1. “dɪˈskʌʃən”是discussion的拼音,读作“迪斯卡舒恩”。
2. 这个单词源自拉丁语“discussio”,意为“讨论、审议、辩论”。
3. 在英语中,discussion可以作为名词或动词使用,表示“讨论、交流意见”。
4. 作为名词时,它常用于指一场会议、讨论或辩论的内容和过程。
5. 作为动词时,它常用于表示人们在一起交流想法、解决问题或达成共识的活动。
6. 在当下年轻人中,discussion也经常被用来指代一种开放式的对话方式,旨在促进思想碰撞和多元观点的表达。
7. 这种对话方式通常被认为比传统的辩论更具有建设性和包容性。
8. 因此,在现代社会中,“discussion”已经不仅仅是一种简单的交流手段,更是一种推动进步和改变的力量
1. 首先,让我们来看看这个单词的拼写。它由10个字母组成,其中前7个字母都是辅音字母。因此,在阅读时,我们应该重点关注这些辅音字母。
2. 读音上,“discussion”的第一个音节为“dis”。这个音节的发音类似于“diss”,就像是在说“dissatisfied”中的第一个音节一样。
3. 接下来是第二个音节“cus”。这里需要注意的是,“c”和“s”的组合会产生一个特殊的发音。“c”通常发出/k/的声音,而“s”通常发出/s/的声音。但在这种情况下,“c”和“s”一起发出/kʌ/的声音,就像在说“custom”的时候一样。
4. 最后一个音节是“sion”,它通常被称为拉丁后缀。它由三个字母组成,但只有最后一个字母“n”被发出声音。因此,“sion”的发音为/ʃən/,就像是在说“vision”中的结尾一样。
5. 因此,整个单词“discussion”的发音为/dɪˈskʌʃən/。你可以尝试多读几次,直到你能够流利地发出这个单词
1. discussion的定义和用法
2. discussion的双语例句
1) The panel discussion on the topic of climate change was very informative and thought-provoking.
2) The students had a heated discussion about the benefits and drawbacks of social media.
3) The committee will hold a discussion to determine the best course of action.
4) I always enjoy having discussions with my colleagues about different teaching methods.
5) The book club's monthly meeting includes a lively discussion about the chosen book.
6) The discussion between the two leaders was productive and led to a successful agreement.
7) The online forum provides a platform for people to engage in discussions about current events.
8) The professor encouraged students to participate in class discussions and share their opinions.
9) After much discussion, the committee reached a consensus on the new policy.
10) The debate team had intense discussions on how to strengthen their argument for the upcoming competition.
1. Discussion forum - 讨论论坛,指在线上进行讨论的平台,通常以网站或应用程序的形式存在。
2. Discussion group - 讨论小组,指一群人在特定话题上进行讨论和交流的团体。
3. Panel discussion - 座谈会,指由专家、学者或公众人物组成的小组,在特定话题上进行讨论和辩论。
4. Group discussion - 小组讨论,指一群人在特定话题上集体讨论和交流意见。
5. Roundtable discussion - 圆桌会议,指由多位专家或领导人围坐在圆桌前进行的讨论会议。
6. Virtual discussion - 虚拟讨论,指通过网络平台进行的在线讨论活动。
7. Open discussion - 公开讨论,指没有限制参与者的自由发言和表达意见的讨论形式。
8. Face-to-face discussion - 面对面讨论,指直接面对面交流意见和观点的方式。
9. Peer discussion - 同行评议,指同行业人士之间就特定话题展开的交流和探讨活动。
10. In-depth discussion - 深入探讨,指针对某一问题或话题展开详细、全面地探究和分析
1. Talk: "Talk" is a commonly used synonym for "discussion". It implies a casual and informal conversation between two or more people.
2. Conversation: Similar to "talk", "conversation" suggests a back-and-forth exchange of ideas and opinions.
3. Chat: This word has a more lighthearted connotation and is often used to describe a relaxed and friendly discussion.
4. Dialogue: This term emphasizes the importance of communication and understanding between different parties in a discussion.
5. Discourse: "Discourse" refers to a formal or academic discussion, often involving complex ideas and theories.
6. Debate: Unlike other synonyms, "debate" implies a more structured and argumentative discussion, where opposing viewpoints are presented and argued.
7. Exchange: This word highlights the exchange of thoughts, opinions, or information that takes place during a discussion.
8. Consultation: Often used in professional settings, "consultation" suggests a formal discussion for the purpose of seeking advice or making decisions.
9. Forum: This term can refer to an online platform for discussions or a physical space where people gather to discuss specific topics.
10. Brainstorming: When discussing ideas or solutions, the term "brainstorming" is often used to convey the concept of generating multiple ideas through group discussion
通过本文的阅读,我们对discussion有了更深入的了解。它是一种讨论、讨论会的意思,在英语中的发音为[dɪˈskʌʃn]。在双语例句中,我们可以看到discussion常用于学术、政治、商业等领域,具有广泛的应用价值。此外,discussion还有许多常用词组,如open discussion(公开讨论)、in-depth discussion(深入讨论)等。如果你想要提高自己的表达能力,不妨多运用这些词组来丰富自己的语言表达。最后,我是网站编辑,希望通过本文能够为大家带来一些帮助和启发。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我,我们将会为您带来更多有趣、实用的文章。谢谢阅读!