1. limitations的发音是lim-i-tey-shuhnz,其中li读作[li],mi读作[mi],te读作[te],y读作[i],shuhnz读作[ʃənz]。
2. 在英语中,单词limitations是一个复数形式的名词,意为“限制、局限性”,通常用于表示某种限制或者约束。它的发音中有两个重音:第一个重音在第二个i上,第二个重音在tio上。
3. 在美式英语中,limitations的发音可能会稍有不同。它可能会被读作lim-i-tey-shuns,在最后一个s的部分加入了一个弱化的[n]音。
4. limitations一词最早出现于15世纪末期的英国文学中,在当时被用来表示“边界、界限”。随着时代的变迁和语言的演变,它逐渐演变成了现在我们所熟知的含义。
5. 在日常生活中,我们经常会遇到各种各样的limitations。比如说,在工作中我们可能会受到时间、资源等方面的限制;在学习中我们可能会受到能力、知识等方面的限制;在生活中我们也可能会受到社会规范、道德准则等方面的限制。总之,limitations无处不在,并且它们也是我们不断成长和进步的动力。
6. 在翻译解释行业中,limitations也是一个非常重要的概念。它可以指某种语言的翻译能力受到的限制,也可以指某种文化背景下的理解能力受到的限制。因此,在进行翻译解释时,我们需要充分认识到这些limitations,以避免出现误解或者错误。
7. 总的来说,limitations是一个非常常见且重要的词汇,在日常生活和工作中都有着广泛的应用。正确地掌握其发音并理解其含义,对于提高我们的英语水平和沟通能力都有着积极的影响
1. 限制我们的想象力:有时候,我们可能会被客户或者老板的要求所限制,无法发挥我们的创造力和想象力。比如,他们要求我们按照字面意思翻译,而不是根据上下文和语境来理解。
2. 限制我们的时间:翻译工作通常都是有严格的截止日期的,这给我们留下了很少甚至没有时间来深入研究和理解原文中复杂的概念和用法。这就导致了可能出现错误或者不够准确的翻译结果。
3. 限制我们的语言能力:即使是母语为英语的人,在翻译工作中也可能会遇到一些难以理解或者表达的内容。更不用说非母语为英语的人了,他们可能会遇到更多困难和挑战。
4. 限制我们对文化差异的理解:每个国家都有自己独特的文化背景和习惯用语,这些都会影响到原文中所使用的表达方式。如果没有足够深入地了解目标语言国家的文化,就很难做到准确地翻译。
5. 限制我们的资源:有时候,我们可能没有足够的资源来完成一项翻译任务。比如,缺乏专业词汇的词典、语料库或者专业人士的帮助,都会对翻译工作造成困难
1. 什么是limitations?
2. limitations的用法
- 作为名词,limitations通常用来修饰某个事物或者情况受到的限制,如:the limitations of technology (技术的局限性)。
- 作为动词,limitations可以用来表示对某个事物或者情况进行限制,如:to limit the growth of a company (限制公司的发展)。
3. 双语例句
- The limitations of this study must be taken into consideration when interpreting the results. (在解释结果时必须考虑这项研究的局限性。)
- The government has imposed limitations on the use of plastic bags to protect the environment. (政府已经对塑料袋的使用进行了限制,以保护环境。)
- Despite its limitations, this new technology has greatly improved our daily lives. (尽管有其局限性,但这项新技术已经极大地改善了我们的日常生活。)
- Are there any limitations to this offer? (这项优惠有没有任何限制?)
1. Limitations of the meaning (意义的限制)
- The limitations of the meaning of "limitations" can vary depending on the context in which it is used.
- In general, "limitations" refers to restrictions or boundaries that prevent something from being fully realized or achieved.
- It can also refer to weaknesses or shortcomings in a particular situation or system.
2. Legal limitations (法律限制)
- In a legal context, "limitations" can refer to restrictions imposed by laws or regulations.
- For example, there may be limitations on the amount of money that can be claimed in a lawsuit, or limitations on the types of activities that are allowed in a certain area.
3. Physical limitations (身体限制)
- When talking about physical limitations, we are referring to restrictions related to our bodies and abilities.
- These can include things like age, health conditions, or physical disabilities that may limit what we are able to do.
4. Time limitations (时间限制)
- Time limitations refer to restrictions related to time and deadlines.
- This could include things like project deadlines, expiration dates for contracts, or time limits for completing tasks.
5. Financial limitations (财务限制)
- Financial limitations are constraints related to money and resources.
- For example, a company may have financial limitations that prevent them from investing in new projects or expanding their operations.
6. Technical limitations (技术限制)
- In today's digital age, there are often technical limitations that affect what we can do with technology.
- These could include hardware or software constraints that limit functionality or compatibility with certain devices.
7. Personal limitations (个人限制)
- Personal limitations refer to individual strengths and weaknesses that may affect our abilities and actions.
- These could include things like lack of knowledge or skills in a certain area, fear of failure, or personal beliefs and biases.
8. Cultural limitations (文化限制)
- Cultural limitations refer to restrictions or boundaries that are influenced by cultural norms and values.
- These can affect how we communicate, behave, and make decisions in different cultural contexts.
9. Environmental limitations (环境限制)
- Environmental limitations are constraints related to the physical surroundings in which we operate.
- This could include things like weather conditions, natural resources, or infrastructure limitations.
10. Limitations of technology (技术的限制)
- Finally, "limitations" can also refer to the shortcomings or restrictions of a particular technology.
- This could include things like limited functionality, compatibility issues, or security vulnerabilities
1. Restrictions
2. Boundaries
3. Constraints
4. Obstacles
5. Limiting factors
6. Handicaps
7. Restraints
8. Confines
9. Drawbacks
10. Handicaps