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How to say ”separately” in English and its translation is ”separately listening”?





1. 什么是"separately"

How to say ”separately” in English and its translation is ”separately listening”?


2. "Separately"的用法


- You can order the dishes separately. (你可以单独点菜。)

- The twins were born separately. (这对双胞胎是分别出生的。)

- Please complete each task separately. (请分别完成每项任务。)

3. "Separately listening"

文章开头提到了一个有趣的翻译——“separately listening”。其实,在英语中并没有这种表达方式。可能是因为在中文中,“听”和“听取”有些微妙的区别,在英文中则都可以用listen来表示。

4. "Separate"和"separately"


5. "Separately"的同义词


- Individually (单独地)

- Independently (独立地)

- Distinctly (明显地)


1. Introduction

In the English language, there are many words that can have different meanings depending on how they are pronounced. One such word is "separately". It is a commonly used adverb that can be tricky to pronounce for non-native speakers.

2. Understanding the meaning of "separately"

Before we learn how to pronounce "separately", it is important to understand its meaning. The word "separately" means something that is done or considered distinctly or individually, without being connected or combined with anything else.

3. Pronunciation guide

The correct pronunciation of "separately" is suh-puh-ruht-lee. Here's a breakdown of the pronunciation:

- The first syllable, "suh", is pronounced with a short vowel sound similar to the word "sun".

- The second syllable, "puh", is pronounced with a short vowel sound similar to the word "put".

- The third syllable, "ruht", is pronounced with a short vowel sound similar to the word "rut".

- The final syllable, "lee", is pronounced with a long vowel sound similar to the word "lee".

4. Tips for improving your pronunciation

Here are some tips that can help you improve your pronunciation of "separately":

- Practice saying the word slowly and focus on pronouncing each syllable correctly.

- Listen to native English speakers say the word and try to mimic their pronunciation.

- Pay attention to stress patterns in words and make sure you emphasize the second syllable in "separately".

- Record yourself saying the word and listen back for any errors in pronunciation.

5. Common mistakes in pronunciation

Non-native speakers often make these common mistakes when pronouncing "separately":

- Pronouncing it as sep-a-rate-ly instead of suh-puh-ruht-lee.

- Misplacing stress on the first syllable instead of the second syllable.

- Not pronouncing the final "t" sound in "separately".

6. Conclusion

Learning how to pronounce "separately" correctly is important for effective communication in English. By following these tips and practicing regularly, you can improve your pronunciation and sound more natural when using this word. Remember to focus on each syllable and pay attention to stress patterns to get it right. Happy practicing!


1. "Separately"的用法


2. "Separately listening"的含义

在题目中提到的短语"separately listening"是一个动名词短语,意为"分别听取"、"单独聆听"。它可以指在不同的场合或时间,分别听取不同的内容。

3. 双语例句

- We should deal with each issue separately. (我们应该分别处理每个问题。)

- The twins always do things separately, they don't like to do things together. (这对双胞胎总是各自做事情,他们不喜欢一起做事。)

- The two companies are separately managed, but they share the same owner. (这两家公司是单独管理的,但拥有同一位老板。)

- I will listen to your presentation separately from the others, so please prepare a separate file for me. (我会和其他人分开听你的演讲,请为我准备一个单独的文件。)

4. "Separately listening"与其他表达方式的比较


- Listening separately (分别听)

- Listening individually (单独听)

- Listening separately from the rest (与其他人分开听)

5. 注意事项


- "Separately"通常用于修饰动词,放在动词之后。比如:"She eats her food separately." (她单独吃自己的食物。)

- "Separately"也可以用于修饰形容词或其他副词,放在它们之前。比如:"They have separate bedrooms." (他们有各自的卧室。)

- "Separately"也可以作为一个副词短语出现在句子末尾。比如:"We will deal with these issues separately." (我们会分别处理这些问题。)


1. Individually

- Definition: by or for one person, without others being included or involved.

- Example: The students were asked to complete the test individually.

2. On its own

- Definition: separately, without being connected to anything else.

- Example: The company's new product can stand on its own in the market.

3. Apart

- Definition: separated by a distance or interval.

- Example: The two buildings stood apart from each other.

4. Independently

- Definition: not influenced or controlled by others; self-reliant.

- Example: The artist chose to work independently on his latest project.

5. Solely

- Definition: only; exclusively.

- Example: She was solely responsible for the success of the event.

6. One by one

- Definition: individually and in succession, rather than all at once.

- Example: The items were carefully packed one by one into the box.

7. Separately and distinctly

- Definition: in a way that is clearly different or distinct from something else.

- Example: Each character in the story is separately and distinctly portrayed by the author.

8. Discreetly

- Definition: in a careful and prudent manner, especially in order to keep something confidential or avoid embarrassment.

- Example: He discreetly asked her about her relationship status.

9. Distinctively

- Definition: in a way that is easily distinguishable from others; uniquely.

- Example: Her style of writing is distinctively different from other authors.

10. One at a time

- Definition: individually and sequentially, rather than all together at once.

Example - It's important to deal with each problem one at a time.

11. Singularly

- Definition : exceptionally; remarkably; unusually

-Example : He was singularly focused on achieving his goals.

12. In isolation

-Definition : separately from everything else; alone

-Example : The experiment was conducted in isolation to eliminate any external factors.

13. Separately and individually

- Definition: in a way that is distinct and unique for each person or thing.

- Example: The students were graded separately and individually based on their performance.

14. On a one-to-one basis

- Definition: individually, with one person at a time.

- Example: The teacher provided feedback to each student on a one-to-one basis.

15. Disjunctively

- Definition: separately or alternatively.

- Example: The two options can be pursued disjunctively, depending on the situation.

16. Apart from each other

- Definition: separated or at a distance from each other.

- Example: The two friends lived apart from each other but still maintained a strong bond.

17. Distinct

- Definition: clearly different or separate.

- Example: Each of the twins had a distinct personality.

18. Individuated

- Definition: made distinct or individual.

- Example: The artist's style has become more individuated over the years.

19. One after the other

- Definition: in succession; one by one.

- Example: The students handed in their assignments one after the other.

20. Uniquely

- Definition: in a way that is unlike anything else; distinctly.

Example - Each culture has its own uniquely rich traditions and customs


1. Individually

- Definition: separately or individually; one at a time

- Example: I will meet with each of you individually to discuss your progress.

2. Independently

- Definition: without being influenced or controlled by others; self-reliant

- Example: The students were asked to complete the project independently, without any help from their classmates.

3. Distinctly

- Definition: in a way that is clearly different or separate from something else

- Example: The two events are distinctly different and should not be confused.

4. Separately

- Definition: apart from others; not together in the same place or time

- Example: The twins were born separately, with a few minutes between their births.

5. Individuate

- Definition: to make distinct or individual; to differentiate between things or people

- Example: It is important to individuate between fact and opinion when writing an essay.

6. Discreetly

- Definition: in a careful and prudent manner, especially in order to keep something confidential or avoid embarrassment.

- Example: She discreetly slipped away from the party without saying goodbye to anyone.

7. Solely

- Definition: only; exclusively; without any other person or thing being involved.

- Example: He was solely responsible for the success of the project.

8. One by one

- Definition: individually, one at a time, in succession.

- Example: The students entered the classroom one by one, quietly taking their seats.

9. Apart

- Definition: separated by distance or time; away from each other.

- Example: The two friends lived apart after college but stayed in touch through letters and phone calls.

10. Uniquely

- Definition: in a way that is unlike anything else; exceptionally.

- Example: This artist's style is uniquely her own and cannot be replicated by anyone else
