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loll的拼音为[lɑl],是一个动词,意为懒洋洋地倚靠或伸展身体。它的同义词包括lounge、recline、loaf等,常用于描述身体姿势或行为。例如:She was lolling on the couch, reading a book.(她懒洋洋地躺在沙发上看书。)


1. 什么是loll?



2. loll的同义词有哪些?

loll的同义词包括:lounge, sprawl, loaf, laze等。它们都表示“懒散地坐或躺着”。

3. loll的例句有哪些?

- She was lolling on the couch, watching TV.


- The cat was lolling in the sun.


- The students were lolling around in the park.


4. loll的用法注意事项

- loll常用于形容人的姿势,表示“懒散地坐或躺着”。

- 在正式场合,建议使用更正式的表达方式,如:recline, lounge。

- 在某些情况下,loll也可以表示“摆动”、“晃动”,如:The boat was lolling on the waves.


5. loll与其他类似词汇的区别

- lounge与loll都可以表示“懒散地坐或躺着”,但lounge更多指“舒适地懒散地坐着”,有时也可指“在某处闲逛”。

- sprawl与loll都可以表示“懒散地坐或躺着”,但sprawl更多指身体四肢伸展开的状态。

- loaf与loll都可以表示“懒散地坐或躺着”,但loaf更多指无所事事,没有目的地消磨时间。

- laze与loll都可以表示“懒散地坐或躺着”,但laze更多指在舒适的环境中享受休息。

6. loll的词源


7. loll在不同语境下的用法

- 在口语中,常用作及物动词,如:He lolls on the couch all day.


- 在正式场合,可用作不及物动词,如:She was lolling in the sun, enjoying the warm breeze.


- 也可以用作名词,表示“懒散的姿势”,如:She gave a loll of her head.




在英语中,“loll”一般有两种含义。一种是指“懒洋洋地坐着或躺着”,类似于中文里的“倚在椅子上”。比如,“He was lolling on the couch watching TV.”(他懒洋洋地躺在沙发上看电视。)另一种含义则是指“舌头外伸”,通常用来形容动物或人的舌头伸出来。比如,“The dog was lolling its tongue out of its mouth.”(狗伸出舌头从嘴里探出来。)


举个例子吧,假如你正在和朋友聊天,突然想到一个非常搞笑的段子,你可以说“I just heard the funniest joke and I was lolling the whole time.”(我刚听了一个超好笑的笑话,整个过程都在哈哈大笑。)这样,就能更生动地表达你的情绪


1. loll的意思是什么?


2. loll怎么读?


3. loll的同义词有哪些?


4. 例句1:She was lolling on the couch, watching TV all day.


5. 例句2:The dog's tongue was lolling out of its mouth after running around in the park.


6. 例句3:He spent the whole afternoon lolling in the hammock, enjoying the warm sunshine.


7. 例句4:Don't just loll around all day, go out and do something productive.


8. 例句5:The lazy cat was lolling in the sun, not a care in the world.



1. Loll about/around - 闲逛,游荡

例句:We spent the whole afternoon just lolling around the park.

2. Loll back - 向后倚靠,懒洋洋地躺着

例句:She was lolling back on the couch, watching TV.

3. Loll forward - 向前倚靠

例句:He was lolling forward in his chair, eagerly listening to the speaker.

4. Loll in - 懒散地坐在某处

例句:The cat was lolling in the sunbeam coming through the window.

5. Loll out - 伸展身体,舒展肢体

例句:He lay on the beach, lolling out in the warm sun.

6. Loll over - 轻松地倾斜身体,慵懒地躺着

例句:She lay on her side, lolling over her book and enjoying the sunshine.

7. Loll up - 舒适地蜷缩,慵懒地坐着

例句:The cat was lolling up on the windowsill, enjoying a nap in the warm sun.

8. All lolls and jowls - 懒散的样子,无精打采的样子

例句:He sat there with all his lolls and jowls, looking completely uninterested in what we were saying.

9. Lolloping gait - 摇摆的步伐,慢吞吞的走路

例句:The old man walked with a lolloping gait, leaning heavily on his cane.

10. Lolling tongue - 伸出的舌头,懒散的样子

例句:The dog lay on the floor with its lolling tongue, panting in the heat.

11. Lolling head - 懒散地晃动头部,昏昏欲睡的样子

例句:The baby fell asleep in the car, with its lolling head bouncing back and forth.

12. Lollygagging - 懒洋洋地闲逛,拖拖拉拉

例句:Stop lollygagging and get to work!

13. Lollypop - 舌头,懒散地伸出舌头的样子

例句:The dog licked his owner's face with its big, wet lollypop.

14. Lollipop lady/man - 帮助学生过马路的交通警察,也指穿着鲜艳制服的女士/男士

例句:The children were safely escorted across the street by the friendly lollipop lady.

15. Lollipop moment - 重要的时刻,改变人生轨迹的时刻

例句:Meeting that mentor was a real lollipop moment for me, it changed my whole career path.

16. Lollipop guild - 可爱幼小的团体,指一群可爱的孩子或者小人物

例句:The kindergarten class was like a little lollipop guild, full of giggles and smiles.

17. Lollipop lane - 梦幻般的地方,指美好的回忆或者理想中的世界

例句:The old couple walked hand in hand down lollipop lane, reminiscing about their younger days.

18. Lollipop tree - 挂满糖果的树,指一件令人开心的事情或者奖励

例句:Winning that award was like finding a lollipop tree, it made all the hard work worth it.

19. Lollipop moment - 令人开心的时刻,指一件让人感到幸福和满足的事情

例句:Watching my child take their first steps was a real lollipop moment for me.

20. Lollapalooza - 一件非常好玩和引人注目的事情,也指音乐节

例句:That party last night was a real lollapalooza, I had so much fun!


1. Lounge

例句:She was lounging on the couch, lolling around lazily.

2. Loiter

例句:He was loitering in the park, lolling on the bench.

3. Dangle

例句:The cat dangled its paw over the edge of the bed, lolling in comfort.

4. Recline

例句:She reclined in her chair, lolling back with a contented sigh.

5. Laze

例句:He lazed in the hammock, lolling in the warm summer sun.

6. Lounging

例句:They spent the afternoon lounging by the pool, lolling in the cool water.

7. Idling

例句:The children were idling on their bikes, lolling around without a care in the world.

8. Loaf

例句:He loafed on the couch all day, lolling around and watching TV.

9. Loafing

例句:She spent her vacation loafing on the beach, lolling in the sand and soaking up the sun.

10. Linger

例句:They lingered at the café, lolling over their coffee and enjoying each other's company
