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1. 发音说明



2. 音标解析

- [ɪ]: 发音为短元音i,舌尖抵住下齿龈,口型稍微张开。

- [ˈlɛktərəl]: 发音为长元音e,舌尖抵住下齿龈,口型稍微张开。接着发出清辅音k和清辅音t的连读,最后以清辅音r结尾。

3. 同义词及例句

- 同义词:elective, voting, ballot, poll

- 例句:

a. The electoral process is an important part of a democratic society.


b. The electoral college will vote for the next president.


c. The citizens exercised their electoral rights by casting their votes in the election.




如果你经常关注政治新闻,可能会经常听到“electoral college”这个词。那么,electoral究竟是什么意思呢?其实,electoral的意思就是“选举的”,它来自拉丁语的词根“electus”,意为“被选中的”。所以,当我们说某个国家的政治制度是“electoral system”,就是指该国家采用选举方式来决定领导人或政府成员。

在美国总统大选中,每个州都会有一定数量的选举人(electors),他们负责投票选择总统和副总统候选人。这就是为什么美国媒体经常会提到“electoral votes”(选举人票数)这个概念。

除了政治方面,我们也可以用electoral来描述其他类型的选举。比如,在学校里进行班长或学生会主席的选举时,我们可以说这是一场“electoral competition”(选举竞争)。又或者,在公司内部进行董事会成员的选举时,我们可以称之为“corporate electoral process”(企业内部的选举程序)。

除了作为形容词使用外,electoral还可以作为名词,“the electoral”指代参与某次特定选举活动的人群,比如“the electoral of 2020 US presidential election”(2020年美国总统大选的选民)。


- The electoral college system in the United States has been a topic of debate for many years.

- The candidate won the election by a large margin in the electoral votes.

- The electoral process in this country is known for its fairness and transparency.

- All citizens over the age of 18 have the right to participate in the electoral process.

- The results of the election will be determined by the majority of voting citizens.



1. electoral的意思:electoral是一个形容词,指与选举相关的,主要用来描述与选举有关的事物或活动。

2. electoral的读音:[ɪˈlɛktərəl],注意最后一个音节是弱读,发音时不要太重。

3. 同义词:election-related, voting, ballot等。

4. 英文例句:

- The electoral process in this country is known for its fairness and transparency.

- The latest polls show a shift in the electoral preferences of the voters.

- The electoral college system in the United States has been a subject of debate for many years.

5. 中文例句:

- 这个国家的选举程序以公平和透明著称。

- 最新民意调查显示选民的选举偏好有所转变。

- 美国的选举团制度多年来一直备受争议


1. Electoral College: 总统选举团,指由各州选出的代表投票决定总统和副总统的制度。

2. Electoral Fraud: 选举舞弊,指在选举过程中出现的欺诈行为。

3. Electoral Process: 选举程序,指从提名候选人到投票计票的整个过程。

4. Electoral Roll: 选民名册,指记录合法选民信息的登记册。

5. Electoral System: 选举制度,指国家或地区规定的选举方式和程序。

6. Electoral Votes: 选举票数,指根据每个州或地区的人口数量而分配给候选人的投票数。

7. Electoral Map: 选举地图,指用来显示各州或地区投票结果的图表。

8. Electoral Campaign: 选战,指候选人和政党为争取支持者而展开的竞争活动


1. Political - "The electoral process is an important aspect of any political system."

2. Voting - "Citizens have the right to participate in the electoral process by casting their vote."

3. Balloting - "The electoral commission is responsible for overseeing the balloting process."

4. Polling - "The latest polls show a tight race in the upcoming electoral contest."

5. Election - "The results of the electoral election will determine the new leader of the country."

6. Suffrage - "Women's suffrage was a major milestone in the history of electoral rights."

7. Franchise - "Universal franchise ensures that every citizen has a say in the electoral process."

8. Ballot - "Make sure to fill out your ballot correctly during the electoral vote."

9. Vote - "It is important for citizens to exercise their right to vote in every electoral election."

10. Campaigning - "Candidates spend months campaigning before an important electoral race."
