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Do not say that there is no warning

你是否曾经遇到过突如其来的危机,却因为缺乏警示而束手无策?“Do not say that there is no warning”这个行业标题引起了我们的兴趣。它究竟是什么意思呢?在内容中,我们将为您

你是否曾经遇到过突如其来的危机,却因为缺乏警示而束手无策?“Do not say that there is no warning”这个行业标题引起了我们的兴趣。它究竟是什么意思呢?在内容中,我们将为您解释它的翻译和用法,并分享相关词汇和短语。此外,还有同义词和反义词的示例,让您更加深入地了解这个标题背后的含义。让我们一起来探索吧!

Do not say that there is no warning的翻译解释

在英语翻译解释行业中,标题“Do not say that there is no warning”意为“不要说没有警告”。这句话可能让人感到困惑,因为它似乎没有明确的意思。但实际上,它是在提醒我们,在面对重要事情时,不要掉以轻心,不要忽视任何可能的警告信号。

Do not say that there is no warning

这句话也可以理解为“事先预防胜过事后治疗”。在翻译工作中,我们也需要时刻保持警觉,避免出现错误或遗漏。因此,“Do not say that there is no warning”也可以被解释为“不要说没有提醒”。

当我们看到这样的标题时,或许会想起一些搞笑的故事。比如有人忘记了某件重要的事情,然后被问及是否收到了提醒,他可能会回答“我怎么会忘记?我根本就没有收到任何提醒!”这种幽默的场景也暗示着,“Do not say that there is no warning”的意思是“别把责任推给别人”

Do not say that there is no warning的用法和例句

1. 用法:

“Do not say that there is no warning”是一种表达方式,常用于提醒他人不要轻视警告或忽视警示信号。它可以用作口语或书面语,并且通常带有一定的警告性质。

2. 例句:

a. "Do not say that there is no warning, I have been telling you to be careful about your health for weeks now."


b. "The sign clearly says 'Beware of dog', do not say that there is no warning when the dog bites you."


c. "Do not say that there is no warning, the weather forecast clearly stated that there would be heavy rain today."


3. 解释:


4. 类似表达:

a. "I told you so."(我早就告诉你了。)

b. "I warned you."(我警告过你。)

c. "You've been warned."(你已经受到警告了。)

Do not say that there is no warning的相关词汇及短语

1. Ignorance is not bliss

2. Don't turn a blind eye

3. Be aware and beware

4. Don't be caught off guard

5. Don't be taken by surprise

6. Stay alert, stay safe

7. Prevention is better than cure

8. Better safe than sorry

9. Forewarned is forearmed

10. Don't underestimate the power of warning

Do not say that there is no warning的同义词示例

1. Don't be caught off guard

2. Don't say you weren't warned

3. Heed the warning

4. Prepare for the unexpected

5. Beware of the consequences

6. Don't ignore the signs

7. Be mindful of the risks

8. Don't turn a blind eye to the danger

9. Take heed of the cautionary tale

10. Don't underestimate the warning

Do not say that there is no warning的反义词示例

1. Warning signs are everywhere


2. Never underestimate the danger


3. Be cautious and alert at all times


4. Always be prepared for the worst


5. Don't ignore the signs of danger


6. Take heed of the warnings given by experts


7. Beware of potential hazards


8. Don't be caught off guard


9. Pay attention to safety precautions


10. Don't take unnecessary risks

