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lean on是什么意思

你是否曾经听过“lean on”这个词汇?它的发音是什么呢?它又是什么词性呢?或许你已经有了一定的了解,但是它的用法和例句又如何呢?在这篇文章中,我们将会探讨“lean on”的各种含义

你是否曾经听过“lean on”这个词汇?它的发音是什么呢?它又是什么词性呢?或许你已经有了一定的了解,但是它的用法和例句又如何呢?在这篇文章中,我们将会探讨“lean on”的各种含义,包括它的同义词示例和反义词示例。让我们一起来探索这个引人瞩目的行业标题吧!

lean on是什么意思

"lean on"的发音

你是否曾经听到过这个短语"lean on",但又不太确定它的真正含义?别担心,许多人都和你一样。今天我将为你解释这个短语的意思,并教你如何正确地发音。

1. "lean on"是什么意思?

首先,让我们来看一下这个短语的字面意思。"lean on"是由两个单词组成,"lean"意为“倚靠”,而"on"则表示“在……上”。因此,结合起来的意思就是“在某物上倚靠”。但在现实生活中,它通常被用作一个动词短语,表示依赖、信任或寻求帮助。



2. "lean on"如何发音?



你可以在这里找到更多关于"lean on"的发音示例和练习:

"lean on"是什么词性?

作为一个年轻人,你一定经常会听到这个词组“lean on”,但是你知道它的词性是什么吗?让我来告诉你吧!

1. 动词:在英语中,“lean on”通常被使用为动词,意为“依靠”、“倚靠”。比如,“She always leans on her friends for support.”(她总是依靠朋友们的支持。)

2. 短语动词:除了作为单独的动词外,“lean on”也可以和其他单词组合成短语动词,表示不同的意思。比如,“lean on someone”意为“向某人施压”,“lean on something”意为“依赖某事物”。例如,“The boss always leans on his employees to work harder.”(老板总是向员工施压要求更努力工作。)“She leans on her faith to get through tough times.”(她依赖自己的信仰度过艰难时刻。)

3. 名词:虽然较少使用,但是“lean on”也可以作为名词,表示“支撑物”。例如,“He used the tree as a lean-on for his back while resting.”(他用树作为背部支撑物休息。)

现在你知道了“lean on”的三种不同的词性,希望能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个常用的词组。记住,在生活中,我们都需要依靠别人和某些事物,但是也要学会独立和坚强

"lean on"的用法和例句

1. "lean on"的意思是依靠、倚靠,通常用来指求助或依赖某人。

例句:When I was going through a tough time, I could always lean on my best friend for support.(当我遇到困难时,我总是可以依靠我的好朋友得到支持。)

2. "lean on"也可以用来表示施加压力或强迫某人做某事。

例句:The boss is always leaning on us to finish the project before the deadline.(老板总是在催促我们在截止日期前完成这个项目。)

3. 另外,"lean on"还有一种比喻的用法,指通过某种方式获得成功。

例句:She has been leaning on her charm and good looks to get ahead in her career.(她一直都是靠自己的魅力和美貌在事业上取得成功。)

4. 这个短语也可以被用来表示对某人的支持和信任。

例句:I know I can always lean on my family for love and encouragement.(我知道我总是可以依靠我的家人给予爱和鼓励。)

5. 最后,"lean on"也可以指向某个物体倾斜或靠近。

例句:The old man leaned on his cane as he walked down the street.(老人走在街上时倚靠着手杖。)

"lean on"的同义词示例

1. Rely on

- Definition: to depend on someone or something for support or help

- Example: She always leans on her best friend for emotional support.

2. Depend on

- Definition: to rely or trust in someone or something

- Example: We can always depend on our parents for financial help.

3. Count on

- Definition: to trust or have confidence in someone or something

- Example: I know I can count on you to be there for me when I need it.

4. Trust in

- Definition: to have faith or belief in someone or something

- Example: We trust in our team's abilities to win the game.

5. Confide in

- Definition: to share private thoughts and feelings with someone you trust

- Example: She confided in her therapist about her struggles with anxiety.

6. Support from/with/by

- Definition: assistance, encouragement, or comfort provided by someone or something

- Example: He receives a lot of support from his family during difficult times.

7. Lean upon/upon as a crutch

- Definition: to use someone or something as a source of support, often excessively and without taking responsibility for oneself

- Example: He constantly leans upon his parents as a crutch instead of standing on his own two feet.

8. Turn to/rely upon/look to

- Definition: seek help, advice, or comfort from someone or something

- Example: In times of trouble, she turns to her faith for strength and guidance.

9. Bank on

- Definition: depend heavily on something happening; rely confidently

- Example: We're banking on the success of this new product launch to boost our sales.

10. Rest upon/on

- Definition: rely completely and solely upon; be dependent upon

- Example: The success of this project rests solely upon your shoulders

"lean on"的反义词示例

1. "Stand alone": 作为一个独立的个体,不依赖他人。

例如:She is a strong and independent woman, she doesn't need to lean on anyone.

2. "Self-reliant": 自力更生,不依赖他人的帮助。

例如:He has always been self-reliant and doesn't like to ask for help.

3. "Independent": 独立自主,不需要他人的支持。

例如:She moved out of her parents' house at a young age and has been independent ever since.

4. "Self-sufficient": 自给自足,不需要依靠他人。

例如:The village is self-sufficient, they grow their own food and have their own water source.

5. "Strong-willed": 意志坚强,有自己的主见。

例如:She is a strong-willed person, she knows what she wants and doesn't let others influence her decisions.

6. "Resilient": 有韧性,能够应对困难和挑战。

例如:Despite facing many challenges, he remains resilient and always finds a way to overcome them.

7. "Independent-minded": 独立思考,有自己的想法和观点。

例如:She is an independent-minded individual, she doesn't follow the crowd and makes her own decisions.

8. "Self-made": 自成一派,靠自己努力取得成功。

例如:He is a self-made man, he built his business from scratch without any outside help.

9. "Autonomous": 自治的,能够独立运作。

例如:The team is autonomous, they don't need constant supervision to get their work done.

10. "Self-sustaining": 自我维持,不需要外界支持。

例如:The project is self-sustaining, it generates enough income to cover its own expenses

我们了解到“lean on”一词的发音、词性、用法和例句,以及它的同义词和反义词示例。希望读者能够在日常生活中灵活运用这个词汇,丰富自己的表达方式。我是网站编辑,希望通过我的文章能够为大家提供有价值的知识,并且帮助大家更好地学习英语。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我,我们一起进步吧!