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1. 发音:leviathan的发音为[lɪˈvaɪəθən],重音在第二个音节上。


2. 拼写:leviathan的拼写为l-e-v-i-a-t-h-a-n,共有8个字母。

3. 同义词:leviathan的同义词包括monster, giant, beast, creature等。它们都指代巨大而强大的生物或事物。

4. 例句:

- The leviathan in the novel was described as a terrifying sea monster.


- The construction of the new skyscraper was a leviathan task that took years to complete.


- The government's new policy was seen as a leviathan that would greatly impact the economy.


5. 补充说明:

- Leviathan是一个源自希伯来文的词语,原意为“海中之王”,也可以指代任何强大而庞大的事物。

- 在《圣经》中,Leviathan也被描述为一条巨大而凶猛的海怪,象征着邪恶和混乱。

- 除了作为名词使用外,leviathan也可以作为形容词,用来形容巨大而强大的事物。

- 在现代英语中,leviathan通常用来指代任何巨大而强大的东西,如政府、公司、组织等


1. leviathan的含义


2. leviathan的发音


3. leviathan的同义词


4. leviathan的例句

1) The leviathan of the sea is a creature that has fascinated sailors for centuries.

2) The company's new CEO is a leviathan in the business world, with years of experience and a formidable reputation.

3) The government's new tax policy is a leviathan that will have a huge impact on the economy.

4) The construction of the skyscraper was a massive undertaking, a true leviathan of modern architecture.

5) In Greek mythology, the god Poseidon was often depicted riding on the back of a leviathan.




leviathan的正确发音为[li-vahy-uh-thuh n],重音在第二个音节上。






- monster:指任何可怕或令人不安的东西,也可以指人类社会中具有破坏力和危险性的事物。

- behemoth:指任何庞大、强壮或令人印象深刻的东西。

- colossus:指任何巨大、强大或令人惊叹的事物。

- titan:指具有超凡力量和能力的人或事物。


1) The leviathan in the ocean is said to be the size of a small island.


2) The corporation was a leviathan in the business world, controlling almost every aspect of the market.


3) The government's new policy is seen as a leviathan that will bring significant changes to the economy.


leviathan是一个来自《圣经》的词语,意为“巨兽”、“庞然大物”。它可以用来指代任何巨大、强大或难以控制的事物,并且有许多同义词可以替换使用。正确发音为[li-vahy-uh-thuh n],重音在第二个音节上


1. leviathan的意思


2. leviathan的发音


3. leviathan的同义词


4. leviathan的例句

- The tech company has become a leviathan in the industry, dominating the market with its innovative products.

- The hurricane was a leviathan of destruction, leaving behind a path of devastation.

- The corrupt government is like a leviathan, controlling and oppressing its citizens.

- The CEO's power and influence in the company can be described as a leviathan.

- The ancient legend tells of a great sea battle between a ship and a terrifying leviathan.

5. leviathan在文学作品中的使用


6. leviathan在现代文化中的影响




1. Leviathan的词源

- Leviathan一词源自希伯来语,意为“巨兽”或“大海怪物”。在圣经中,Leviathan被描述为一种巨大的海洋生物,象征着邪恶和无法征服的力量。

2. Leviathan的同义词

- 在英语中,Leviathan的同义词可以是monster、sea monster、giant、colossus等。这些词都表达了Leviathan所代表的巨大和强大。

3. Leviathan的例句

- The leviathan of the sea is a fearsome creature that sailors have long feared.


- The company has become a leviathan in the industry, dominating the market with its massive size and power.


4. The leviathan of...

- 除了作为名词使用外,Leviathan也可以用作形容词来形容某个领域或行业中具有巨大影响力或控制力量的事物。例如:

- The leviathan of technology companies has been expanding its reach into new markets.


- He is known as the leviathan of the literary world, with his bestselling books and numerous awards.


5. The leviathan within

- 在某些情况下,Leviathan也可以用来指代个人内心深处的某种强大的力量或欲望。例如:

- She struggled to control the leviathan within her, the desire for power and success that threatened to consume her.


- His anger was like a leviathan within him, always lurking just beneath the surface.



1. Giant: leviathan is often used to describe something of immense size, just like a giant. For example, "The leviathan of a tree towered over the tiny village."

2. Colossus: this word can also be used as a synonym for leviathan, emphasizing the idea of something huge and powerful. For instance, "The construction of the new skyscraper was a true colossus, resembling a modern-day leviathan."

3. Behemoth: this word has a similar meaning to leviathan, but it also carries connotations of strength and dominance. An example sentence could be, "The company's CEO was known as a behemoth in the business world, much like the leviathan of the sea."

4. Monstrosity: while not an exact synonym for leviathan, this word can also be used to describe something enormous and often intimidating in appearance or size. For example, "The abandoned building was a monstrosity, resembling a leviathan that had been left to decay."

5. Titan: this word can be used as another synonym for leviathan when describing something large and powerful. It also has mythological connotations that add an air of grandeur to its meaning. A possible sentence could be, "The ancient castle stood tall and proud on the hilltop like a titan among buildings."

leviathan是一个来自希伯来语的词汇,意为“海怪”,读作[li'vaiəθən]。它也可以用作比喻,指代强大的政府或组织。在双语例句中,我们可以看到leviathan在不同场景下的用法和含义。除了常见的同义词如monster、beast等,还有一些更具有想象力的表达方式,比如colossal sea creature、gargantuan sea monster等。相信通过本文的介绍,你对leviathan这个词汇有了更深入的了解。如果你喜欢本文,请关注我(网站编辑),我会继续为大家带来更多有趣、实用的知识。谢谢阅读!