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1. leaking的定义


2. leaking的解释

作为动词时,leaking通常指液体或气体从容器或管道中不受控制地流出。例如:“The faucet is leaking.”(水龙头在漏水。)“The tire is leaking air.”(轮胎在漏气。)此外,leaking也可以指秘密信息被泄露出去。例如:“The company's financial records were leaked to the press.”(公司的财务记录被泄露给了媒体。)

作为名词时,leaking指液体、气体或信息等不受控制地流出或泄露的状态。例如:“There is a leaking pipe in the basement.”(地下室有一根漏水的管道。)“The government is investigating the source of the leaking of classified documents.”(政府正在调查机密文件泄露的来源。)

3. leaking的发音


4. leaking同义词


5. leaking例句

- The roof is leaking and we need to fix it before it rains again.


- The leaking of the company's trade secrets caused a major scandal.


- The faucet has been leaking for weeks, I really need to call a plumber.




1. leaking的发音


2. leaking的读法


3. leaking同义词


4. leaking例句

- The faucet is leaking, we need to fix it.


- The roof is leaking and the rain is coming in.


- The company's financial information has been leaking to the media.




1. leaking的意思是指“渗漏”、“泄露”、“漏出”等,是动词leak的现在分词形式。它可以用来描述物质、信息等从容器或者系统中不经意流出或者泄露出去的情况。

例句:The roof is leaking and we need to fix it before the rainy season comes. (屋顶正在渗漏,我们需要在雨季来临之前修理它。)

2. leaking的发音为/liːkɪŋ/,其中重音在第一个音节上。

3. leaking的同义词包括dripping、flowing、seeping等。

例句:The faucet is dripping and needs to be fixed. (水龙头正在滴水,需要修理。)

4. 在英语中,leaking也可以用作名词,表示“泄露”、“渗漏”的情况。

例句:The leaking of classified information can have serious consequences. (机密信息的泄露可能会带来严重后果。)

5. leak和leak out也可以作为leaking的同义表达,表示“泄漏出去”、“逸出”的意思。

例句:The news of their engagement leaked out and spread like wildfire. (他们订婚的消息泄露了出去,像野火一样迅速传开。)

6. 另外,在日常口语中,还可以用leak来表示“走漏风声”、“泄露秘密”的意思。

例句:I told you that in confidence, please don't leak it to anyone else. (我是在信任你的情况下告诉你的,请不要把它泄露给其他人。)

7. leak和leakage也可以用作形容词,表示“有漏洞的”、“有泄漏的”。

例句:The roof is leaking and causing damage to the ceiling. (屋顶有漏洞,导致天花板受损。)

8. 另外,leak也可以用来描述秘密或者信息被不小心透露出去的情况。

例句:The company's new product design was leaked by an employee before its official release. (公司新产品的设计在正式发布之前被一名员工泄露了出去。)



1. Leak

同义词:seep, drip, flow, ooze

例句:The faucet is leaking and needs to be fixed.

2. Spill

同义词:leak out, pour out, discharge

例句:The container was not sealed properly and caused the liquid to spill.

3. Escape

同义词:leak out, slip away, get out

例句:The gas was leaking from the tank and could potentially escape into the air.

4. Drip

同义词:leak, trickle, drop

例句:The roof was damaged and water was dripping through the ceiling.

5. Seepage

同义词:leakage, oozing, infiltration

例句:The seepage of oil from the pipeline caused environmental concerns.

6. Percolate

同义词:filter through, penetrate, soak in

例句:Water from the river percolates into the ground and becomes groundwater.

7. Bleed

同义词: leak out slowly, seep

例句: The wound was bleeding and needed immediate medical attention.

8. Exude

同义词: ooze out, leak

例句: The plant exudes a sticky substance that helps protect it from insects.

9. Trickle

同义词: drip slowly, seep

例句: The water trickled down the mountain and formed a small stream.

10. Drain

同义词: empty out, flow away

例句: The bathtub drain was clogged and caused water to leak onto the floor


1. "Leaking"被误译为"泄漏"

很多人将"leaking"误译为"泄漏",其实这个词的意思是指渗透或漏出。比如说,我们可以说"The roof is leaking."(屋顶在渗水。)而不是"The roof is leaking."(屋顶在泄漏。)

2. "Leaking"被误译为"泄露"


3. "Leaking"被误译为“洩露”


4. "Leaking"被误译为“漏”

有些人可能会把“leaking”简单地理解为“漏”,但这样做会使句子变得含糊不清。正确的表达应该是“The pipe is leaking.”(管道在渗漏。)而不是“The pipe is leaking.”(管道在漏。)

5. "Leaking"被误译为“渗出”



"Leaking"是一个动词,指物质或液体从容器或管道中渗出。它的同义词包括dripping、seeping、flowing out等。例如:“The faucet is leaking.”(水龙头在滴水。)这个词的发音为/ˈliːkɪŋ/,读音类似于"leeking"。


1. The roof is leaking and we need to fix it before it gets worse.


2. The company's confidential information was leaked to the media.


3. The bottle of milk was leaking and made a mess in my bag.


4. I can hear water dripping from the faucet, it must be leaking.


5. The oil is seeping out of the container, we need to clean it up.


leaking是一个常用的英语单词,它的意思是“泄露”或“漏出”。它的发音为[ˈliːkɪŋ],常被误读为[ˈlɛkɪŋ]。在使用时可以替换为synonyms,如leakage、seepage等。例如,“The leaking roof needs to be fixed immediately.”(这个漏水的屋顶需要立即修复。)同时,在翻译时也要注意不要将其误译为其他单词,以免造成歧义。我是网站编辑,希望本文能够帮助大家更好地理解和使用leaking这个单词。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我获取更多有趣、实用的英语知识。谢谢阅读!