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let go是什么意思,let go同义词及例句

标题:let go是什么意思,let go同义词及例句内容:1. let go的含义2. let go的发音3. let go的用法和例句4. let go的词组5. let go的同义词示例导语:你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况

标题:let go是什么意思,let go同义词及例句 内容: 1. let go的含义 2. let go的发音 3. let go的用法和例句 4. let go的词组 5. let go的同义词示例 导语:你是否曾经遇到过这样的情况,看到了一个英文单词,却不知道它的具体含义?今天我们就来揭开行业标题“let go”的神秘面纱。让我们一起来探究一下这个单词的含义、发音、用法和例句,以及它常见的词组和同义词示例。让我们一起来解开“let go”的奥秘吧!

let go是什么意思,let go同义词及例句

let go的含义

1. let go的基本含义

Let go是一个常用的英语短语,其基本含义是“放手”、“释放”、“放弃”等。它可以用来表示放开某物或某人,也可以用来比喻性地指代放下心中的负担或困扰。

2. let go的同义词

除了let go之外,还有一些与其含义相近的短语,如release、set free、drop等。它们都可以表示“释放”的意思,但在具体使用时可能会有一些细微的差别。例如,release更多地强调从束缚中解脱出来,set free则更偏向于从监禁或束缚中解救出来,而drop则可以用来表示主动抛弃或放弃某物。

3. let go的例句

(1) She finally decided to let go of her past and start a new life.


(2) The teacher asked the students to let go of their fears and just try their best.


(3) He couldn't seem to let go of his anger towards his ex-wife.


(4) The company had to let go of some employees due to financial difficulties.


(5) After years of therapy, she was finally able to let go of her childhood traumas.


4. let go的衍生含义

除了基本含义之外,let go还可以指代其他一些意思。例如:

(1) 放任、不加干预

He let go of his children and allowed them to make their own decisions.


(2) 放松、解散

The company decided to let go of its strict dress code policy.


(3) 放开、松开

She let go of the rope and the boat drifted away.


let go的发音

1. “let go”的发音为 [let goʊ],其中“let”的发音为 [lɛt],读作“莱特”,“go”的发音为 [goʊ],读作“戈”。

2. “let go”是一个常用的短语,意为“放手”,通常用于表示放弃或释放某物或某人。它也可以用作动词短语,表示允许或让某人做某事。

3. “let go”的同义词包括:release、set free、unleash、surrender等。例如:“She finally decided to let go of her past and move on.”(她最终决定放下过去,继续前进。)

4. “let go”的例句:

- You need to let go of your anger and forgive him.


- The therapist helped me to let go of my fears and anxieties.


- He couldn't let go of his childhood dream of becoming a pilot.


- The company had to let go of several employees due to financial difficulties.


5. 在美国口语中,“let go”也可以表示解雇某人。例如:“The company had to let go of many employees due to the economic downturn.”(由于经济下滑,公司不得不裁掉许多员工。)

6. “let go”的近义词“release”的发音为 [rɪˈlis],读作“里利斯”。它也可以用作名词,表示释放或解放。例如:“The prisoner was granted an early release.”(这名囚犯获得了提前释放。)

7. 另一个近义词“set free”的发音为 [sɛt fri],读作“塞特弗里”。它也可以用作动词短语,表示释放或解放某人或某物。例如:“The activists were determined to set the animals free from captivity.”(这些活动家决心要把这些动物从囚禁中解放出来。)

8. “let go”在英式英语中也可以写作“letting go”,意为“忘记”,通常用于指忘记某事或某人的过去。例如:“She's still struggling with letting go of her ex-boyfriend.”(她仍然在努力忘记她的前男友。)

9. 总的来说,“let go”是一个非常常用的短语,在日常生活和商务场合都能听到。掌握它的发音和用法将有助于提高你的英语表达能力

let go的用法和例句

1. let go的意思

let go是一个常用的短语,意为“放手”,“放开”,“释放”。它可以表示放弃某物或某人,也可以表示不再担心或不再控制某事物。

2. let go的同义词

- Release:释放,放松,解脱。

- Surrender:屈服,投降,放弃。

- Abandon:抛弃,离弃,遗弃。

- Relinquish:放弃,撤回。

- Let loose:松开,释放。

3. let go的例句

1)He finally decided to let go of his dream and pursue a different career path.


