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The meaning of listening


1. 含义:



2. 发音:


3. 同义词:

listening的同义词包括hearing、paying attention to、attending to等。它们都表示专注地倾听某些声音或话语。

4. 例句:

a) Are you listening to me? (你在听我说话吗?)

b) She is listening carefully to the instructions. (她正在仔细聆听指导。)

c) The teacher asked us to listen attentively during the lecture. (老师要求我们在讲座期间认真倾听。)

How to pronounce listening

1. 理解listening的意思


2. 发音方式


3. 同义词

Listening有许多同义词,如hear、attend、pay attention等。它们都可以用来表示“听”的意思,但在不同语境下可能有着细微的差异。

4. 例句

- I enjoy listening to music in my free time.


- She was listening attentively to the teacher's instructions.


- Are you really listening to what I'm saying?


5. 注意事项

- 在listening中,g和t都是浊辅音,在发音时要注意不要发成清辅音。

- 有时候,ing结尾的单词会发生连读现象,比如listening中的[n]和[i]会连起来发音,听起来像是[ɪn]。

- 在英语中,有些单词的发音可能会因为地区、语言背景等原因有所差异,所以在学习发音时最好参考多个来源

Usage and examples of listening

1. 简介


2. 如何读音


3. 同义词

除了listening之外,还有一些同义词可以用来表示“听”的意思,如hear、listen to、pay attention to等。这些词都可以用来表示我们通过耳朵接收声音。

4. 例句

- I enjoy listening to music in my free time.


- Are you listening to me?


- You should listen to your parents' advice.


- He has good listening skills.


- She always pays attention when someone is talking.


Phrases with listening

1. Active listening - actively paying attention and engaging in the conversation or activity

例句:Active listening is an important skill to have in any relationship.

2. Deep listening - listening with empathy and understanding, trying to truly comprehend the speaker's perspective

例句:Deep listening allows us to build stronger connections with others.

3. Good listener - someone who listens attentively and responds appropriately

例句:She is a good listener, always offering support and advice when needed.

4. Attentive listener - someone who gives their full attention to the speaker

例句:He is an attentive listener, always making sure he understands what others are saying.

5. Engaged listener - someone who actively participates in the conversation or activity

例句:Being an engaged listener helps to foster a sense of collaboration and teamwork.

6. Active listening skills - the ability to listen effectively by using techniques such as summarizing, clarifying, and asking questions

例句:Effective communication involves using active listening skills to ensure understanding.

7. Attentive hearing - actively using your sense of hearing to listen and understand what is being said

例句:Attentive hearing is crucial for effective communication in noisy environments.

8. Paying attention - focusing on what is being said or done

例句:Paying attention is key for successful learning and understanding.

9. Giving an ear - lending your ear or giving someone your undivided attention while they speak

例句:Thank you for giving me an ear, I really needed someone to talk to about this.

10. Tuning in - paying close attention and adjusting your focus as needed during a conversation or activity

例句:Tuning in to others' body language can help improve communication and understanding

Synonyms for listening with examples

1. Understanding: Understanding is a synonym for listening, as it involves actively paying attention and comprehending what is being said. For example, "She showed great understanding when her friend was going through a tough time."

2. Attentiveness: Attentiveness refers to the act of being fully engaged and focused on what is being said. It is an important aspect of listening and shows that you are genuinely interested in the conversation. For instance, "The teacher praised the students for their attentiveness during the class discussion."

3. Concentration: Similar to attentiveness, concentration involves giving your full attention to someone while they are speaking. It requires blocking out distractions and actively processing the information being shared. For example, "He had to concentrate hard in order to understand the complex instructions."

4. Paying attention: This phrase is often used interchangeably with listening and means to focus on what is being said or done. It can also refer to following instructions or directions carefully. For instance, "The coach reminded his players to pay attention during practice so they could execute their plays correctly."

5. Hearing: While hearing and listening are not exactly the same thing, they are closely related and can be used interchangeably in certain contexts. Hearing refers to perceiving sound with your ears, while listening involves actively processing and understanding that sound. For example, "She heard her friend's story but wasn't really listening until she asked for her advice."

6. Absorbing: Absorbing means taking in information or ideas through active listening and understanding them fully. It implies a deeper level of engagement than just hearing or paying attention. For instance, "The students were absorbing every word of their professor's lecture because it was so interesting."

7. Engaging: Engaging in a conversation or discussion means participating actively by listening and responding thoughtfully. It shows that you are fully invested in what is being said and want to contribute to the conversation. For example, "She was engaging in the debate by listening to both sides and presenting her own arguments."

8. Attuning: Attuning involves being in tune with someone else's thoughts and feelings through active listening. It requires empathy and understanding, and is often used in the context of relationships. For instance, "The therapist helped the couple attune to each other by teaching them how to listen and communicate effectively."

9. Paying heed: This phrase means to pay close attention or give careful consideration to something that is being said. It implies a sense of respect and importance towards the information being shared. For example, "The students were paying heed to their teacher's advice on how to prepare for their exams."

10. Observing: Observing can also be used as a synonym for listening, especially when it involves watching someone's body language or facial expressions while they are speaking. It can also refer to noticing details or nuances in what is being said. For instance, "He was observing his boss closely during the meeting to understand her true intentions."

listening是指倾听、聆听的意思,在日常生活中具有重要的作用。正确的发音是“ˈlɪs(ə)nɪŋ”,通过大量练习可以提高听力能力。除了作为动词使用外,listening还可以作为名词出现,例如在短语“active listening”中。此外,还有许多同义词可以替代listening,如hearing、attentiveness等。通过上述例句可以更好地理解和运用这些同义词。作为网站编辑,我希望能够为大家提供有用的知识和信息,并与读者们一起分享学习英语的乐趣。如果你喜欢我的文章,请关注我以获取更多有关英语学习的内容。谢谢阅读!