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What does leat mean?




除了“leat”,还有几个同义词可以用来指代类似的概念,比如ditch、canal和channel。例如,“The farmer dug a leat to bring water to his crops.”(农民挖了一条水渠给他的庄稼浇水。)

除了在农业和工程领域使用外,“leat”也可以用来形容一种特殊的跑步方式。这种跑步方式叫做“leaping leat”,即跳跃式奔跑,通常用于训练身体平衡和协调能力

How to pronounce leat?

1. What does leat mean?

Leat is a noun that refers to an artificial watercourse or channel used for conveying water, especially for irrigation or as a source of power.

2. How do you pronounce leat?

Leat is pronounced as "leet," with a long "e" sound and a silent "t" at the end.

3. Synonyms for leat

Some synonyms for leat include canal, aqueduct, ditch, conduit, and waterway.

4. Example sentences using leat

- The farmers built a leat to bring water from the river to their fields.

- The old mill was powered by a leat that ran through the village.

- The city's main water supply comes from a network of underground leats.

- The construction of the new housing development required the rerouting of several leats.

- The ancient Romans were known for their advanced systems of aqueducts and leats

Usage and examples of leat

1. What does leat mean?

Leat is a word that originated from the Old English word "laet," which means "a stream or watercourse." In modern usage, it refers to an artificial channel or aqueduct used for conveying water to a mill, farm, or other industrial purposes.

2. How do you pronounce leat?

Leat is pronounced as "leet" with a long vowel sound in the first syllable. It rhymes with words like "beat" and "treat."

3. Synonyms for leat

Other words that can be used interchangeably with leat include aqueduct, canal, conduit, ditch, and watercourse.

4. Examples of leats in use

- The old mill was powered by a leat that diverted water from the nearby river.

- The farmers built a leat to bring water to their fields during the dry season.

- The city's main source of water comes from a network of underground leats.

- The hikers followed the leat trail through the woods until they reached the waterfall.

- In ancient times, people relied on leats to provide water for drinking, cooking, and bathing.

5. Conclusion

Now you know what leat means and how it is pronounced. You also have some synonyms and examples of its usage in different contexts. So next time you come across this word, you'll know exactly what it refers to!

Phrases with leat

1. What does leat mean?

- Leat is a noun that refers to a man-made watercourse or aqueduct, used for transporting water from a source to a desired location.

2. How do you pronounce leat?

- Leat is pronounced as "leet" with a long "e" sound.

3. Synonyms for leat

- Other words that can be used interchangeably with leat include canal, channel, conduit, and ditch.

4. Example sentences using leat

- The farmers built a leat to bring water from the river to their fields.

- The old mill was powered by the water flowing through the leat.

- The town's main source of drinking water comes from the ancient leats built by the Romans

Synonym examples of leat

1. Definition of leat

Leat is a noun that refers to an artificial watercourse or channel built to supply water to a mill or other industrial installation. It can also refer to the water flowing through such a channel.

2. Synonym examples of leat

- Aqueduct: This is a structure designed to transport water from one place to another, often over long distances. It can be used as a synonym for leat, especially when referring to man-made channels.

Example: The Romans built aqueducts to supply water to their cities and towns.

- Canal: A canal is an artificial waterway constructed for navigation, irrigation, or drainage purposes. It can also be used as a synonym for leat in some contexts.

Example: The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

- Conduit: This is a channel or pipe used for conveying fluids, such as water or gas. It can also refer to the artificial channel that carries water to a mill or other industrial installation.

Example: The city's main conduit was damaged during the storm, causing widespread water shortages.

- Duct: Similar to conduit, duct is also used to refer to a tube or pipe that carries fluids. It can be used interchangeably with leat in some cases.

Example: The air conditioning system uses ducts to distribute cool air throughout the building.

3. Example sentences using leat synonyms

- The old mill relied on an intricate network of aqueducts and leats for its water supply.

- The farmers dug a new canal to bring irrigation water from the river into their fields.

- The city's main conduit was damaged during the storm, causing widespread water shortages.

- The air conditioning system uses ducts to distribute cool air throughout the building.

In conclusion, leat can be synonymous with words like aqueduct, canal, conduit, and duct in certain contexts related to artificial channels for transporting water. These synonyms can be used to add variety and clarity to your writing
