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Exuberant Definition of Joy

今天,我们将一起探讨一个令人振奋的话题,那就是“Exuberant Definition of Joy”(Exuberant的发音和词性,Joy的定义和词性)。这个行业标题中蕴含着无限的欢乐与兴奋,让我们一起来

今天,我们将一起探讨一个令人振奋的话题,那就是“Exuberant Definition of Joy”(Exuberant的发音和词性,Joy的定义和词性)。这个行业标题中蕴含着无限的欢乐与兴奋,让我们一起来揭开它的神秘面纱吧!通过对其解释(Exuberant Definition of Joy的解释)、用法和例句(Exuberant Definition of Joy的用法和例句)以及同义词示例(Exuberant Definition of Joy的同义词示例)的探讨,我们或许会发现更多关于欢乐与兴奋的精彩细节。让我们一起潜入这个行业中,感受其中蕴含的无穷魅力吧!


1. 发音:[ɪɡˈzuːbərənt],注意第一个音节为短元音[i],第二个音节为长元音[uː],重音在第二个音节。

Exuberant Definition of Joy

2. 词性:形容词,意为“兴高采烈的,热情洋溢的”。

3. 词源:来自拉丁语的exuberans,意为“生长茂盛的”,由ex(向外)和uber(肥沃)两部分构成。

4. 同义词:enthusiastic, lively, exultant, jubilant, animated等。

5. 反义词:depressed, gloomy, subdued, melancholic等。

6. 用法示例:

- She was exuberant with joy when she received the news of her promotion.


- The children's exuberant laughter filled the room.


- The team's exuberant celebration after winning the championship was infectious.


- His exuberant personality made him stand out in any crowd.


7. 搭配短语:

- Exuberant energy 兴奋的能量

- Exuberant mood 热情洋溢的心情

- Exuberant personality 充满活力的个性

- Exuberant celebration 热烈的庆祝活动

- Exuberant growth 茂盛的生长

8. 用法小贴士:


9. 衍生词:

- Exuberance (n.) 兴高采烈,热情洋溢

- Exuberantly (adv.) 兴高采烈地,热情洋溢地


1. 什么是Joy?


2. Joy的词性


3. Joy与Happiness的区别


4. Joy在生活中的重要性


5. 如何拥有更多Joy?


Exuberant Definition of Joy的解释

1.什么是“Exuberant Definition of Joy”?

“Exuberant Definition of Joy”一词是由两部分组成,其中“exuberant”意为充满活力的,热情洋溢的;而“definition of joy”则是指对喜悦的定义。因此,“Exuberant Definition of Joy”可以理解为对喜悦或快乐感受的积极、充满活力的描述。











Exuberant Definition of Joy的用法和例句

1. 用法:Exuberant Definition of Joy是指充满喜悦和活力的快乐的定义。它可以用来形容一种非常强烈的快乐感,让人感觉充满活力和幸福。

2. 例句:当我听到自己被录取进了梦想大学,我感受到了Exuberant Definition of Joy。我跳了起来,欢呼雀跃,充满了无尽的能量和喜悦。

3. 用法:这个词也可以用来形容一个人的心情或者状态。当一个人感到非常开心、兴奋、充满活力时,可以说他/她处于Exuberant Definition of Joy的状态。

4. 例句:每次看到孩子们在玩耍、笑闹时,我都会感受到Exuberant Definition of Joy。他们的快乐和活力让我也感染上了,让我觉得生活充满了意义。

5. 用法:此外,这个词也可以用来描述一种事物或场景所带来的强烈快乐感。比如一首欢快的歌曲、一部搞笑的电影,都可以被称为Exuberant Definition of Joy。

6. 例句:那个音乐节上,人们跟着音乐跳舞,欢笑不断,整个场景都充满了Exuberant Definition of Joy。那一刻,我感受到了无比的快乐和幸福

Exuberant Definition of Joy的同义词示例

1. Ecstatic Explanation of Happiness

- This phrase conveys the same meaning as "exuberant definition of joy" by emphasizing the intense and overwhelming feeling of happiness.

- Example: "Her face lit up with an ecstatic explanation of happiness when she saw her family waiting for her at the airport."

2. Radiant Interpretation of Bliss

- "Radiant" suggests a bright and glowing expression, making this phrase a fitting synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The bride's radiant interpretation of bliss was evident as she walked down the aisle towards her groom."

3. Jubilant Description of Euphoria

- Both "jubilant" and "euphoria" convey a sense of extreme joy and excitement, making this phrase a powerful alternative to "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The team's jubilant description of euphoria could be heard throughout the stadium as they celebrated their championship win."

4. Exhilarating Elucidation of Delight

- The word "exhilarating" adds an element of thrill and exhilaration to this phrase, making it a dynamic synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The children's exhilarating elucidation of delight was contagious as they played in the park on a sunny day."

5. Rapturous Explanation of Pleasure

- Similar to "ecstatic," the word "rapturous" conveys the intensity and overwhelming nature of joy, making it an appropriate synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The audience gave a rapturous explanation of pleasure as they watched their favorite band perform live on stage."

6. Exultant Definition of Glee

- The word "exultant" suggests triumph and victory, adding another layer to this phrase's meaning and making it a strong synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The team's exultant definition of glee was evident as they lifted the championship trophy high in the air."

7. Euphoric Description of Ecstasy

- Both "euphoric" and "ecstasy" convey a sense of intense happiness and pleasure, making this phrase a fitting synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The woman's face radiated with a euphoric description of ecstasy as she danced to her favorite song."

8. Thrilling Interpretation of Rapture

- The word "thrilling" adds an element of excitement and exhilaration to this phrase, making it a dynamic synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "The children's thrilling interpretation of rapture was evident as they opened their presents on Christmas morning."

9. Glowing Elucidation of Contentment

- This phrase conveys the same meaning as "exuberant definition of joy" by emphasizing the feeling of satisfaction and happiness.

- Example: "The couple's glowing elucidation of contentment was evident as they sat on the beach, watching the sunset together."

10. Enthusiastic Explanation of Elation

- Both "enthusiastic" and "elation" suggest a strong and enthusiastic expression, making this phrase an appropriate synonym for "exuberant definition of joy."

- Example: "Her enthusiastic explanation of elation could be heard throughout the room as she received her dream job offer."

Exuberant Definition of Joy是一个非常充满活力和喜悦的词语,它能够带给人们无穷的快乐和幸福。希望通过今天的文章,能够让大家更加了解这个令人振奋的词汇,并在生活中多多运用。最后,我是这篇文章的编辑,如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、有用的内容。谢谢阅读!