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1. He was known for his lecherous behavior towards women.


2. The lecherous old man couldn't keep his eyes off of the young waitress.


3. She was disgusted by his lecherous advances and quickly left the room.



1. 发音及读法

lecherous [ˈletʃərəs],读作“LECH-uh-rus”。

2. 同义词


3. 例句

- His lecherous gaze made her feel uncomfortable.


- The old man's lecherous behavior towards young women was widely known in the village.


4. 解释说明


5. 发音技巧


6. 类似单词

- lascivious [ləˈsɪviəs]:好色的,淫荡的。

- lustful [ˈlʌstfəl]:充满欲望的,好色的。

- licentious [laɪˈsenʃəs]:放荡的,淫乱的。

7. 派生词

lechery [ˈletʃəri]:n. 放荡,淫乱。

lecher [ˈletʃər]:n. 好色的人,色鬼。

8. 同源词

lech [letʃ]:v. 贪求,贪婪。

9. 语言知识


10. 使用场景


11. 注意事项


12. 总结回顾



1. lecherous的意思是淫荡的,好色的,指一个人有着强烈的性欲和贪婪的欲望。

例句:His lecherous gaze made her feel uncomfortable and she quickly walked away.

2. lecherous的同义词包括lustful, lascivious, licentious等,都有着类似的含义。

例句:The king's lecherous behavior towards his maidservants was well-known in the palace.

3. 除了形容人,lecherous也可以用来形容事物,表示具有引诱性和诱惑力。

例句:The lecherous advertisement for the new perfume caused quite a stir in the media.

4. 在美国俚语中,lecherous还可以用来指某件事情很酷或很棒。

例句:The new car is so lecherous, I can't wait to take it for a spin!

5. 虽然lecherous通常是负面词汇,但也可以用来指一个人有着浪漫或迷恋的情感。

例句:Despite his reputation as a playboy, he was actually quite lecherous towards his long-time girlfriend.

6. 与lecherous相关的动词是lech,表示贪婪地注视或观看。

例句:He couldn't help but lech at the beautiful woman walking by in a tight dress.

7. 在文学作品中,lecherous经常用来描述那些放荡不羁的角色,如《欲望号街车》中的Stanley Kowalski。

例句:The lecherous character in the novel was a symbol of the corrupt society in which he lived


1. Lustful - 贪欲的

例句:He couldn't control his lustful desires and ended up cheating on his wife.

2. Salacious - 淫荡的

例句:The movie was filled with salacious scenes that made many uncomfortable.

3. Wanton - 放纵的

例句:Her wanton behavior at the party shocked everyone.

4. Debauched - 放荡的

例句:The debauched lifestyle of the rich and famous is often glamorized in the media.

5. Licentious - 放肆的

例句:The politician's licentious actions were exposed by the media, causing a scandal.

6. Promiscuous - 淫乱的

例句:She had a reputation for being promiscuous, but it didn't bother her at all.

7. Lascivious - 好色的

例句:His lascivious comments towards his female coworkers made them feel uncomfortable.

8. Prurient - 好色的

例句:His prurient thoughts often got him into trouble with the law.

9. Obscene - 猥亵的

例句:The comedian's jokes were considered obscene by some, but others found them hilarious.

10. Decadent - 墮落的

例句:The party was filled with decadent behavior and excessive drinking


1. Chaste

- 同义词:pure, innocent, virtuous

- 例句:She was known for her chaste behavior and strict moral code.

2. Modest

- 同义词:humble, unassuming, reserved

- 例句:He was a modest man who never indulged in lecherous behavior.

3. Prudish

- 同义词:puritanical, priggish, uptight

- 例句:The prudish society looked down upon any form of lecherous behavior.

4. Decent

- 同义词:respectable, proper, appropriate

- 例句:He was a decent man who would never engage in lecherous activities.

5. Moral

- 同义词:ethical, righteous, upright

- 例句:The moral standards of the community did not tolerate any form of lecherous behavior.

6. Chivalrous

- 同义词:gallant, honorable, gentlemanly

- 例句:He was a chivalrous man who treated women with respect and would never act in a lecherous manner.

7. Pure

- 同义词:innocent, clean, wholesome

- 例句:Her pure heart and mind were untouched by any lecherous thoughts or desires.

8. Celibate

- 同义词: abstinent, unmarried, single

- 例句: The monks took a vow of celibacy and refrained from any form of lecherous behavior.

9. Respectable

- 同义词: reputable, honorable, decent

- 例句: He was a respectable member of society who would never engage in lecherous acts.

10. Pristine

- 同义词: immaculate, spotless, unspoiled

- 例句: Her pristine reputation was never tainted by any lecherous behavior
