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What does dictator mean?

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- Autocrat:指那些拥有无限权力并单方面决定事物的人。

- Tyrant:指那些滥用权力并残酷统治人民的人。

- Despot:指那些具有专制和暴政倾向的统治者。


1. The country was under the rule of a ruthless dictator for over 30 years.


2. The dictator's regime was characterized by oppression and human rights violations.


3. The CEO of the company was known for his dictatorial management style.



How to pronounce dictator?

1. Dictator的意思是什么?

- Dictator一词源于拉丁语“dictator”,意为“统治者”或“独裁者”。它通常指一个拥有无限权力的人,可以单方面决定和控制国家的政治、经济和社会事务。

- 在现代英语中,dictator也可以用来形容那些非正式地掌控某个团体或组织的人,他们通常能够通过强大的影响力来操纵他人的行为。

2. 如何正确发音dictator?

- Dictator的正确发音为[dɪkˈteɪtər],其中第一个音节读作[di],第二个音节读作[kə],最后一个音节读作[tər]。重音在第二个音节上。

- 如果你想更准确地学习如何发音dictator,可以在网上搜索相关视频或录音,并尝试跟着模仿。同时也可以向英语母语人士请教,让他们纠正你的发音。

3. dictator的同义词有哪些?

- Tyrant: 暴君、独裁者

- Autocrat: 独裁者、专制者

- Despot: 暴君、专制者

- Authoritarian: 权威主义者、独裁主义者

4. dictator的例句有哪些?

- The country was ruled by a cruel dictator for over 20 years.


- The dictator imposed strict laws and punished anyone who opposed him.


- He acts like a dictator in the office, making all the decisions without consulting others.


Examples and usage of dictator

1. What does "dictator" mean?

- "Dictator" refers to a leader or ruler who has absolute power and control over a country or group of people.

2. How do you pronounce "dictator"?

- "Dictator" is pronounced as /dɪkˈteɪtər/, with the stress on the second syllable.

3. Synonyms for "dictator"

- Some synonyms for "dictator" include autocrat, tyrant, despot, and absolute ruler.

4. Examples of dictator in a sentence

- The dictator ruled his country with an iron fist, suppressing any form of dissent.

- The people lived in fear under the dictator's oppressive regime.

- The dictator's lavish lifestyle was funded by the exploitation of his citizens.

- Despite international pressure, the dictator refused to step down from power.

- The dictator's downfall was celebrated by the people who had suffered under his rule.

5. Famous dictators in history

- Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Benito Mussolini are some of the most notorious dictators in history.

- Kim Jong-un and Bashar al-Assad are current dictators who continue to hold onto power through oppressive means.

6. The rise and fall of dictators

- Many dictators come into power through military coups or by manipulating elections.

- However, their reign often ends in violent uprisings or overthrow by foreign intervention.

7. Can a dictatorship ever be justified?

- Some argue that a dictatorship can bring stability and economic growth to a country.

- However, the violation of human rights and lack of democracy make it an unsustainable form of government in the long run.

8. Is there such thing as a benevolent dictator?

- While some may argue that certain dictators have brought prosperity to their countries, it is important to remember that their actions often come at the expense of their citizens' freedom and well-being.

9. The danger of dictatorships

- The concentration of power in the hands of one individual often leads to corruption and abuse of power.

- This can result in human rights violations, economic turmoil, and political instability.

10. The fight against dictatorships

- Many countries have fought for their freedom from dictators, often through non-violent means such as protests and civil disobedience.

- It is important for the international community to support these efforts and stand against dictators who oppress their own people

Phrases with dictator

1. Definition of dictator

- A ruler who has complete power over a country, especially one who has gained it using military force

- A person who behaves in an autocratic or oppressive way

2. Pronunciation of dictator

- /ˈdɪktəteɪtər/ (dik-tuh-tey-ter)

3. Synonyms for dictator

- Autocrat: a ruler with absolute power

- Despot: a tyrannical ruler who exercises absolute control over the people and their lives

- Tyrant: a cruel and oppressive ruler who abuses their power

4. Examples of phrases with dictator

- The country was under the rule of a ruthless dictator for over 20 years.

- The dictator's reign of terror came to an end when he was overthrown by the people.

- Many citizens fled the country to escape the oppressive regime of the dictator.

- The dictator's lavish lifestyle was funded by the exploitation of his own people.

- The international community condemned the actions of the brutal dictator and imposed sanctions on the country.

5. Other phrases related to dictatorship

- Dictatorship: a form of government where one person holds absolute power and control over the country

- Dictatorial: behaving in an autocratic or domineering manner, often associated with dictators

- Dictatorially: adverb form, used to describe actions or behavior that is authoritarian or oppressive

- Dictatorship regime/regimen: refers to the system of government under a dictatorship

Synonyms for dictator with examples

1. Tyrant

- Meaning: a cruel and oppressive ruler who holds absolute power.

- Example: The people were living in fear under the tyrant's rule.

2. Autocrat

- Meaning: a ruler with unlimited power and authority.

- Example: The autocrat made all decisions without consulting anyone else.

3. Despot

- Meaning: a ruler who exercises absolute power in a cruel and oppressive way.

- Example: The despot's reign of terror was finally ended by a revolution.

4. Authoritarian

- Meaning: a leader who enforces strict obedience to their authority.

- Example: The authoritarian leader did not tolerate any form of dissent.

5. Totalitarian

- Meaning: a regime that controls every aspect of its citizens' lives.

- Example: The country was under the control of a totalitarian government.

6. Oppressor

- Meaning: someone who uses their power to keep others in subjugation and hardship.

- Example: The dictator was seen as an oppressor by his people.

7. Strongman

- Meaning: a powerful leader who relies on force and intimidation to maintain control.

- Example: The strongman's rule was marked by violence and suppression of opposition.

8. Ruler

- Meaning: someone who has authority over others in a particular territory or group.

- Example: The dictator declared himself as the sole ruler of the country.

9. Monarch

- Meaning: a king or queen who holds absolute power over their kingdom.

- Example: The monarch's word was law in their kingdom.

10. Sovereign

- Meaning: possessing supreme or ultimate power and authority.

- Example: The sovereign leader made all decisions without any input from others.

11. Czar/Tsar

-Meaning:a title used for an emperor or king, especially one ruling over Russia before 1917.

Example:The czar's brutal policies led to widespread unrest in the country.

12. Leader

- Meaning: someone who guides or directs a group of people.

- Example: The dictator was seen as a strong leader by some, but a tyrant by others.

13. Head of state

- Meaning: the person who holds the highest position in a country's government.

- Example: The dictator served as both head of state and head of government.

14. Supreme leader

- Meaning: the ultimate authority in a country or organization.

- Example: The supreme leader's word was considered law in their country.

15. Autarch

- Meaning: a ruler with absolute power and authority.

- Example: The autarch's rule was marked by suppression of dissent and opposition

In summary, dictator refers to a ruler with absolute power and control over a country or group of people. It is pronounced as "dik-tey-ter" and can also be used as a synonym for autocrat, despot, or tyrant. As an editor of this website, I hope this article has provided you with a better understanding of what dictator means and how it is used in different contexts. If you found this article helpful, please consider following me for more interesting and informative content. Thank you for reading!