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1. elections的含义


2. elections的发音


3. elections的同义词


4. elections的例句

(1) The presidential elections will be held next month.

(2) The results of the local elections were announced yesterday.

(3) The country is preparing for its first democratic elections in decades.

(4) The candidate gave a speech at the election rally to appeal for votes.

(5) The election process was fair and transparent, ensuring a democratic outcome


1. 词性


2. 词源


3. 同义词

- vote:投票,是指通过投票来做出决定或选择。

- ballot:选票,指用于投票的纸张或其他材料。

- poll:民意调查,是指通过对公众进行问卷调查来了解其意见或态度。

- referendum:公民投票,是指通过直接向公民提出问题来做出决定。

4. 例句

- The presidential elections will take place next month.


- The candidates are campaigning hard to win the elections.


- The results of the elections were announced last night.


- The government called for a referendum to decide on the new policy.



1. Elections的意思:选举,指民主国家中通过投票选择政府或领导人的过程。

例句:The presidential elections will be held next month. (总统选举将在下个月举行。)

2. Elections的读音:/ɪˈlekʃənz/ (音标:i-lek-shuhnz)

例句:He mispronounced the word "elections" during his speech. (他在演讲中把单词“elections”发音错误。)

3. Elections的同义词:

- Polls(民意调查): 指对公众观点和偏好进行调查的过程。

例句:The latest polls show that the ruling party is likely to win the elections. (最新的民意调查显示执政党有可能赢得选举。)

- Ballot(选票): 指投票时所使用的纸张或电子设备。

例句:Please make sure to fill out your ballot correctly before casting your vote. (请确保在投票前正确填写您的选票。)

- Vote(投票): 指通过表决来做出决定或选择。

例句:It is important for every citizen to exercise their right to vote in the elections. (每个公民都有重要的责任在选举中行使自己的投票权。)

4. Elections的例句:

- The country is preparing for its first democratic elections after years of dictatorship.


- The candidate gave a powerful speech at the rally to gain support for the upcoming elections.


- The results of the elections were announced late at night, causing excitement and tension among the citizens.


- Many people believe that fair and transparent elections are the cornerstone of a democratic society.


- The opposition party has filed a complaint about alleged election fraud and is demanding a recount of votes.



1. elections是什么意思?


2. elections怎么读?


3. elections的同义词有哪些?


4. elections的用法和语法结构

- 用法:elections通常作为名词使用,在句子中可作主语、宾语或定语。

- 语法结构:elections是复数形式,其单数形式为election。在句子中可搭配动词进行时态变化和人称变化,如:

- The elections are held every four years.(现在进行时态)

- He will participate in the upcoming elections.(将来时态)

- The results of the elections have been announced.(现在完成时态)

5. 例句:

- The presidential elections in the United States always attract a lot of attention.


- We need to vote for our class representative in the upcoming student council elections.


- The local government decided to hold a referendum to decide on the new policy.



1. elections的翻译

- elections的意思是“选举”,是动词elect的名词形式。

- 在英语中,elections也可以指“选举过程”或“选举结果”。

2. elections的同义词

- vote:投票,也可以作为动词使用。

- ballot:投票,通常指通过秘密方式进行的投票。

- poll:民意调查,也可以指选举。

- referendum:公民投票,通常用于决定重大问题。

3. elections的例句

1) The presidential elections will be held next month.


2) The candidates are campaigning for the upcoming elections.


3) The election results showed a clear victory for the incumbent party.


4) The government decided to hold a referendum on the issue of same-sex marriage.


- 同义词包括vote、ballot、poll和referendum等。

- 例句中使用了不同形式的elections来表达不同意思。

5. 结束语



1. 发音及音标:/ɪˈlekʃənz/

2. 同义词:voting, polls, ballot

3. 例句:

- The elections will be held next month.

- How do you pronounce "elections"?

- Synonyms for "elections" include voting, polls, and ballot


1. elections的重音位置


2. elections的读音规则


- e:发短元音/i/,与单词中其他字母组合时,发长元音/ɛ/。

- l:发清辅音/l/。

- e:同上。

- c:发清辅音/k/或前后元音不同时可以发/s/。

- t:发清辅音/t/。

- i:发短元音/i/,与单词中其他字母组合时,发长元音/aɪ/。

- o:发短元音/oʊ/或长元音/o:/。

- n:发鼻化辅音/n/.

3. elections同义词及例句


- The upcoming elections will determine the next president of the country.


- The results of the elections were announced last night.


- The citizens exercised their right to vote in the elections.


- The candidates are campaigning vigorously for the upcoming elections.


- The polling stations will be open from 8am to 8pm on election day.



1. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "l" 读成 "r"

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意将 "l" 发音清晰,舌尖轻触上颚。

2. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "e" 读成 [i]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意将第一个字母发音为 [ɪ],而不是 [i]。

3. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "cti" 读成 [ksi]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意将这三个字母分别发音为 [k][ʃ][ən]。

4. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "s" 读成 [z]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意在单词结尾处的 "s" 应该发出清脆的 [s] 音而不是带有振动的 [z] 音。

5. 发音错误:强调了第二个字母 "e"

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意不要过分强调第二个字母 "e",而应该平稳地念出整个单词。

6. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "t" 读成 [d]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意在 "t" 的发音时舌尖应该抵住上颚,而不是舌尖与上颚轻触。

7. 发音错误:省略了最后一个字母 "s"

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意单词结尾处的 "s" 不要省略,它代表了复数形式。

8. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "ct" 读成 [st]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意将这两个字母分别发音为 [k][t]。

9. 发音错误:将 "elections" 中的 "i" 读成 [aɪ]

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意将第二个字母发音为短元音 [ɪ] 而不是长元音 [aɪ]。

10. 发音错误:强调了最后一个字母 "s"

纠正方法:正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意不要过分强调最后一个字母 "s",而应该平稳地念出整个单词。

正确的发音是 [ɪˈlɛkʃənz],注意每个音节的发音和单词结尾处的 "s" 音。避免将 "elections" 中的 "l" 读成 "r",将 "e" 读成 [i],将 "cti" 读成 [ksi],以及其他常见的发音错误。通过练习和纠正,您可以准确地发音并使用这个词汇来描述选举活动


1. "What's the deal with elections?" - elections的含义是什么?

