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The pronunciation of lesion

As a language model AI, I may not have a mouth to pronounce words, but I can definitely help you understand the pronunciation of "lesion" in the field of translation and interpretation. So let's dive right in!

1. What does "lesion" mean?

Lesion is a medical term that refers to any abnormal tissue or damage in the body caused by injury, disease, or infection. In the context of translation and interpretation, it can also refer to any linguistic or cultural differences that may affect communication.

2. How do you pronounce "lesion"?

The correct pronunciation of "lesion" is [ˈliːʒən], with the stress on the first syllable. It is important to note that this word is often mispronounced as [lɛʃən] due to its similarity with the word "lesson". So be careful not to make this mistake!

3. Synonyms for "lesion"

Some synonyms for "lesion" include injury, wound, trauma, abnormality, and defect. In terms of translation and interpretation, it can also be referred to as barrier, obstacle, or challenge.

4. Examples of using "lesion"

- The doctor found a lesion on my arm during the examination.

- The cultural differences between the two countries were a major lesion in their negotiations.

- As a translator, it is important to be aware of any possible lesions that may arise during interpreting sessions.

So there you have it - now you know what "lesion" means, how to pronounce it correctly, and some alternative words for it. Keep these tips in mind next time you encounter this word in your language work!

How to pronounce lesion

1. Lesion的意思

Lesion是一个英语单词,指的是身体组织受到损伤或疾病影响而发生的变化。它可以用作名词或动词,常见的同义词包括injury, damage, wound等。

2. Lesion的读音


3. Lesion的同义词

除了上面提到过的injury, damage, wound之外,还有一些常见的同义词可以替换lesion,比如defect, impairment, disorder等。

4. Lesion的例句

- The doctor found a lesion on his lung during the routine check-up.


- The lesion on her skin turned out to be a benign tumor.


- The car accident caused multiple lesions on his spine.


5. 如何正确地发音lesion?


6. 如何练习发音lesion?





7. 如何避免发错音?





The usage and examples of lesion



1. 用法:Lesion可以作为名词使用,也可以作为动词使用。作为名词时,它表示身体组织受到损伤;作为动词时,它表示对身体组织进行检查或治疗。


- The doctor found a lesion on the patient's skin. (医生在患者的皮肤上发现了一个损伤。)

- The surgeon will lesion the affected area to remove the tumor. (外科医生将会对受影响的区域进行切除以移除肿瘤。)

2. 同义词:Lesion的同义词包括damage、injury、trauma等。


- The car accident caused serious damage to his leg. (车祸导致他腿部严重受损。)

- She suffered a head injury from falling off her bike. (她从自行车上摔下来后头部受伤了。)

- The athlete had to retire due to a career-ending trauma. (这位运动员因为一次职业生涯终结性的创伤而不得不退役。)

3. 例句:以下是一些关于lesion的例句,让我们来看看它们在句子中是如何使用的吧!

- The doctor performed a biopsy on the lesion to determine if it was cancerous. (医生对损伤进行了活检,以确定它是否为癌症。)

- The MRI scan revealed a small lesion in her brain. (MRI扫描显示她脑部有一个小的损伤。)

- The patient's symptoms were caused by a lesion on his spinal cord. (患者的症状是由脊髓上的一个损伤引起的。)

Phrases related to lesion

1. Definition of lesion

- Lesion is a term used in medical and scientific contexts to refer to an abnormal change in the structure or function of a tissue, organ, or body part.

- A lesion can be caused by injury, disease, infection, or other factors and can manifest as a physical or functional abnormality.

- The term lesion is often used interchangeably with terms like injury, damage, abnormality, or disorder.

2. How to pronounce lesion

- Lesion is pronounced as "LEE-zhun" with the stress on the first syllable.

- It comes from the Latin word "laesio" which means "injury" or "hurt."

3. Synonyms for lesion

- Some common synonyms for lesion include wound, sore, ulcer, tumor, growth, and defect.

