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1. emperors的发音是[ˈɛmpərərz],其中重音在第二个音节。

2. emperors一词是英语中的复数形式,单数形式为emperor,意为“皇帝”。


3. 该词源自拉丁语“imperator”,意为“统帅”或“军事指挥官”,后来演变为指代拥有绝对权力的君主。

4. emperors一词在英式英语中也可以发音为[ˈɛmpərəz],但在美式英语中一般发音为[ˈɛmpərərz]。

5. 在英式英语中,emperors的发音与单数形式emperor的发音相同,即重读第二个音节。而在美式英语中,emperor的发音为[ˈɛmpərər],重读第一个音节。

6. emperors一词也可以用来指代某个国家或地区的多位皇帝,如古罗马帝国时期的罗马皇帝们被称为Roman Emperors(罗马皇帝)。

7. 在现代用法中,emperors也可以用来比喻某个领域或行业中权力最大、影响最深远的人物。例如,“他是电影界的巨头,被誉为电影emperor(电影界的皇帝)”。

8. emperors一词的发音与其近义词monarchs(君主)的发音相似,但monarchs一般指代具有世袭权力的统治者,而emperors则更多指代拥有绝对权力的君主。

9. 在英语中,emperors一词也可以用来指代某个集团或组织中最高层的领导人。例如,“这家公司的emperors决定了未来的发展方向”。

10. 总而言之,emperors一词在英语中既可以指代具有绝对权力的君主,也可以比喻某个领域或组织中最有影响力、权力最大的人物。其发音为[ˈɛmpərərz]或[ˈɛmpərəz],取决于使用地区和语言习惯



1. 皇帝:首先,emperors最常见的意思就是“皇帝”,它来自于拉丁语中的“imperator”,意为统治者或军事领袖。在古代中国,皇帝被视为神圣不可侵犯的统治者,拥有绝对的权力和地位。

2. 君主:除了指代中国的皇帝,emperors也可以泛指其他国家的君主。例如欧洲国家中曾经存在过许多皇帝,如罗马帝国、法兰克王国、神圣罗马帝国等。

3. 统治者:emperors还可以用来形容具有强大权力和影响力的人物。例如,“他是这个行业的emperor”就表示他在这个行业中拥有至高无上的地位和影响力。

4. 象征性地位:在某些场合下,emperors也可以用来表示某个人或事物具有象征性的地位。例如,“他被誉为电影界的emperor”,就表示他在电影界具有非凡的地位和影响力


1. emperors的意思


2. emperors的用法

作为名词,emperors可以单数形式使用,也可以加上复数后缀-s表示多个皇帝。例如:“The emperor of China was known as the Son of Heaven.”(中国的皇帝被称为天子。) “The Roman emperors were often portrayed as powerful and divine figures.”(罗马皇帝常被描绘成强大而神圣的形象。)

3. emperors的双语例句

1) The emperors of ancient China were believed to have the Mandate of Heaven, giving them the divine right to rule.(古代中国的皇帝被认为拥有天命,赋予他们神圣的统治权。)

2) The Byzantine emperors were known for their elaborate coronation ceremonies.(拜占庭皇帝以其精心筹划的加冕仪式闻名。)

3) The Aztec emperor Montezuma II was defeated by the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in 1520.(阿兹特克帝王蒙特祖玛二世于1520年被西班牙征服者埃尔南·科尔特斯击败。)

4) The emperors of Japan have traditionally been seen as direct descendants of the sun goddess Amaterasu.(日本天皇传统上被认为是太阳女神天照大神的直系后裔。)

5) The emperors of the Roman Empire were known for their massive building projects, including the Colosseum and the aqueducts.(罗马帝国的皇帝以他们的大规模建筑项目而闻名,包括斗兽场和渡槽。)


1. Emperors of China: 中国的皇帝们,指中国历史上统治者的称号,也是中国古代政治制度的核心。

2. The Roman Emperors: 罗马帝国的皇帝们,指罗马帝国时期统治者的称号,具有强大的政治和军事权力。

3. Emperors of Japan: 日本天皇,指日本历史上统治者的称号,也是日本宗教信仰和政治制度中至高无上的存在。

4. The Byzantine Emperors: 拜占庭帝国的皇帝们,指拜占庭帝国时期统治者的称号,继承了罗马帝国的传统,并发展出独特的文化和艺术风格。

5. The Holy Roman Emperors: 神圣罗马帝国的皇帝们,指中世纪欧洲由教皇认可并授予王位权力的君主。这一制度持续了近一千年,直到1806年被拆除。

6. The Ottoman Sultans: 奥斯曼苏丹,在奥斯曼土耳其帝国时期拥有最高权力和地位。他们同时也是伊斯兰教徒领袖。

7. The Mughal Emperors: 莫卧儿帝国的皇帝们,指印度历史上统治者的称号,建立了一个强大的帝国,对印度文化和宗教产生了深远影响。

8. The Aztec Emperors: 阿兹特克帝国的皇帝们,指中美洲古代阿兹特克文明的统治者,拥有极强的政治和宗教权力。

9. The Inca Emperors: 印加帝国的皇帝们,指南美洲古代印加文明的统治者,也是神圣和神权的象征。

10. The British Emperors: 大英帝国的皇帝们,指英国历史上君主制度最后一位皇帝乔治五世及其继承人。他们主要是荣誉称号,并没有实际统治权力


1. Rulers - emperors are powerful rulers who have control over a vast empire or kingdom. They are often seen as the supreme leader and hold great authority over their subjects.

2. Monarchs - similar to emperors, monarchs are also powerful rulers who hold absolute power over their kingdom. They are often seen as the head of state and have the final say in all matters.

3. Sovereigns - this term refers to a ruler who has complete control and authority over their territory. It is often used interchangeably with emperors to describe a supreme ruler.

4. Kings - another term for rulers or monarchs, kings have been traditionally associated with royalty and are seen as the highest authority in their kingdom.

5. Potentates - this word refers to a ruler who holds great power and influence over their subjects. It is often used to describe emperors who have a strong grip on their empire.

6. Autocrats - emperors can also be described as autocrats, meaning they have absolute rule and do not answer to anyone else. They make all decisions and have complete control over their empire.

7. Despots - similar to autocrats, despots are rulers who exercise absolute power and often rule with an iron fist. Emperors can sometimes be seen as despots if they rule with cruelty or oppression.

8. Emirs - this term is used in Islamic countries to refer to a ruler or leader, similar to an emperor in other cultures.

9. Tsars - this title was used for Russian emperors before the country became a republic in 1917. It is derived from the Latin word "Caesar" and is synonymous with emperor or king.

10. Imperators - this term was used in ancient Rome for victorious military leaders who were given supreme authority by the senate, similar to an emperor's role in governing an empire.

11. Sultans - this title is used for rulers in Muslim countries, and it can also refer to an emperor who rules over a vast territory.

12. Pharaohs - in ancient Egypt, emperors were known as pharaohs or god-kings who were believed to have divine powers and ruled with absolute authority.

13. Dukes - this term refers to a nobleman who holds a high rank and is often seen as the ruler of a duchy, similar to an emperor's role in governing an empire.

14. Rajas - this title is used for rulers in India, especially during the medieval period. It can also be used to describe emperors who rule over a large territory.

15. Chieftains - this term refers to a leader of a tribe or clan and can also be used to describe emperors who rule over multiple tribes or clans within their empire
