1. "lance"的发音是什么?
2. 如何正确地念出"lance"这个单词?
3. 你一定会被这个单词的发音迷惑!
4. 不要再错过这个最常用的单词了!
5. "lance"到底是怎么念的?让我们来揭晓答案!
6. 真相大白:如何正确地发音"lance"?
7. 跟着我一起练习,轻松掌握"lance"的发音技巧!
8. 别再担心说错了,学会这个发音让你信心倍增!
9. "lance"的正确读法,让你在英语场合更加得心应手。
10. 念对了吗?来测试一下你的"lance"发音吧!
1. Introduction
When it comes to learning a new language, one of the most important aspects is understanding the different parts of speech. In English, there are eight main parts of speech: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. Each part of speech plays a specific role in constructing sentences and conveying meaning.
2. Defining "lance"
In this article, we will focus on the word "lance" and its part of speech. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "lance" can be defined as a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to a long pointed weapon used for thrusting or throwing. As a verb, it means to pierce or stab with a lance.
3. "Lance" as a Noun
Let's explore the noun form of "lance" in more detail. As mentioned earlier, it refers to a weapon used for thrusting or throwing. It is typically made of wood or metal and has a sharp pointed end. Historically, lances were commonly used by soldiers on horseback in battles.
In modern times, lances are mainly used in sports such as jousting and equestrian events like show jumping. In addition to its literal meaning as a weapon, "lance" can also be used metaphorically to refer to something that is sharp or piercing.
4. "Lance" as a Verb
Now let's look at the verb form of "lance". As mentioned earlier, it means to pierce or stab with a lance. This action can be both physical and metaphorical. For example:
- Physical: The knight lanced his opponent with his sword during the jousting competition.
- Metaphorical: The speaker lanced through the audience's apathy with her powerful words.
5. Other Meanings of "Lance"
Aside from its main definitions as a noun and a verb, "lance" can also have other meanings. For instance, it can refer to a long wooden spear used in fishing. It can also be used as a slang term for money or a type of surgical instrument.
6. Conclusion
In conclusion, the word "lance" can function as both a noun and a verb. As a noun, it refers to a weapon used for thrusting or throwing. As a verb, it means to pierce or stab with a lance. However, it can also have other meanings depending on the context in which it is used.
Learning the different parts of speech is crucial in mastering any language. By understanding the different forms and meanings of words like "lance", we can expand our vocabulary and improve our overall understanding of the English language
1. Definition of "lance"
- A lance is a long, pointed weapon used in medieval times by knights and soldiers. It is typically made of wood or metal and has a sharp tip for piercing through armor.
- In modern times, the term "lance" can also refer to a long, narrow surgical instrument used for making incisions or punctures.
2. Historical examples of "lance"
- In the Middle Ages, lances were commonly used in jousting tournaments as well as in battle. Knights would ride on horseback and try to knock their opponents off their horses using their lances.
- The famous legend of Saint George and the Dragon involves the use of a lance by the saint to defeat a dragon that was terrorizing a village.
3. Modern usage of "lance"
- In modern times, the term "lance" has expanded to include various types of long, pointed objects. For example, a spear used for fishing or hunting can also be referred to as a lance.
- The word "lance" is also commonly used in medical terminology, such as in the phrase "lancing a boil," which means to make an incision in order to drain pus or fluid from an infected area.
4. Idiomatic expressions with "lance"
- To break a lance for someone means to defend or support them.
- To take up the lance means to engage in battle or fight for a cause.
5. Cultural references to "lance"
- In literature, lances are often portrayed as symbols of chivalry and heroism. For example, in Miguel de Cervantes' famous novel Don Quixote, the main character famously mistakes windmills for giants and charges at them with his lance.
- In popular culture, lances are frequently depicted in movies and TV shows set in medieval times or fantasy worlds. They are often associated with brave knights and epic battles.
6. Conclusion
In summary, the term "lance" has a rich history and has evolved to have various meanings in modern times. From its origins as a weapon of war to its use in medical procedures, the word "lance" continues to be a part of our language and culture today
1. To take a stab at something - 尝试做某事
Example: I'll take a stab at fixing the car, but I'm not sure if I can do it.
2. To lance a boil - 刺破疮包
Example: The doctor lanced the boil to release the pus.
3. To break a lance for someone - 为某人辩护
Example: I will break a lance for my friend, she didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
4. To dance on the point of a lance - 冒险做某事
Example: He's dancing on the point of a lance by investing all his money in that risky business venture.
5. To take up the lance against someone - 对抗某人
Example: The two rival companies have taken up the lance against each other in the fierce competition for market share.
6. To throw down the gauntlet and pick up the lance - 接受挑战并准备战斗
Example: The two boxers threw down the gauntlet and picked up their lances, ready to fight for the championship title.
7. To be the knight with the white lance - 成为英雄
Example: He saved the little girl from drowning and became the knight with the white lance in her eyes.
8. To break a lance with someone - 与某人争论
Example: I always seem to break a lance with my brother over politics, we have completely different opinions.
9. To carry a lance for someone - 代替某人行事
Example: My boss is busy today, so I'll carry a lance for him at the meeting.
10. To run someone through with a lance - 用长矛刺穿某人
Example: In medieval times, knights would often run their enemies through with their lances during battle.
1. Spear: This word is derived from the Old English word "spere" and refers to a long, pointed weapon used for hunting or in battle. It can also be used as a synonym for "lance" in a figurative sense.
2. Javelin: This word comes from the French word "javeline" and describes a light spear that is thrown as a weapon or in athletic competitions.
3. Pike: This term originated from the Old English word "pic" and refers to a long, pointed weapon with a wooden shaft commonly used by infantry soldiers.
4. Lancelet: This word is derived from the French term "lancelette" and refers to a small, slender fish that resembles a lance.
5. Goad: This word comes from the Old English word "gād" and describes a long stick with a pointed end used for prodding animals or as an instrument of torture.
6. Spike: This term originated from the Old Norse word "spīk" and can refer to a sharp-pointed object such as a nail or thorn, or be used as another synonym for "lance."
7. Skewer: This word comes from the Old North French term "esquiver" and describes a long, thin metal or wooden pin used for holding meat while cooking.
8. Harpoon: This term originated from the Dutch word "harpoen" and refers to a barbed spear-like weapon used for hunting large fish or whales.
9. Lanceolate: This adjective comes from the Latin term "lanceolatus" and describes something shaped like the head of a lance, narrow at both ends with curved sides.
10. Stinger: This noun comes from the Middle English term "stingere" and can refer to either an insect's sharp organ of offense or be used metaphorically as another synonym for "lance."
In conclusion, "lance" can be pronounced as either "lans" or "launs" and can be used as both a noun and a verb. It has various meanings and can be used in different contexts. As an editor of this website, I hope this article has helped you understand the meaning of "lance" better. If you found this article helpful, please consider following me for more interesting language-related content. Thank you for reading and best wishes to you in your language learning journey!