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- We need to discuss the budget for next year's project. (我们需要讨论明年项目的预算。)

- Let's get together and discuss the latest episode of our favorite TV show. (让我们聚在一起谈谈我们最喜欢的电视剧最新一集。)




1. talk about:谈论

- Let's talk about our plans for the weekend. (让我们谈谈周末的计划。)

2. debate:辩论

- The students debated the pros and cons of social media in class. (学生们在课堂上就社交媒体的利弊进行了辩论。)

3. converse:交流

- We spent hours conversing about our travels and adventures. (我们花了几个小时交流我们的旅行和冒险经历。)

4. discuss:讨论

- The committee will meet to discuss the new policy proposal. (委员会将开会讨论新的政策提案。)


1. 发音:


2. 词性:


3. 含义:


- The panel discussed the issue for hours.(小组就这个问题讨论了几个小时。)

- We often discuss politics at the dinner table.(我们经常在晚餐桌上讨论政治。)


- The two leaders will discuss a peace treaty tomorrow.(两位领导人将于明天商议一项和平条约。)

- We need to discuss our plans for the future.(我们需要商议一下未来的计划。)

4. 同义词:

与discusses意思相近的同义词包括:talk about、converse、debate、deliberate等。

5. 例句:

- The group discusses different solutions to the problem.(这个小组讨论了解决这个问题的不同方案。)

- The teacher discussed the students' progress with their parents.(老师与学生的家长商讨了学生的进步情况。)

- The committee will discuss the budget at their next meeting.(委员会将在下次会议上讨论预算。)

discusses是一个常用的动词,意思为“讨论”、“谈论”,发音为/dɪˈskʌsɪz/,可以用作及物动词和不及物动词,与其意思相近的同义词有talk about、converse、debate等


1. discusses的意思是讨论或谈论,常用于指详细地探讨某个问题或主题。

例句:The team is currently discussing the new project proposal.(团队正在讨论新的项目提案。)

2. discusses的读音为[dɪˈskʌsɪz],其中重音在第二个音节。

例句:She always discusses her ideas with her colleagues before making a decision.(她总是在做决定之前与同事们讨论自己的想法。)

3. discusses的同义词包括debates、talks、converses等,都可以表示“讨论”或“谈论”的意思。

例句:The panelists will debate the issue of climate change in the upcoming conference.(专家们将在即将举行的会议上就气候变化问题展开辩论。)

4. 下面是一些关于discusses的双语例句,供参考:

- The group discussed various solutions to the problem.


- The students had a lively discussion about the book they read.


- The committee will discuss the budget at their next meeting.


- She often talks about her travels with great enthusiasm.


- The two leaders conversed for hours, trying to reach a compromise.



1. Discusses in depth - 深入讨论

例句:The book discusses in depth the impact of technology on society.

2. Discusses at length - 长时间讨论

例句:The panel discusses at length the issue of climate change.

3. Discusses various aspects - 讨论各个方面

例句:The article discusses various aspects of the new tax law.

4. Discusses different perspectives - 讨论不同的观点

例句:The conference discusses different perspectives on the role of media in democracy.

5. Discusses key points - 讨论关键点

例句:The presentation discusses key points for successful project management.

6. Discusses current trends - 讨论当前趋势

例句:The report discusses current trends in the global economy.

7. Discusses potential solutions - 讨论潜在解决方案

例句:The team discusses potential solutions to improve customer satisfaction.

8. Discusses future prospects - 讨论未来前景

例句:The article discusses future prospects for renewable energy.

9. Discusses controversial issues - 讨论有争议的问题

例句:The debate club discusses controversial issues in a respectful manner.

10. Discusses practical applications - 讨论实际应用场景

例句:The workshop discusses practical applications of artificial intelligence in business.

11. Engages in discussions - 参与讨论

例句:The students actively engage in discussions during class.

12. Facilitates discussions - 促进讨论

例句:The facilitator helps to facilitate discussions and keep them on track.

13. Encourages open discussions - 鼓励开放讨论

例句:The organization encourages open discussions and welcomes diverse opinions.

14. Leads to fruitful discussions - 导致富有成效的讨论

例句:The brainstorming session leads to fruitful discussions and new ideas.

15. In-depth discussions - 深入讨论

例句:The conference includes in-depth discussions on the latest research in the field.

16. Group discussions - 小组讨论

例句:The students participate in group discussions to enhance their critical thinking skills.

17. Roundtable discussions - 圆桌会议讨论

例句:The roundtable discussion brings together experts to discuss solutions for global challenges.

18. Panel discussions - 座谈会

例句:The panel discussion features industry leaders discussing the future of technology.

19. Virtual discussions - 虚拟讨论

例句:Due to the pandemic, most meetings have shifted to virtual discussions.

20. Town hall discussions - 市政大厅讨论会

例句:The town hall discussion allows community members to voice their opinions on local issues


1. Explores: "Explores" has a similar meaning to "discusses" and can be used as a synonym in certain contexts. For example, "The article explores the topic of climate change in depth."

2. Examines: Another word that can be used interchangeably with "discusses" is "examines." It implies a thorough and detailed analysis of a topic. For instance, "The book examines the effects of technology on our daily lives."

3. Expounds: This word carries a more formal tone and means to explain or present in detail. It can be used as an alternative to "discusses" when talking about complex or abstract ideas. For example, "The professor expounded on the theories of relativity during the lecture."

4. Deliberates: If you want to convey a sense of careful consideration and discussion, you can use the word "deliberates." It suggests a thoughtful and intentional conversation about a topic. For instance, "The panel deliberated on the issue for hours before reaching a decision."

5. Talks about: This is a more casual synonym for "discusses" and is often used in everyday conversations or informal writing. It simply means to mention or mention something in conversation or writing. For example, "She talked about her trip to Europe during dinner last night."

6. Goes into: Similar to "talks about," this phrase is less formal and means to delve into or examine something in detail. It can be used as an alternative to "discusses" when discussing specific aspects of a topic. For instance, "The article goes into great detail about the benefits of meditation."

7. Touches on: This phrase means to briefly mention or discuss something without going into too much detail. It can be used as an alternative for "discusses" when talking about multiple topics within one piece of writing or conversation. For example, "The presentation touched on various aspects of the company's growth strategy."

8. Exploits: This word can be used as a synonym for "discusses" in a more negative or critical sense. It implies that the topic is being talked about in a way that takes advantage of it for personal gain. For instance, "The politician exploited the issue for his own political agenda."

9. Addresses: When you want to convey that a topic is being dealt with or tackled, you can use the word "addresses." It has a similar meaning to "discusses" but suggests a more active approach to the topic. For example, "The conference will address the challenges facing small businesses in today's economy."

10. Converses: This word means to engage in conversation or discussion and can be used as an alternative for "discusses" when talking about informal or casual conversations. For instance, "We had a long and enjoyable conversation that covered various topics."
