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1. “Landing”的发音


根据国际音标,单词“landing”的发音为 [ˈlændɪŋ],重音在第一个音节上。

2. “Landing”的读音技巧

- 第一个音节的元音为短元音“æ”,发音时舌尖抵住下齿龈,嘴唇微微张开。

- 第二个音节的元音为长元音“ɪ”,发音时舌尖抵住下齿龈,嘴唇稍稍收紧。

- 最后一个辅音“ŋ”为鼻化辅音,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流从鼻腔通过。

3. “Landing”的同义词及例句

- 同义词:arrival, touchdown, alighting

- 例句:

a. The plane made a smooth landing on the runway.


b. The astronaut's space capsule landed safely on Earth.


c. Our flight was delayed due to bad weather conditions at the destination airport, but we eventually made a successful landing.


4. “Landing”的意思及用法解释


- 名词:指飞机、船只等到达目的地并安全着陆的行为。

- 动词:指飞机、船只等到达目的地并安全着陆的行为;也可以指人或物体从高处落下或降落到地面上。

5. “Landing”的常见短语

- hard landing:硬着陆,指飞机在着陆时冲击力过大。

- emergency landing:紧急降落,指由于突发情况而不得不提前降落。

- smooth landing:平稳着陆,指飞机在着陆时没有出现颠簸或冲击。

- water landing:水上降落,指飞机或船只在水面上安全着陆。

6. “Landing”在日常交流中的用法


a. The team's hard work finally paid off with a successful landing of their new product in the market.


b. After years of struggling, she finally landed her dream job at a top company.


7. “Landing”与其他单词的搭配用法

- landing gear:起落架,指飞机或航天器着陆时支撑其重量和保持平衡的装置。

- landing strip:跑道,指飞机降落或起飞时使用的长而狭窄的区域。

- landing site:着陆点,指航天器或宇航员着陆的地方



Landing这个词也有一些同义词,比如“touch down”、“arrive”,它们都可以表示“着陆”的意思。但是Landing更多的含义是指飞机等交通工具平稳地降落,而不仅仅是到达某个地点。


1. The plane is about to make a landing. (这架飞机即将降落。)

2. The ship made a perfect landing at the port. (那艘船在港口平稳地靠岸了。)

3. The parachutist's landing was not very smooth. (那位跳伞者的降落并不太顺利。)

4. The ball landed on the roof of the house. (球掉到了房顶上。)



1. 动词用法:


- The plane is landing at the airport now.(飞机正在降落在机场。)

- The spacecraft successfully landed on the moon.(宇宙飞船成功着陆在月球上。)


- The boat landed on the shore after a long journey.(船只经过漫长的旅程后靠岸了。)

- He landed his car in front of the building.(他把车停在了建筑物前面。)

2. 名词用法:


- The pilot made a perfect landing at the small airport.(飞行员在小型机场做出了完美的着陆。)

- We will meet you at the landing when you arrive by boat.(我们会在你乘船到达时在靠岸处见面。)


- The company's new product launch was a successful landing.(公司的新产品发布是一个成功的实施。)

- The team's project finally landed after months of hard work.(团队经过几个月的努力终于完成了项目。)

3. 同义词:


4. 例句:

- The plane's arrival was delayed due to bad weather.


- The touchdown of the spacecraft was broadcasted live on TV.


- The ship docked at the port to unload its cargo.



1. Touchdown

例句:The plane made a smooth touchdown on the runway.

2. Arrival

例句:The landing of the spacecraft on the moon was a historic arrival.

3. Touching down

例句:The pilot announced that we would be touching down in approximately 10 minutes.

4. Alighting

例句:The birds were alighting on the branches of the tree.

5. Descending

例句:The helicopter was descending towards the landing pad.

6. Touching ground

例句:After a long flight, we were finally touching ground in our destination city.

7. Setting down

例句:The pilot expertly set down the plane on the small airstrip.

8. Arrival at destination

例句:We celebrated our arrival at our dream vacation spot with a smooth landing at the airport.

9. Coming to rest

例句:After a bumpy ride, the plane came to rest on the tarmac.

10. Docking

例句:The spaceship successfully docked with the space station after its long journey through space


1. Landing strip - 降落跑道,指飞机降落的区域。

例句:The pilot expertly guided the plane onto the landing strip.

2. Make a smooth landing - 平稳着陆,指飞机在降落时没有颠簸或者激烈的动作。

例句:The experienced pilot made a smooth landing despite the strong winds.

3. Emergency landing - 紧急降落,指飞机因故障或其他原因不得不提前降落。

例句:The airplane had to make an emergency landing due to engine failure.

4. Hard landing - 硬着陆,指飞机在着陆时产生较大的冲击力。

例句:The passengers were jolted by the hard landing, but thankfully no one was injured.

5. Water landing - 水上迫降,指飞机在海洋或湖泊等水域上着陆。

例句:The pilot successfully performed a water landing after both engines failed.

6. Landing gear - 起落架,指飞机用来支撑和保持平衡的装置。

例句:The mechanics checked the landing gear before every flight for safety reasons.

7. Touchdown - 触地,指飞机轮子接触地面时的瞬间。

例句:The passengers cheered as the plane made a smooth touchdown on the runway.

8. Crosswind landing - 侧风着陆,指在强大的侧风情况下降落。

例句:The pilot had to use all his skills to make a successful crosswind landing.

9. Landing clearance - 着陆许可,指航空管制员允许飞机着陆的许可证明。

例句:The pilot requested landing clearance from the control tower.

10. Safe landing - 安全着陆,指飞机在降落时没有发生任何意外或事故。

例句:Thanks to the skilled pilot, the plane made a safe landing despite the stormy weather
