首先,让我们来了解一下“loner”的发音。它的发音是 [ˈloʊnər],读起来就像是“lone”和“-er”的组合。想象一下一个人独自一人的样子,这也正是“loner”的含义。
1. "loner"是一个名词。
2. 它指的是一个喜欢独处、不善交际的人。
3. 这个词源于英语中的"lone",意为孤独、单独。
4. "loner"一般用来形容那些不愿意和他人交往、更喜欢独自行动的人。
5. 有时候,它也可以用来形容那些被孤立或排斥出群体的人。
6. "loner"这个词常常和一些负面情绪联系在一起,比如孤独、抑郁等。
7. 然而,也有些人会自豪地称自己为"loner",认为这是一种与众不同的个性特征。
8. 在现代社会中,随着社交网络和虚拟世界的兴起,越来越多的人开始选择成为"loner",追求自我独立和内心平静。
9. 但是,长期处于孤独状态可能会影响个人的心理健康,因此适当地与他人交流和社交仍然是重要的。
10. 总之,作为一个名词,“loner”通常指代那些喜欢独处、不愿意和他人交往的人,但也有人将其作为一种与众不同的自我认同
1. "loner"的定义
2. "loner"的用法
- 作为名词使用时,通常指那些宁愿独自行动、不愿意和他人合作或交往的人。例如:"She's always been a bit of a loner, preferring to spend her weekends reading alone at home."(她一直都是个有点孤僻的人,更喜欢在家里独自阅读度过周末。)
- 作为形容词使用时,可以用来形容那些孤僻、不合群的人。例如:"He's always been a loner, never really fitting in with any social group."(他一直都是个孤僻的人,从来没有真正融入过任何社交团体。)
- 在某些情况下,"loner"也可以用来指那些远离城市生活、选择在偏远地区独自居住或工作的人。例如:"He left the city to become a loner in the mountains."(他离开城市,去山区过独居生活。)
3. "loner"的相关词汇
- "introvert"是指那些喜欢独处、不善于与他人交往的人,但并不一定排斥社交活动。与之相对的是"extrovert",指的是那些喜欢与他人交往、外向的人。
- "hermit"是指那些选择完全隐居、远离社会生活的人。与之相对的是"socialite",指的是那些经常参加社交活动、广受欢迎的人。
- "recluse"也可以用来形容那些喜欢独处、不愿意和他人交往的人,但通常带有一种负面含义,暗示这种行为可能是由于某种心理问题或恐惧所致
1. "loner"一词源自英文单词"lone",意为孤独的。它可以用来形容一个人,也可以形容一个群体。
2. 他是一个真正的"loner",从不参加任何社交活动,总是独自一人。
3. 虽然她经常被称为"loner",但她却享受着一个人的生活,喜欢独处的时光。
4. 在这个喧嚣的城市里,有很多人都是"loner",每天都在忙碌工作,没有时间去结交朋友。
5. 考虑到他的性格内向和害羞,他更愿意成为一个"loner",而不是参与任何社交活动。
6. 她曾经是一个外向开朗的女孩,但在遭遇挫折后变得沉默寡言,成为了一个真正的"loner"。
7. 我并不认为孤单就等于孤独。作为一个自由职业者,我更喜欢被称为一个自由的"loner"。
8. 有些人天生就是孤僻的,并不善于与别人交流。这种性格特点使得他们成为了永远的"loner"。
9. 尽管身边有很多人,但他总是感觉自己是一个"loner",无法融入到他们的圈子中。
10. 在这个充满竞争的社会,有时候成为一个"loner"也并不是一件坏事,至少可以避免被别人利用和伤害
1. Solitary
- Definition: solitary means being alone or isolated, without companionship or company.
- Example: The loner preferred to spend his evenings in solitude, reading books and listening to music.
2. Recluse
- Definition: a person who lives a solitary life and avoids social interactions.
- Example: The old man was a recluse, rarely leaving his house and avoiding any contact with the outside world.
3. Hermit
- Definition: a person who lives in seclusion from society, often for religious reasons.
- Example: The hermit lived in a small cabin deep in the woods, far away from civilization.
4. Introvert
- Definition: someone who prefers to keep to themselves and is not very outgoing or sociable.
- Example: The shy girl was often labeled as an introvert because she preferred spending time alone rather than with a group of people.
5. Isolated
- Definition: being separated from others; cut off from the rest of the world.
- Example: The remote village was completely isolated from the rest of the country, making it difficult for its inhabitants to interact with outsiders.
6. Outsider
- Definition: someone who does not belong to a particular group or community.
- Example: The new student felt like an outsider in his new school, as he didn't know anyone and struggled to make friends.
7. Loner
- Definition: someone who prefers to be alone and does not enjoy the company of others.
- Example: Despite being surrounded by people at work, John was still considered a loner as he kept to himself and rarely participated in social events.
8. Independent
- Definition: not relying on others for support or help; self-sufficient.
- Example: The elderly woman lived an independent life, taking care of herself without needing assistance from anyone else.
9. Individualist
- Definition: someone who values their own independence and uniqueness.
- Example: The artist was known for being an individualist, always expressing his own ideas and never conforming to societal norms.
10. Nonconformist
- Definition: someone who does not follow traditional or accepted beliefs or behaviors.
- Example: The nonconformist refused to adhere to the strict rules of society and lived life on their own terms