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lollipop 是什么意思




1. 甜蜜诱惑:你知道"Lollipop"是什么意思吗?它其实是一种美味的棒棒糖,听起来就像是甜蜜的诱惑。

2. 独特发音:这个单词的发音也很特别,它是由两个音节组成,第一个音节"lolli"发音为/lɑˈli/,第二个音节"pop"发音为/pɑp/。

lollipop 是什么意思

3. 口语化表达:当我们在说"Lollipop"时,通常会把重读的音节放在第一个音节上,因此会变成/lɑˈlɪpɑp/的发音。

4. 欢快旋律:这个单词的发音有点像是跳跃的旋律,让人感觉欢快轻快。试着大声地说出来,感受一下它的魅力吧!

5. 趣味联想:除了美味的棒棒糖外,你还能想到哪些与"Lollipop"有关联的事物?比如卡通人物里常见的小女孩头上戴着大红色圆形头饰上挂着棒棒糖。

6. 美式英语:这个单词源自于美国英语,在英式英语中通常会用lolly或lollipop来表示棒棒糖。

7. 幼稚园回忆:"Lollipop"也是一首儿童歌曲的名字,它的歌词是"Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli lolli lolli, lollipop",让人不由自主地跟着哼唱起来。

8. 味道描述:如果要用一个词来形容"Lollipop"的味道,那一定是甜。它可以有各种不同的口味,比如草莓、葡萄、柠檬等等。

9. 口感享受:除了甜味外,棒棒糖还有一种特殊的口感,就像是在舌尖上轻轻晃动着一团柔软的棉花糖。

10. 儿时回忆:对于很多人来说,"Lollipop"也许不仅仅是一种食物,更多的是与童年时光有关联的美好回忆



1. "Lollipop"作为甜点


2. "Lollipop"作为软件版本





1. "Lollipop"一词的来源


2. "Lollipop"的含义


3. 例句1:“这首歌真是太棒了!它简直就是一支lollipop!”


4. 例句2:“她今天穿着那条裙子真是太lollipop了!”


5. 例句3:“我昨晚去了一家新开的餐厅,他们的甜点简直就是lollipop!”


6. 例句4:“他的新发型真是太lollipop了!”



1. Candy

- Lollipop is a type of candy that is often enjoyed by children and adults alike. It is a sweet treat that comes in various colors and flavors, and is usually shaped like a small ball or disc attached to a stick.

- Candy can be used as a synonym for lollipop because they both refer to sweet treats that are popular among people of all ages.

2. Sucker

- Another common synonym for lollipop is sucker. This term comes from the act of sucking on the candy, as it is often consumed by licking or sucking on the stick attached to it.

- Sucker can also be used to describe someone who is easily fooled or tricked, but in the context of lollipops, it simply refers to the candy itself.

3. Pop

- The word "pop" can also be used as a synonym for lollipop. This term comes from the sound made when one removes the candy from their mouth, similar to how one would pop a balloon.

- Pop can also refer to popular music or culture, but in this case, it refers to the sweet and enjoyable treat known as lollipop.

4. Sweets

- In British English, lollipops are often referred to as sweets. This term encompasses all types of candies and sugary treats, including lollipops.

- Sweets can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is pleasant or enjoyable, just like how lollipops bring joy and happiness to those who consume them.

5. Lolly

- Lolly is another informal term for lollipop that originated in British English. It comes from the word "lollypop," which was first recorded in 1784.

- Lolly can also refer to ice pops or other frozen treats on a stick, but when used in conjunction with "lollipop," it specifically refers to the round-shaped candy.

6. Lick

- While not a direct synonym, the word "lick" is often associated with lollipops because of the way they are consumed. This term refers to the act of passing one's tongue over something, which is how lollipops are typically enjoyed.

- Lick can also be used to describe a small amount of food or drink, such as a lick of ice cream or a lick of frosting on a cake, similar to how one would consume a lollipop.

7. Bonbon

- Bonbon is a French word that means "good-good" and is often used to describe any type of candy or sweet treat. It can be used as a synonym for lollipop because it refers to a type of confectionery that brings pleasure and enjoyment.

- Bonbon can also refer to small, round candies with soft centers, similar to how lollipops have a hard outer layer and soft center.

8. Confection

- Confection is another term for candy that can be used as a synonym for lollipop. It comes from the Latin word "conficere," which means "to make or prepare."

- Confection can also refer to the process of making sweets or desserts, but in this context, it specifically refers to the final product known as lollipop.

9. Treat

- Last but not least, treat can also be used as a synonym for lollipop. This term refers to something that gives pleasure or enjoyment, which perfectly describes the experience of eating a delicious lollipop.

- Treat can also refer to an event or activity that brings joy and excitement, similar to how receiving a lollipop can bring happiness and delight to someone's day


1. 甜蜜的享受:lollipop是一种甜味棒棒糖,常常让人联想到甜蜜的享受,比如“lollipop moments”(甜蜜时刻)和“lollipop love”(甜蜜爱情)。

2. 色彩缤纷:除了经典的红、黄、绿三色,现在还有各种各样的彩虹色lollipop,比如“rainbow lollipop”(彩虹棒棒糖)和“unicorn lollipop”(独角兽棒棒糖)。

3. 好玩的形状:除了传统的圆形,现在还有各种有趣的形状的lollipop,比如“heart-shaped lollipop”(心形棒棒糖)和“star-shaped lollipop”(星形棒棒糖)。

4. 口味多样:除了传统的水果口味,现在还有各种奇特的口味的lollipop,比如“bacon-flavored lollipop”(培根口味棒棒糖)和“bubblegum-flavored lollipop”(泡泡糖口味棒棒糖)。

5. 可爱造型:不仅仅是食物,lollipop也可以作为可爱造型的装饰品出现,比如“lollipop headband”(棒棒糖发带)和“lollipop earrings”(棒棒糖耳环)。

6. 意外的用途:除了吃,lollipop还可以有其他的意外用途,比如“lollipop bouquet”(棒棒糖花束)和“lollipop lip gloss”(棒棒糖唇彩)。

7. 艺术创作:一些艺术家也会用lollipop来创作作品,比如“lollipop painting”(棒棒糖画作)和“lollipop sculpture”(棒棒糖雕塑)。

8. 甜蜜的昵称:由于其甜美的味道和形象,人们也常常把自己或者心爱的人称为“lollipop”,比如“my little lollipop”(我的小甜心)和“cute lollipop”(可爱的小甜心)
