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The pronunciation of leak

1. What does "leak" mean?

- "Leak" is a verb that means to allow liquid or gas to escape through a hole or crack in a container or surface. It can also refer to the unintentional release of information or secrets.

2. How do you pronounce "leak"?

- The word "leak" is pronounced as /liːk/, with a long "ee" sound and a hard "k" at the end.

3. Synonyms for "leak"

- Some synonyms for the verb "leak" include: seep, drip, flow, escape, ooze, and discharge. These words all convey the idea of something slowly coming out through an opening.

4. Example sentences

- There was a small leak in the roof, causing water to drip into the house.

- The company's financial report was leaked to the press before its official release.

- The government is investigating who leaked classified information to the public.

- The faucet is leaking and needs to be fixed.

- The boat had a leak and started taking on water.

5. Common mistakes in pronunciation

- Some people may mistakenly pronounce "leak" as /lek/ with a short "e" sound instead of a long one.

- Others may also add an extra syllable and say /lee-eek/ instead of just /liːk/.

- Another common mistake is pronouncing it with a soft "ch" sound at the end, like /liːtʃ/.

6. Tips for correct pronunciation

- To ensure you are pronouncing "leak" correctly, try saying it slowly and emphasizing the long "ee" sound.

- You can also listen to recordings of native English speakers saying the word to get a better idea of how it should be pronounced.

- Practice saying it in different contexts and sentences to improve your pronunciation.

7. Related words and phrases

- "Leakage" is a noun form of "leak" and refers to the act or process of leaking.

- "Leaky" is an adjective that describes something that has a leak or is prone to leaking.

- "Plug the leak" is an idiomatic phrase that means to stop something from leaking or to prevent information from getting out.

- "Spring a leak" is another idiomatic phrase that means to suddenly start leaking.

8. Conclusion

In summary, the word "leak" is pronounced as /liːk/ and means to allow liquid or gas to escape through an opening. It can also refer to the unintentional release of information. Some synonyms for this word include seep, drip, and ooze. Remember to avoid common mistakes in pronunciation by emphasizing the long "ee" sound and practicing in different contexts

How to say leak

1. What does leak mean?

Leak is a noun that refers to an unintentional escape of liquid or gas, or a hole or crack that allows this escape.

2. How do you pronounce leak?

The word "leak" is pronounced as /liːk/.

3. Synonyms for leak

Other words that have similar meanings to leak include: seep, drip, spill, ooze, flow, and escape.

4. Examples of using leak in a sentence

- The roof had a small leak which caused water damage.

- The company's confidential information was leaked to the press.

- The tire had a slow air leak and needed to be replaced.

- I can hear water leaking from the faucet in the bathroom.

- The government tried to cover up the oil spill but news of it eventually leaked out.

So next time you encounter the word "leak", you'll know exactly what it means and how to say it!

Usage and examples of leak

1. Leak的含义


2. Leak的发音


3. Leak的同义词

Leak的同义词包括:drip, seep, flow, escape, spill等。

4. Leak的例句

- There is a leak in the roof and water is dripping onto the floor.


- The company's financial information was leaked to the media.


- The government tried to plug the leak of classified documents.


5. Usage of leak


- The faucet is leaking and needs to be fixed.


- The company was forced to address the leak of sensitive information.


6. Examples of leak


- Plug the leak: 堵住漏洞,阻止信息泄露

- Leak out: 泄露出来

- Keep a secret under wraps: 保守秘密

- Let the cat out of the bag: 泄露秘密

- A leaky faucet: 漏水的水龙头

Phrases with leak

1. To spring a leak - 漏水

例句:The boat sprung a leak and started taking on water.

2. A leak in the roof - 屋顶漏水

例句:We need to fix the leak in the roof before it rains again.

3. Information leak - 信息泄露

例句:The company is investigating the source of the information leak.

4. To plug a leak - 堵住漏洞,阻止泄露

例句:The government is trying to plug leaks in their security system.

5. Leak out - 慢慢泄露,逐渐传开

例句:News of the scandal leaked out and caused a public uproar.

6. To be leaking like a sieve - 泄露如筛子,指信息等泄露严重

例句:The company's security measures are so weak, information is leaking like a sieve.

7. To let something slip through the cracks/leak through the cracks - 让某事物从缝隙中滑走,指未能注意到或处理某事物

例句:I'm sorry, I must have let your email slip through the cracks while I was away on vacation.

