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1. leader的定义


2. leader的读音

leader一词的读音为[ˈliːdər],其中最重要的是第一个音节“lee”的发音,它需要发长音(long vowel),即发出较长的“i”音。第二个音节“der”的发音则较为简单,需要发出清晰的“d”和“r”两个音。

3. leader的同义词


4. leader在句子中的用法及例句

(1) 作为名词:

- He is the leader of our team. (他是我们团队的领导者。)

- The company's new leader has a bold vision for the future. (公司新任领导者对未来有着大胆的愿景。)

(2) 作为动词:

- She has been leading the project since its inception. (自项目开始以来,她一直在领导这项工作。)

- The coach is trying to lead his team to victory. (教练正在努力带领他的团队取得胜利。)

5. leader的衍生词

- leadership (n.) 领导能力、领导才能

- leaderless (adj.) 无领导的、无首领的

- leadership skills (n.) 领导技能、领导能力

6. leader在文化中的意义

在英语国家,leader一词常被用来形容那些具有魅力和影响力的人物。例如,音乐界的“乐队领袖”(band leader)指的是那些指挥乐队演奏的人;商业界的“行业领袖”(industry leader)则指代某个行业中最具影响力和地位的企业或个人


1. leader的意思


2. leader的读音


3. leader同义词


4. leader例句

(1) He is a natural born leader, always taking charge of the group and leading us to success.


(2) The company's new CEO is a strong and charismatic leader, with a clear vision for the future.


(3) As a team leader, it is important to listen to the opinions of others and make decisions that benefit the whole group.



1. leader是什么意思?


2. leader怎么读?


3. leader的同义词有哪些?


4. leader的例句

(1) He is the leader of our team and we all look up to him for guidance.


(2) The country needs a strong and capable leader to lead us through these difficult times.


(3) Martin Luther King Jr. was a great civil rights leader who fought for equality and justice.



1.领导者 (leader)

- 意思:指能够带领团队或组织达成共同目标的人。

- 同义词:主导者 (head), 领袖 (chief), 指导者 (guide)

- 例句:He is a great leader who inspires and motivates his team to achieve success.

2.领头羊 (leader)

- 意思:指在一群人中处于领先地位的人,也可指最具影响力的人。

- 同义词:首脑 (head), 领军人物 (front-runner), 率先者 (pioneer)

- 例句:She was the leader of the group, always taking charge and making decisions.

3.领航员 (leader)

- 意思:指在航空、航海等方面担任导航和指挥工作的人。

- 同义词:导航员 (navigator), 舵手 (helmsman), 引路人 (guide)

- 例句:The leader of the flight was experienced and skilled, ensuring a safe journey for all passengers.

4.领军企业家 (leader)

- 意思:指在某个行业或市场中具有卓越成就和影响力的企业家。

- 同义词:商业巨头 (business tycoon), 行业领袖 (industry leader), 商界精英 (business elite)

- 例句:He is known as a leader in the tech industry, having founded and grown multiple successful companies.

5.领导风格 (leadership style)

- 意思:指领导者在处理事务和管理团队时所表现出的特定方式。

- 同义词:管理风格 (management style), 领导方式 (leadership approach), 领导能力 (leadership skills)

- 例句:Her democratic leadership style allows for open communication and collaboration within the team.

6.领导力 (leadership)

- 意思:指一个人具备的领导才能和影响力。

- 同义词:指挥能力 (commanding ability), 领袖气质 (leader's charisma), 引导能力 (guiding ability)

- 例句:Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization.

7.领袖选拔 (leader selection)

- 意思:指在组织或政治机构中选择和培养合适的人担任领导职位。

- 同义词:人才选拔 (talent selection), 领导层培养 (leadership development), 领袖挑选 (leader recruitment)

- 例句:The company has a rigorous leader selection process to ensure only the best candidates are chosen for top positions.

8.领先地位 (leading position)

- 意思:指在某个行业、市场或竞争中处于最前沿的地位。

- 同义词:主要地位 (primary position), 首屈一指 (top position), 领跑者 (front-runner)

- 例句:The company's innovative products have helped it maintain a leading position in the market.

9.领导团队 (leading a team)

- 意思:指作为领导者带领和管理一个团队。

- 同义词:带领团队 (leading a group), 管理团队 (managing a team), 领导人员 (leadership team)

- 例句:She has experience in leading diverse teams and achieving successful outcomes.

10.领导层面试 (leadership interview)

- 意思:指针对担任领导职位的候选人进行的面试。

- 同义词:高管面试 (executive interview), 领导能力评估 (leadership assessment), 领袖选拔测试 (leader selection test)

- 例句:The final round of the hiring process includes a leadership interview with top executives of the company


1. Chief - 领袖、首领、负责人

例句:He is the chief of the tribe.(他是这个部落的首领。)

2. Head - 领袖、主管、负责人

例句:She is the head of the department.(她是这个部门的主管。)

3. Director - 主管、负责人、指导者

例句:The director of the company made an important decision.(公司的主管做出了重要决定。)

4. Manager - 经理、管理者、负责人

例句:He is the manager of our team.(他是我们团队的经理。)

5. Supervisor - 监督者、管理者、主管

例句:The supervisor checked the progress of our work.(监督者检查了我们工作的进展。)

6. Captain - 队长、船长、领队

例句:He is the captain of our football team.(他是我们足球队的队长。)

7. Boss - 老板、上司、领导

例句:My boss gave me a promotion last week.(我的老板上周给我晋升了。)

8. Commander - 指挥官、指挥者

例句:The commander led his troops to victory in battle.(指挥官带领部队在战斗中获得胜利。)

9. Mentor - 导师、良师益友

例句:She has been a great mentor to me in my career.(她在我的职业生涯中一直是我的良师益友。)

10. Champion - 冠军、领袖、优胜者

例句:He is the champion of the competition.(他是这次比赛的冠军。)
