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Introduction to the word "leapt"


1. “leapt”的意思


2. 如何读“leapt”


3. “leapt”的同义词


4. “leapt”的例句

- The cat leapt onto the table to catch the mouse.


- The athlete leapt over the hurdle with ease.


- My heart leapt with joy when I saw my favorite singer on stage.


How to pronounce "leapt"

1. "leapt"的意思是什么?


2. "leapt"怎么读?


3. "leapt"的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句:

- The cat leapt onto the table and knocked over a vase.


- The athlete leapt over the hurdle with ease.


- My heart leapt with joy when I saw my favorite band perform live.


Usage and examples of "leapt"

1. Definition of "leapt"

- "Leapt" is the past tense and past participle form of the verb "leap".

- It means to make a sudden movement or jump, often with great force or energy.

2. How to pronounce "leapt"

- The word "leapt" is pronounced as /lɛpt/ or "lept".

- The "ea" in the word is pronounced as a short "e" sound, similar to the word "let".

3. Synonyms for "leapt"

- Jumped

- Hopped

- Vaulted

- Bound

- Spring

4. Examples of usage for "leapt"

a) The cat leapt onto the table to catch the mouse.

b) The athlete leapt over the hurdle with ease.

c) My heart leapt with joy when I saw my long-lost friend.

d) She leapt out of bed when she heard her alarm clock.

e) The flames leapt higher as the fire spread throughout the building.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "leapt"

a) Leap of faith - taking a risk without knowing the outcome.

Example: He took a leap of faith and invested all his savings into his new business venture.

b) Leap to conclusions - making assumptions without enough evidence.

Example: Don't leap to conclusions before hearing both sides of the story.

6. Common mistakes using "leapt"

a) Incorrect: She lept onto the horse and rode away.

Correct: She leaped onto the horse and rode away.

Explanation: The correct spelling is "leaped", not "lept".

b) Incorrect: He had just made a huge leap in his career.

Correct: He had just made a huge leap in his career.

Explanation: The correct preposition to use with "leap" is "in", not "into".

7. Interesting facts about "leapt"

- The word "leapt" is derived from the Old English word "hleapan", which means "to jump, run, or spring".

- In some cultures, leaping over a fire is believed to bring good luck and ward off evil spirits.

- The famous quote "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" was said by astronaut Neil Armstrong when he first set foot on the moon.

In conclusion, "leapt" is a versatile word that can be used in various contexts to describe sudden movements or jumps. It is important to use the correct spelling and prepositions when using this word. So go ahead and use this word in your daily conversations and writing to add more variety and energy to your language!

Phrases using "leapt"

1. "Leapt into action": to quickly and eagerly start doing something.

Example: When the fire alarm went off, the firefighters leapt into action.

2. "Leap of faith": a decision or action that requires a lot of courage and trust in the unknown.

Example: She took a leap of faith and quit her job to pursue her dream of traveling the world.

3. "Leapfrog": to advance or move ahead by taking turns or bypassing others.

Example: The company leapt ahead of its competitors by implementing new technology.

4. "Leap at the chance/opportunity": to eagerly accept an opportunity when it presents itself.

Example: When she was offered a promotion, she leapt at the chance to advance her career.

5. "Leap year": a year with an extra day (February 29th) added to keep the calendar in sync with Earth's orbit around the sun.

Example: 2020 is a leap year, so we have an extra day in February.

6. "Leap over hurdles": to overcome challenges or obstacles.

Example: Despite facing many obstacles, she leapt over them and achieved her goals.

7. "Make a giant leap": to make significant progress or achieve something great.

Example: With hard work and determination, she made a giant leap in her career.

8. "Quantum leap": a sudden and significant change or improvement.

Example: The new technology brought about a quantum leap in efficiency for the company.

9. "Take a leap in the dark": to take a risk without knowing what will happen.

Example: Starting your own business is always taking a leap in the dark, but it can lead to great success.

10. "Leaping with joy": expressing extreme happiness or excitement.

Example: When she received her acceptance letter, she was leaping with joy!

Synonyms and examples of "leapt"

1. Synonyms for "leapt":

- Jumped

- Hopped

- Bounced

- Vaulted

- Springed

2. Examples of "leapt" in a sentence:

- The cat leapt onto the table to catch the mouse.

- The athlete leapt over the hurdle with ease.

- My heart leapt with joy when I saw my favorite band perform live.

- The price of the stock leapt up after the company announced its new product.

- The frog leapt into the pond, causing ripples in the water
