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executives 是什么意思



executives 是什么意思



1. 什么是executives?


2. 具体包括哪些职位?


3. 为什么executives如此重要?


4. 如何成为一名executive?




1. execu-tives的发音:[ɪgˈzɛkjʊtɪvz],读作“ig-zek-yoo-tivz”。

2. executives的读法:这个词的发音有点复杂,但是只要记住前面的“execu”发音为“ig-zek-yoo”,后面的“tives”发音为“tivz”,就能轻松读出来啦!

3. 想象一下你在和朋友讨论工作时,突然想起了这个词,你可以跟他们说:“哎呀,我刚刚查了一下executives的意思,它的发音是‘ig-zek-yoo-tivz’哦!”听起来是不是很有趣?

4. 也许你会想知道为什么这个词会被翻译成“高管”或者“主管”。其实,“executives”的意思就是指那些担任重要职务、负责决策和执行任务的人员。所以说,“高管”或者“主管”都可以概括地描述这个词的含义。

5. 不过,如果你想更加形象地理解这个词,也可以把它理解为公司中最重要、最有权威的人物。毕竟,“executives”通常指代那些具有领导力和决策能力的人,他们承担着公司的发展和运营的重要责任。

6. 所以,如果你想用一个词来形容这些具有高级职位的人,不妨就用“executives”吧!它既简洁又有力,也能让你在英语交流中更加地得心应手。记住这个词的发音和读法,相信一定会让你在朋友面前炫耀一番哦!


1. executives的定义


2. executives的用法

- 作为名词使用,表示高级管理人员:The company's executives are meeting to discuss the new product launch.

- 作为形容词使用,表示高层管理的:The executive team is responsible for making major decisions for the company.

3. executives的例句

- The executives of the company gathered for a board meeting to discuss the financial report.

- The executive team worked together to come up with a new marketing strategy.

- The CEO is the highest-ranking executive in the company.

- The executives are responsible for setting goals and objectives for the company.

- The executive board approved the budget for next year's projects.

4. executives在商业领域中的重要性


5. 如何成为一名优秀的executive


- 领导能力:能够带领团队实现公司的目标,并激励员工发挥最佳水平。

- 战略思维:能够制定长期发展战略,并在不断变化的商业环境中做出适应性调整。

- 决策能力:能够在复杂的情况下做出明智的决策,并承担责任。

- 沟通能力:能够与不同层级和背景的人有效沟通,并代表公司参与行业活动。

- 学习能力:保持学习和进步的心态,不断提升自己的知识和技能。



1. 高管:executives的另一个常见说法,指的是公司中担任高级管理职位的人员。

2. 高管团队:指由多名高管组成的团队,负责制定和执行公司战略、管理业务和决策重要事项。

3. CEO:首席执行官(Chief Executive Officer)的缩写,通常是一家公司最高领导人,负责整体运营和决策。

4. CFO:首席财务官(Chief Financial Officer)的缩写,主要负责公司财务管理和资金决策。

5. COO:首席运营官(Chief Operating Officer)的缩写,主要负责公司日常运营和业务发展。

6. CTO:首席技术官(Chief Technology Officer)的缩写,主要负责公司技术发展和创新方向。

7. CMO:首席市场营销官(Chief Marketing Officer)的缩写,主要负责公司市场推广和品牌建设。

8. 董事会:由一群高管组成的决策机构,负责监督公司运营并制定重大决策。

9. 管理层:指整个高管团队以及其他担任管理职位的人员,在公司中扮演重要角色。

10. 领导力:高管必备的一项能力,指领导团队和引领公司发展的能力。

11. 策略规划:指高管团队制定的长期发展战略和重要决策方案。

12. 绩效评估:高管团队的表现会通过绩效评估来衡量,以确定是否达成了公司设定的目标。

13. 薪酬福利:高管通常会获得较高的薪资和丰厚的福利待遇,作为对其贡献和责任的回报。

14. 风险管理:在执行决策时,高管需要考虑和管理可能带来的各种风险,并采取措施加以规避或应对


1. Managers - This term refers to individuals who hold a position of authority and responsibility within an organization. They are responsible for overseeing the daily operations and making important decisions that affect the company's overall success.

2. Leaders - Executives are often seen as leaders in their respective industries, as they possess strong leadership skills and are able to guide their team towards achieving goals and objectives.

3. Top-level management - This term is used to describe executives who hold the highest positions in a company, such as CEOs, presidents, and vice presidents. They are responsible for setting strategic direction and making major decisions that impact the entire organization.

4. C-suite - This term is used to collectively refer to the top executives in a company, including CEOs, CFOs, COOs, etc.

5. Directors - These individuals sit on the board of directors and provide guidance and oversight to the executive team. They may also hold executive positions within the company.

6. Decision-makers - Executives are often seen as decision-makers, as they have the authority to make important decisions that shape the direction of a company.

7. Executives officers - This term refers to high-level executives who oversee specific areas of a company's operations, such as finance, marketing, or operations.

8. Heads of departments - In larger organizations, executives may be responsible for leading specific departments or divisions within the company.

9. Administrators - This term is often used interchangeably with executives to refer to individuals who hold managerial positions within an organization.

10. Bosses - While this term may have a more informal connotation, it can also be used as a synonym for executives in certain contexts where they are seen as being in charge or having authority over others in the workplace.

11. Chief officers - This term is used to describe top-level executives who hold titles such as Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Chief Operating Officer (COO), etc.

12. Managers-in-charge - This term refers to executives who are responsible for overseeing a particular project or initiative within a company.

13. Decision-makers - Executives are often seen as decision-makers, as they have the authority to make important decisions that shape the direction of a company.

14. Business leaders - This term is used to describe executives who possess strong leadership skills and are able to guide their team towards achieving goals and objectives.

15. Executives board - This term is used to refer to the group of individuals who hold executive positions within a company and are responsible for making important decisions that impact the organization as a whole