8. A slow leak - 慢漏,指渐渐泄露或流失的情况

例句:There seems to be a slow leak in our savings account, we need to be more careful with our spending.

9. A gas/water leak - 气体/水管泄漏

例句:We had to evacuate the building due to a gas leak in the basement.

10. A leaky faucet - 漏水的水龙头

例句:Can you please fix the leaky faucet in the bathroom? It's been dripping all night.

11. To have a leak - 有泄露,指某人知道或透露了秘密信息

例句:The journalist claimed to have a leak inside the government who provided them with confidential information.

12. A leak of confidence - 泄露信任,指某人违背信任而泄露信息

例句:The politician's career was ruined after a leak of confidence revealed their involvement in a scandal.

13. To spring a leak in someone's argument/theory - 指某人的论点或理论出现漏洞

例句:The scientist's theory was solid until someone pointed out a major flaw that sprung a leak in their argument.

14. A security breach/leak - 安全漏洞,指未经授权的访问或获取机密信息

例句:The security team is investigating the source of the security breach that led to sensitive information being leaked.

15. To patch up a leak - 修补漏洞,指修复或加强安全措施以防止泄露

例句:After the data breach, the company quickly patched up any leaks in their security system to prevent future incidents

Synonyms for leak and their usage in sentences

1. Synonyms for "leak"

- Drip: This word is often used to describe a small, steady flow of liquid, similar to a leak. For example: "There was a drip coming from the faucet."

- Seep: This word is used to describe a slow escape of liquid or gas through small openings. For example: "Water seeped through the cracks in the wall."

- Spill: While this word typically refers to an accidental or sudden release of liquid, it can also be used as a synonym for leak. For example: "The cup was leaking and caused a spill on the floor."

- Escape: This word can be used to describe any type of fluid or gas that is released from its intended container. For example: "Gas was escaping from the tank due to a small leak."

- Percolate: This word is often used to describe the slow movement of liquid through something porous, such as soil or coffee grounds. It can also be used as a synonym for leak in certain contexts. For example: "The water began to percolate out of the pot due to a small hole."

2. Usage in sentences

- The plumber fixed the leak in our kitchen sink.

- The roof had several leaks that caused damage during heavy rain.

- Oil was slowly seeping out of the tanker truck's damaged tank.

- The water bottle had a small spill that left my bag wet.

- There was an unpleasant smell coming from the gas that escaped from the stove.

- The coffee began to percolate out of the pot because it had too many leaks.

3. Synonyms for "leak" (adjective)

- Leaky: This word describes something that has holes or gaps and allows liquid or gas to escape. For example: "The roof is leaky and needs repairs."

- Porous: This adjective refers to something that has tiny openings that allow liquid or gas to pass through. It can also be used to describe a material that is easily damaged or worn. For example: "The sponge is porous and absorbs water quickly."

- Permeable: This word has a similar meaning to porous, describing something that allows substances to pass through it. For example: "The membrane is permeable and allows certain molecules to pass through."

- Faulty: This adjective describes something that is not working properly or has defects. It can be used to describe a leaky object or system. For example: "The faucet is faulty and constantly leaks water."

- Defective: Similar to faulty, this word describes something that does not function correctly due to damage or flaws. For example: "The seal on the bottle was defective, causing the liquid to leak out."

4. Usage in sentences

- The roof was leaky and needed urgent repairs.

- The sponge was very porous, making it great for cleaning up spills.

- The fabric of the tent was permeable, allowing air to pass through but keeping out rain.

- The faulty pipe caused a major leak in the basement.

- The defective bottle caused the juice to spill all over the table.

In conclusion, there are several synonyms for "leak" that can be used depending on the context and type of leakage. These words can add variety and clarity in writing and speaking about leaks. Remember, when using synonyms, it's important to consider their connotations and choose the most appropriate word for your intended meaning

leak是一个常用的词汇,它可以作为动词或名词使用。正确的发音是/liːk/,在口语中也常被读作/lɪk/。我们可以通过一些例句和短语来更好地理解和运用这个词汇。例如,“The faucet is leaking.”(水龙头在漏水。)“There was a leak in the roof.”(屋顶有一个漏洞。)“The government tried to cover up the leak of classified information.”(政府试图掩盖机密信息的泄露。)除了以上提到的用法外,我们还可以用一些同义词来替换leak,比如drip、seep、ooze等。最后,我是网站编辑小编,在这里分享有趣的知识和实用的技能,喜欢就关注我吧!祝大家学习进步,生活愉快!