- In medical terminology, different types of lesions may have specific names depending on their characteristics and location in the body.

4. Examples of lesions

- Skin lesions: These can include cuts, burns, blisters, rashes, and other abnormalities on the skin.

- Brain lesions: These can be caused by strokes, tumors, infections or other conditions that affect brain function.

- Lung lesions: These can be detected through imaging tests and may indicate lung cancer or other respiratory diseases.

5. Related phrases with lesion

- Lesion size: Refers to the dimensions of a lesion which can help determine its severity and potential impact on the body.

- Lesion location: Indicates where a lesion is located in the body which can provide important information for diagnosis and treatment.

- Lesion progression: Describes how a lesion changes over time which can help monitor its development and response to treatment.

6. Common phrases using lesion

- Lesion detection: The process of identifying lesions through medical tests such as imaging scans or biopsies.

- Lesion management: Refers to strategies for treating and monitoring lesions to prevent further damage or complications.

- Lesion removal: A procedure to remove a lesion, often performed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes.

7. Lesion in popular culture

- In the TV show "House MD," the main character Dr. Gregory House often diagnoses patients with rare diseases by identifying specific lesions on their bodies.

- In the movie "A Beautiful Mind," mathematician John Nash hallucinates seeing a lesion on his friend's arm, which leads him to believe that his friend is part of a government conspiracy.

- The term "lesion" is also commonly used in horror and suspense genres to describe mysterious or abnormal marks on characters' bodies.

8. Conclusion

In summary, lesion is a broad term used to describe any abnormality in the structure or function of a tissue, organ, or body part. It can have various causes, manifestations, and treatments depending on its location and characteristics. Knowing more about lesions can help individuals better understand their own health and communicate effectively with medical professionals

Synonyms and examples of lesion

1. Definition of lesion

Lesion is a medical term used to describe any abnormal change or damage in an organ, tissue, or cell in the body. It can refer to any type of injury, wound, or abnormality that affects the normal functioning of a specific part of the body.

2. Synonyms for lesion

- Injury: This term is often used interchangeably with lesion and refers to any harm or damage caused to a part of the body.

- Abnormality: This synonym highlights the fact that lesions are not a normal occurrence and indicate some form of deviation from the usual state.

- Defect: This term emphasizes the idea that lesions can cause impairment or malfunction in a particular organ or tissue.

- Damage: Similar to injury, this synonym refers to physical harm or injury caused by an external force.

- Anomaly: This word emphasizes the unusual nature of lesions and their deviation from the expected norm.

3. Examples of lesion

- Skin lesion: This refers to any abnormality on the skin such as a rash, sore, or bump.

- Brain lesion: A brain lesion can be caused by various factors such as trauma, infection, or disease and can lead to neurological symptoms.

- Bone lesion: This refers to any abnormality in bone tissue such as fractures, tumors, or infections.

- Lung lesion: A lung lesion can be detected through imaging tests and is often associated with conditions like pneumonia or cancer.

4. Lesion vs. Tumor

While both terms refer to abnormal changes in tissues, there is a distinct difference between lesions and tumors. Lesions can refer to any type of abnormality while tumors specifically refer to abnormal growths in tissues that may be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous).

5. Lesion vs. Wound

Lesions are often confused with wounds as they both involve damage to tissues. However, wounds specifically refer to injuries that break the skin, while lesions can occur internally or externally and may not always involve a break in the skin.

6. Lesion vs. Infection

Infections occur when microorganisms invade and multiply in the body, causing harm or damage. Lesions can be a result of infections, but they can also be caused by other factors such as trauma or disease.

7. Conclusion

In summary, lesion is a medical term used to describe any abnormal change or damage in an organ, tissue, or cell in the body. It can refer to various types of injuries, abnormalities, defects, or damages and can occur in different parts of the body. It is important to seek medical attention if you notice any unusual lesions on your body as they may indicate an underlying health issue
