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那么,crest究竟是什么意思呢?其实,crest有两种常见的意思。第一种意思是“山顶”、“山峰”,例如“The hiker reached the crest of the mountain.”(这名登山者到达了山顶)。第二种意思是“顶点”、“高峰”,例如“He reached the crest of his career.”(他达到了事业的顶峰)。


除了以上两种意思之外,crest还可以用作动词,“形成顶点”、“达到高峰”的意思。例如“The wave crested and crashed onto the shore.”(浪头冲上海岸并破碎)。

如果你想要增加一些幽默感,可以用crest来形容某人头上的发型,“头顶上有一小撮发型”。例如“His hair was crested with gel.”(他的头发上抹满了发胶)。

当然,如果你想要更加准确地表达“crest”的意思,还可以使用一些同义词。比如,“peak”、“summit”、“top”都可以表示“山顶”或者“顶点”的意思。而作为动词,可以用“reach the peak/summit/top”来表达“达到高峰”的意思。

1. The eagle perched on the crest of the mountain, surveying its territory.


2. The team finally reached the crest of their success after years of hard work.


3. She crested her hair with glitter for the New Year's party.





接下来,我们来看一些例句,帮助我们更好地理解这个单词。比如,“The crest of the mountain was covered in snow.”(山顶被雪覆盖了。)或者,“The team crested the hill and saw the finish line ahead.”(团队到达了山顶,看到了前方的终点线。)

除了以上提到的意思外,crest还可以指代“家族纹章”的意思,在这种情况下通常作为可数名词使用。例如,“The family crest featured a lion and a sword.”(家族纹章上有一只狮子和一把剑。)

如果你想要用一个近义词替换crest,可以考虑使用peak、summit、top等词语。比如,“We finally reached the peak of the mountain after hours of hiking.”(我们经过几个小时的徒步,终于到达了山顶。)


1. crest的意思是什么?


2. crest的发音是怎样的?


3. crest的同义词有哪些?


4. 以下是几个关于crest用法和双语例句:

- The hikers finally reached the crest of the mountain after a long and exhausting climb.


- The eagle perched on the crest of the tree, surveying its surroundings.


- The family's crest was proudly displayed on their coat of arms.


- She felt a sense of pride as she reached the crest of her career.


- The waves were cresting higher and higher as the storm approached.


- The team's success crested when they won the championship for the third year in a row.


- La Cresta, which means "the crest" in Spanish, is a beautiful neighborhood located on top of a hill.

La Cresta是西班牙语中“山顶”的意思,它是一个位于山顶的美丽社区


1. Crest of a wave - 波峰

例句:The surfers rode the crest of the wave with ease.

2. Family crest - 家族纹章

例句:The family crest was passed down from generation to generation.

3. Crest of a hill - 山顶

例句:They reached the crest of the hill and paused to catch their breath.

4. Crest of a mountain - 山峰

例句:Climbing to the crest of the mountain was an exhilarating experience.

5. Crest of a bird - 鸟冠

例句:The colorful bird displayed its crest proudly as it sang its song.

6. Coat of arms - 纹章

例句:The coat of arms displayed on the shield included a lion and a crest.

7. Crestfallen - 沮丧的,失望的

例句:She looked crestfallen when she didn't get the job she wanted.

8. Crested - 有冠的,有顶鸟的

例句:The crested pigeon is known for its unique head feathers.

9. Crested gecko - 冠鬣蜥蜴

例句:The crested gecko is a popular pet among reptile enthusiasts.

10. Highcrest - 高峰,顶点

例句:Reaching the highcrest in his career was his ultimate goal


1. Summit: 意为“山顶”,可用于描述最高点或顶峰。例如:The hikers finally reached the crest of the mountain after a long and tiring climb.

2. Peak: 意为“山峰”,也可用于表示最高点或顶峰。例如:The sun was just rising over the peak of the mountain as we made our way to the crest.

3. Apex: 意为“顶点”或“极点”,形容事物的最高点或最大值。例如:The company's profits reached their apex last year before starting to decline.

4. Crown: 意为“冠冕”或“王冠”,可用于比喻表示事物的顶峰或巅峰。例如:After years of hard work, she finally reached the crest and was crowned as the top performer in her company.

5. Pinnacle: 意为“顶峰”或“巅峰”,也可用于形容事物的最高点或最佳状态。例如:Winning this award is definitely the pinnacle of my career so far.

6. Summitry: 是一个名词,指代参加国际会议的领导人们在会议期间进行的谈判和讨论。例如:The summitry between world leaders at the G20 conference was crucial in addressing global issues.

7. Cresting: 是一个动词,指代达到某个高度、水平或状态。例如:The team's performance has been consistently cresting over the past few months, leading them to win multiple awards.

8. Zenith: 意为“顶峰”或“巅峰”,也可用于比喻表示事物的最高点或最佳状态。例如:The singer's popularity reached its zenith after her latest album was released.

9. Acme: 意为“顶点”或“极点”,形容事物的最高点或最大值。例如:The company's profits have been steadily increasing and are expected to reach their acme next quarter.

10. Culmination: 意为“顶峰”或“高潮”,也可用于表示某个事件或过程的最终结果。例如:The successful launch of the new product was the culmination of years of research and development
