1. "咄咄逼人"是一个常用的汉语词语,意思是形容某人或某事具有强硬、强势的气势或态度。
2. 它的拼音为duō duō bī rén,其中“咄”和“逼”都是第四声,而“人”的拼音为rén。
3. 在汉语拼音中,“duō”读作d-uo(类似于英文中的d-w-o),而不是读作d-o(类似于英文中的d-o)。
4. “bī”和“rén”的发音与英文单词“bee”和“run”相似,但要注意将声调放在第四声上。
5. 最后一个字“人”的拼音为rén,读作r-en(类似于英文中的r-e-n)。
6. 综上所述,"咄咄逼人"的拼音为duō duō bī rén,在快速朗读时可以稍微加重第四声以突出其强硬、强势的含义
1. "咄咄逼人"的含义
2. 发音指南
对于"咄咄逼人"一词,它的拼音为duō duō bī rén。下面是每个字母的发音指南:
- "d":发音类似英语中的"d",但要注意不要带有浊音。
- "u":发音类似英语中的"oo",但要注意不要带有明显的嘴唇收紧动作。
- "o":发音类似英语中的"o",但要注意不要带有明显的嘴唇收紧动作。
- "b":发音类似英语中的"b",但要注意不要带有浊音。
- "ī":发音类似英语中的“ee”,但要注意将舌头抬高,让声音更加尖锐。
- "r": 发音类似英语中的“r”,但是在汉语拼音中,它通常被称为“轻声”,即没有明显的发声。
3. 练习建议
- 首先,在心里默念这个词几次。确保您能够清楚地听到每个字母的发音。
- 然后,尝试慢慢地读出来。注意每个字母的发音,并且将它们结合起来。
- 最后,加快速度,尝试用流利的语速读出来
1. "咄咄逼人"的意思和用法
2. "咄咄逼人"的拼音发音
在汉语拼音中,“咄”字读作duō,第四声;“逼”字读作bī,第一声;“人”字读作rén,第二声。因此,“咄咄逼人”的拼音发音为duō duō bī rén。
3. 双语例句
- His aggressive tone and strong arguments made him come across as "咄咄逼人".
- In negotiations, it's important to strike a balance between being assertive and being "咄咄逼人".
- The tense atmosphere in the room was palpable, as both parties were trying to be "咄咄逼人".
- She has a reputation for being "咄咄逼人" and not backing down in any argument.
- It's important to remember that being "咄咄逼人" doesn't always lead to a successful outcome.
- He tried to intimidate his opponent with his "咄咄逼人" attitude, but it only made the situation worse.
1. 咄咄逼人是什么意思?
2. 如何用拼音发音“咄咄逼人”?
3. 如何加入语气?
4. 举例说明
1. Intimidating
- Definition: causing fear or nervousness in someone, often in order to make them do what you want
- Example: The boss's intimidating presence made everyone in the room feel uneasy.
2. Overbearing
- Definition: acting in a way that is too confident and too forceful, and therefore annoying
- Example: His overbearing attitude towards his colleagues often led to conflicts in the workplace.
3. Dominant
- Definition: having power and influence over others; being the most important or most noticeable element in a situation
- Example: The CEO's dominant personality made it clear who was in charge of the company.
4. Aggressive
- Definition: ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by bold, assertive, and energetic behavior
- Example: The aggressive sales tactics used by the company were often seen as pushy and off-putting by potential customers.
5. Assertive
- Definition: having or showing a confident and forceful personality; not afraid to say what you want or believe
- Example: She had to be assertive with her team members to ensure that the project was completed on time.
6. Intense
- Definition: having strong feelings, opinions, or extreme levels of something
- Example: His intense gaze made it clear that he was not someone to be trifled with.
7. Imposing
- Definition: impressive because of size, strength, or appearance; making a strong impression
- Example: The imposing figure of the bodyguard at the entrance of the building was enough to deter any potential threats.
8. Daunting
- Definition: seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating
- Example: The daunting task of presenting in front of a large audience made her nervous but she managed to overcome her fears.
9. Commanding
- Definition: having an authoritative manner; being able to influence or control others
- Example: The CEO's commanding presence demanded respect from all employees.
10. Compelling
- Definition: having a powerful and irresistible effect; convincing
- Example: The speaker's compelling arguments left the audience in awe and convinced them to take action