2)It's time for you to let go of your past and start living in the present.


3)The company had to let go of many employees due to financial difficulties.


4)She couldn't let go of her anger towards her ex-husband, even after all these years.


5)The little girl was too scared to let go of her mother's hand in the crowded market.


6)The dog finally let go of the ball when its owner offered it a treat.


7)The therapist helped her let go of her fear of public speaking through various exercises.


8)After years of holding onto grudges, he realized that it was time to let go and forgive.


9)She couldn't let go of the memories she had with her late husband, even though it had been years since his passing.


10)The little boy refused to let go of his favorite toy, even when his mother tried to take it away from him.


let go的词组

1. Release: 释放,放开,放手

例句:It's time to release all your worries and let go of the past.


2. Surrender: 投降,屈服,放弃

例句:Sometimes, we need to surrender and let go of control in order to find peace.


3. Move on: 继续前进,走出来

例句:It's time to move on and let go of the pain from the past.


4. Release the grip: 放松控制

例句:You need to release the grip on your life and let go of things you can't change.


5. Free yourself: 解脱自我

例句:Let go of all your fears and free yourself from their hold.


6. Unburden yourself: 卸下包袱

例句:It's time to unburden yourself and let go of all the weight you've been carrying.


7. Detach yourself: 脱离自我

例句:Detach yourself from the situation and let go of any negative emotions.


8. Release the past: 放下过去

例句:In order to move forward, you need to release the past and let go of any regrets.


9. Set yourself free: 自我解放

例句:Let go of all your doubts and set yourself free from self-imposed limitations.


10. Give up control: 放弃控制

例句:Sometimes, it's best to give up control and let go of the need to always be in charge.


let go的同义词示例

1. Release: "Let go" means to release or let something or someone go, similar to "release" in meaning. For example, "I need to let go of my past and move on."

2. Surrender: Another synonym for "let go" is "surrender," which means to give up control or possession of something. For instance, "Sometimes we need to surrender and let go of things that are out of our control."

3. Relinquish: This word has a similar meaning to "let go" and refers to giving up or letting go of something. An example sentence could be, "It's time for me to relinquish my role as leader and let someone else take charge."

4. Abandon: When we say we need to "let go," it can also mean to abandon something or someone, especially in a relationship context. For example, "She had to let go of her toxic relationship and move on with her life."

5. Release one's grip: This phrase is often used in a more literal sense, but it can also be used figuratively as a synonym for "letting go." For instance, "He finally released his grip on the past and started living in the present."

6. Drop: To "drop" something means to let it fall or stop holding onto it, which can also be used as a synonym for letting go emotionally. For example, "It's time for me to drop my grudges and forgive those who have wronged me."

7. Leave behind: This phrase refers to leaving something or someone behind and moving forward without them, similar to the idea of letting go. An example sentence could be, "It's hard for me to leave behind the memories we shared but I know I need to let go and move on."

8. Set free: To set something free means allowing it the freedom or liberty to go, which can also be used as a synonym for "let go." For instance, "She set her emotions free and finally let go of the pain."

9. Disengage: This word means to detach or separate from something, which can be used as a synonym for letting go. For example, "It's time for me to disengage from this toxic friendship and let it go."

10. Unburden: To "unburden" oneself means to release or let go of emotional weight or baggage, similar to the idea of letting go. An example sentence could be, "Talking about my problems helped me unburden myself and let go of my worries."

让我们一起来回顾一下今天的主题——let go。希望通过本文的介绍,大家对let go有了更深刻的理解,也能够更加灵活地运用到日常生活中。让我们学会放手,享受生活的美好,迎接未来的挑战。我是网站编辑,喜欢就关注我,我们将会为您带来更多有趣、实用的知识和信息。谢谢您的阅读!