2. "How do you pronounce elections?" - elections的发音是怎样的?

3. "Any other words for elections?" - 还有其他可以代替elections的词吗?

4. "Can you give me an example of elections?" - 你能举一个关于elections的例子吗?

5. "Elections are like a popularity contest." - elections就像一场人气大赛。

6. "It's that time of year again, when we have to deal with all the election chaos." - 又到了一年一度要面对所有选举混乱的时候了。

7. "Elections can be so stressful, but also exciting at the same time." - 选举既可以是压力山大,也可以是令人兴奋的。

8. "I can't wait for election season to be over." - 我等不及选举季节结束了。

9. "The results of the elections were surprising to everyone." - 选举结果让所有人都感到意外。

10. "Let's hope the next round of elections goes smoother than this one." - 希望下一轮选举比这次顺利些


1. Polls:这是elections的另一个常用词,指的是民意调查或投票结果。例如:The latest polls show that the incumbent candidate is leading in the elections.

2. Ballot: 这个词可以用来指选举中的投票表决,也可以表示选票。例如:Voters are reminded to bring their ballots to the polling station on election day.

3. Campaign: 这个词可以用来指参选者在选举期间的活动和努力,也可以表示一场竞选活动。例如:The presidential campaign has been full of controversies and scandals.

4. Vote: 这个词可以用来指投票行为,也可以表示选票。例如:Citizens are encouraged to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming elections.

5. Results: 这个词可以用来指选举结果,也可以表示投票结果。例如:The final election results will be announced tomorrow.

6. Candidate: 这个词指的是参加竞选的人或团体。例如:There are three main candidates running for mayor in this year's elections.

7. Win: 这个词表示获胜或赢得选举。例如:After a tough campaign, the opposition party managed to win the elections by a narrow margin.

8. Runoff: 这个词指的是在初选中没有候选人获得多数支持时进行的第二次投票。例如:If no candidate wins a majority in the first round, a runoff election will be held between the top two candidates.

9. Incumbent: 这个词指的是现任的官员或领导人。例如:The incumbent president is seeking re-election in the upcoming elections.

10. Electoral College: 这个词指的是美国总统选举中的选举团,由各州的代表组成。例如:The Electoral College will cast their votes to officially elect the next president


1. "Holding elections" - 进行选举

例句:The country is holding elections to choose their next leader.

2. "Election season" - 选举季节

例句:During election season, you can see campaign posters everywhere.

3. "Cast your vote" - 投票

例句:Don't forget to cast your vote on election day!

4. "Election results" - 选举结果

例句:The election results were announced and the winner was declared.

5. "Run for office" - 参加竞选

例句:Many candidates are running for office in this year's elections.

6. "Campaign promises" - 竞选承诺

例句:Politicians often make big campaign promises but fail to deliver once elected.

7. "Voting booth" - 投票站/投票亭

例句:There was a long line at the voting booth on election day.

8. "Opinion polls" - 民意调查

例句:According to the latest opinion polls, the incumbent president is leading in the elections.

9. "Election fraud" - 选举舞弊

例句:The opposition party accused the ruling party of election fraud.

10. "Swing states" - 摇摆州/关键州

例句:In every election, candidates focus on winning over swing states to secure victory


1. "The election is in the bag" - 这句成语意为“胜券在握”,通常用来形容某人在选举中胜利的把握。比如,当选举候选人在民意调查中领先时,可以说:“Looks like the election is in the bag for him.”

2. "All's fair in love and elections" - 这句谚语意为“爱情和选举都是没有规则的”,用来指代选举过程中各种手段都可以被使用。比如,当两位候选人争斗激烈时,可以说:“Well, you know what they say, all's fair in love and elections.”

3. "Throwing your hat into the ring" - 这句成语意为“投入竞争”,通常用来形容某人参加竞选。比如,当一个新的候选人宣布参加竞选时,可以说:“Looks like he's throwing his hat into the ring for this year's elections.”

4. "The silent majority" - 这句成语指代“沉默的大多数”,通常用来形容那些不表达自己政治立场的人群。比如,在一场激烈的选举中,有些人可能会选择保持沉默,这就是所谓的“the silent majority”。

5. "To win by a landslide" - 这句成语意为“以压倒性优势获胜”,通常用来形容选举中某位候选人获得的巨大胜利。比如,当一位候选人在选举中赢得绝大多数选票时,可以说:“He won by a landslide in this year's elections.”

6. "The lesser of two evils" - 这句成语意为“两害相权取其轻”,通常用来指代在两个不太理想的选择中选择较好的一个。比如,在一场选举中,有时候选民可能会面临这样的选择,他们只能从两个不太满意的候选人中挑选出“the lesser of two evils”。

7. "To run for office" - 这句成语意为“竞逐公职”,通常用来形容某人参加政治竞选。比如,当一个政治新手宣布要参加下一届的选举时,可以说:“She's running for office in the upcoming elections.”

8. "To vote with your feet" - 这句成语意为“用脚投票”,通常用来指代通过离开或抵制某个地方或组织来表达自己的不满。比如,在一场选举中,如果有很多人选择不去投票或离开投票站,就可以说他们在用脚投票
