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1. dictation的定义



2. dictation的含义


3. dictation同义词及例句

- 同义词:transcription, copying, recitation, oral exercise

- 例句:

a. The teacher gave the students a dictation exercise to test their listening and writing skills.


b. The boss is busy with dictations every day and his secretary has to keep up with his pace.


c. The dictation of the meeting minutes was not accurate, so we had to make some corrections.


d. The students were assigned a transcription task as part of their dictation practice.



1. dictation的发音


2. dictation的读法


3. dictation的同义词


4. dictation的例句

(1) The teacher gave us a dictation of ten new words.


(2) The students were asked to do a dictation exercise.


(3) I have to transcribe the interview recording into text.


(4) He recited the poem perfectly from memory.


(5) She was copying the passage onto her notebook.


dictation是一个常用的英语单词,意为“听写”,可以用作名词或动词。它的发音为[dɪkˈteɪʃən],读作/dik/ + /ˈteɪʃən/。其同义词包括transcription、recitation、copying等,都可以表示“听写”或者“抄写”的意思。在实际使用中,我们可以根据具体情况选择合适的同义词替换dictation,丰富表达方式


1. dictation的意思是听写,指听到一段语言或文字后,将其准确地写下来。

2. dictation的读音为[dɪkˈteɪʃn],重音在第二个音节。

3. 同义词包括transcription、recitation等。

4. 例句:

- My English teacher gave us a dictation exercise to test our listening and writing skills.


- The students were asked to do a dictation of the poem they had just learned.


- I always have trouble with dictations because I can't write fast enough.



1. Dictation的同义词有:transcription, recording, dictating。

- transcription的意思是“转录,抄写”,指将口述或录音内容转写成文字形式的过程。例如:The transcription of the speech was accurate and detailed.

- recording的意思是“记录,录制”,指将声音或影像等信息记录下来以便日后播放或使用的过程。例如:The recording of the lecture will be available online for students to review.

- dictating的意思是“口述,命令”,指通过说话来传达信息或下达命令的行为。例如:The boss was dictating the new project requirements to his team.

2. Dictation的同义词还可以根据具体语境而有所不同:

- 如果指用笔记本或电脑记录口述内容,可以使用note-taking或typing。例如:I struggled with note-taking during the interview as the speaker spoke too quickly.

- 如果指听写练习,可以使用dictation exercise。例如:The dictation exercise helped improve my listening and writing skills in English.

- 如果指听力考试中听写部分,可以使用dictation test。例如:The dictation test was challenging but I managed to get a high score.

- 如果指通过电话等方式进行口头交流并记录下来,可以使用phone dictation或voice-to-text。例如:She used phone dictation to take notes during the conference call.

- 如果指专门为某人口述内容并由其记录下来,可以使用dictation service。例如:I hired a dictation service to help me transcribe my research interviews.

3. Dictation的同义词也可以根据不同的语言而有所不同:

- 在法语中,dictation的同义词是dictée,意为“听写”。例如:Les élèves ont fait une dictée de français aujourd'hui.

- 在西班牙语中,dictation的同义词是dictado,意为“听写”。例如:Los estudiantes hicieron un dictado de español hoy.

- 在德语中,dictation的同义词是Diktat,意为“听写”。例如:Die Schüler haben heute ein Diktat in Deutsch geschrieben.

Dictation的同义词包括transcription, recording, dictating等。根据具体语境和不同语言,还可以使用note-taking, typing, dictation exercise, dictation test, phone dictation, voice-to-text, dictation service等


1. Take dictation - 接受听写

例句:The secretary took dictation from her boss during the meeting.

2. Give dictation - 给予听写

例句:The teacher gave dictation to the students to test their listening skills.

3. Dictation exercise - 听写练习

例句:We have a dictation exercise in our English class every week.

4. Dictation software - 听写软件

例句:The student used dictation software to help improve his writing skills.

5. Dictate to someone - 向某人口述

例句:The manager dictated the email to his assistant.

6. Dictated but not read - 口授未阅

例句:The lawyer sent a letter with the note "dictated but not read" at the bottom.

7. Dictate terms - 口授条款,指定条件

例句:The company was in a strong position and could dictate the terms of the contract.

8. Dictate one's actions - 指挥某人的行动

例句:She refused to let anyone dictate her actions and made her own decisions.

9. Under someone's dictation - 在某人的口授下,被指挥着做事

例句:She felt like she was under her boss's dictation, always being told what to do.

10. Dictatorship - 独裁统治,专政

例句:The country suffered under years of dictatorship before finally becoming a democracy
