你是否曾经遇到过"knock over"这个词,但却不知道它的意思?或许你也会好奇它的读音是什么?别担心,接下来我会为你揭开这个行业标题的神秘面纱。"knock over"究竟代表着什么含义,它又有哪些同义词和使用例句呢?如果你想要了解更多关于这个词的信息,请继续往下阅读,或许会有意想不到的收获。
1. He accidentally knocked over the vase and broke it.
2. The strong wind knocked over the trash cans on the street.
3. The little boy was so excited that he knocked over his glass of milk.
4. The thief knocked over the old lady and stole her purse.
5. The car accident caused a chain reaction, knocking over several other vehicles.
现在你应该明白knock over的意思了吧?它可以用来描述物体被打翻、推倒或者撞倒的情况,也可以用来形容人被推倒或者撞倒。希望我的解释能帮助到你!
1. 砸倒?打翻?——揭开knock over的真正含义
你可能会以为knock over是指把东西砸倒或打翻,但实际上它还有更多的含义。在英语中,knock over也可以表示“偶然发现”、“突然想起”等意思。例如,“I knocked over an old photo album and found a picture of my grandparents.”(我无意中发现了一本旧相册,里面有我祖父母的照片。)
2. 一招就懂!——用同义词理解knock over
如果你不太确定knock over的意思,可以尝试用一些同义词来理解。比如,knock over可以换成discover、uncover、stumble upon等词来表达同样的意思。这样一来,你就能更加深入地理解这个词的用法啦。
3. 不要被外表迷惑——例句带你认识真正的knock over
有时候,看到一个单词并不能完全理解它的含义,我们需要通过例句来帮助我们更好地学习。下面是几个例句,让我们来感受一下knock over的不同用法吧!
- I knocked over my coffee cup and spilled it all over the table.(我打翻了咖啡杯,把它洒了一桌子。)
- I knocked over a vase and it shattered into a million pieces.(我把一个花瓶打翻了,它摔成了无数碎片。)
- As I was cleaning out my closet, I knocked over an old shoebox and found a love letter from my high school sweetheart.(当我清理衣柜时,我无意中打翻了一个旧鞋盒,里面有一封我高中初恋的情书。)
4. 感受一下——用幽默的方式来读懂knock over
希望通过这些小提示能够帮助你更好地理解和运用knock over这个词汇。记住,在学习英语的过程中,多思考、多练习才是最重要的。加油!
1. knock over的意思是“把...撞倒”,常用于描述物体被意外推倒或撞倒的情况。例如,“The strong wind knocked over the trash cans on the street.”(强风把街上的垃圾桶都吹倒了。)
2. knock over的同义词有:knock down, topple, overturn等。它们都可以用来表示意外地使物体倒下或翻倒。例如,“The cat knocked down the vase with its tail.”(猫用尾巴把花瓶撞倒了。)
3. knock over也可以用来表示“抢劫”或“打劫”的意思,通常指盗贼用暴力手段抢走财物。例如,“The convenience store was knocked over by a group of armed robbers last night.”(昨晚一群持械抢劫的人打劫了这家便利店。)
4. 双语例句:
- The strong wind knocked over the trash cans on the street.
- The cat knocked down the vase with its tail.
- The convenience store was knocked over by a group of armed robbers last night.
1. topple over:倒下,摔倒
例句:The strong wind caused the tree to topple over.
2. overturn:推翻,颠覆
例句:The court's decision to overturn the ruling was unexpected.
3. knock down:撞倒,击倒
例句:The car accident knocked down the streetlight.
4. tip over:翻倒,倾斜
例句:Be careful not to tip over the vase on the edge of the table.
5. bring down:打败,使落下
例句:The team was able to bring down the reigning champions in a close match.
6. tumble over:跌倒,滚动
例句:The child tripped and tumbled over on the playground.
7. capsize:翻船,颠覆
例句:The boat capsized in the stormy sea.
8. knock off balance:打乱平衡,使失去平衡
例句:The sudden push from behind knocked her off balance and she fell.
9. knock onto its side/ back/ front/ etc. :撞到侧面/后面/前面等等
例句: The strong gust of wind knocked the tree onto its side, blocking the road.
10. push over :推倒,推翻
例句: The protesters managed to push over the statue of the dictator in a symbolic act of rebellion
1. Tip over:指物体被意外击倒或倾斜。例如:The strong wind tipped over the trash cans on the street.
2. Overturn:指物体被翻倒或推翻。例如:The protestors tried to overturn the police car.
3. Upset:指物体被突然撞击或打翻。例如:The cat upset the vase on the table.
4. Knock down:指用力撞击使物体倒下。例如:He knocked down the door with his shoulder.
5. Topple:指物体因失去平衡而向一侧倾斜或倒下。例如:The stack of books toppled over when I bumped into it.
6. Collapse:指物体因结构不稳定而坍塌或崩溃。例如:The old building collapsed in the earthquake.
7. Tumble down:指物体从高处掉落或跌落。例如:The child tumbled down the stairs and hurt his knee.
8. Push over: 指用力推动使物体向一侧倾斜或倒下。例如:She pushed over the heavy bookshelf to make room for her new furniture.
9. Bring down: 指用力拉扯使物体坠落或摧毁。例如: The strong winds brought down several trees in our neighborhood.
10. Capsize: 指船只因失去平衡而翻覆。例如: The boat capsized in the stormy sea
knock over是一个非常常用的词汇,它可以表示“打翻、撞倒”等意思,同时也可以引申为“推倒、击败”等含义。通过阅读本文,相信大家已经对knock over有了更深入的了解,并且也学习到了一些同义词和使用方法。希望本文能够帮助到大家,让大家在使用英语时更加得心应手。如果您喜欢本文,请关注我网站的编辑,我将会为您带来更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!