiated into the coven at the age of 18.


- The coven was known for their powerful spells and potions.


5. 与Coven相关的词组和搭配

- Join a coven 加入一个女巫团体

- Form a coven 成立一个女巫团体

- Coven leader 女巫团体领导人

- Coven member 女巫团体成员

- Coven meeting 女巫团体会议

- Coven initiation 女巫团体入门仪式

- Coven ritual 女巫团体仪式

- Coven tradition 女巫团体传统

- Coven magic 女巫团体魔法

- Witchcraft coven 巫术女巫团体

6. 其他关于Coven的常见用法

- 在现代英语中,Coven通常用来指代一个由女性组成的女巫团体,但在古代英语中,它也可以指代任何类型的集会或聚会。

- 除了作为名词使用外,Coven也可以作为动词使用,意为“结成同盟”或“形成集会”。例如:The witches covened together to cast a powerful spell.(女巫们聚集在一起施展强大的咒语。)

- 在文学作品中,Coven经常被用来描述邪恶的魔法师或黑暗力量所控制的女性集会


1. Coven的同义词包括:witches' coven, witch's circle, witch's gathering等。

2. Coven的例句:

- "The coven gathered under the full moon to perform their rituals."


- "The coven of witches cast a spell on the village, causing chaos and confusion."


- "She was initiated into the coven and gained access to their ancient knowledge and power."

