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long vacation是什么意思

你是否曾经听说过“long vacation”这个词?它的发音是什么样的呢?它究竟指代着什么含义?在日常生活中,我们是否会用到它?或者,它还有其他的词组和同义词吗?如果你对这些问题感到好

你是否曾经听说过“long vacation”这个词?它的发音是什么样的呢?它究竟指代着什么含义?在日常生活中,我们是否会用到它?或者,它还有其他的词组和同义词吗?如果你对这些问题感到好奇,那么请跟随我一起来探索“long vacation”的奥秘吧!

long vacation是什么意思

"long vacation"的发音

1. 什么是"long vacation"?

"Long vacation"是一个英语短语,意为“长假期”。它由两个单词组成,分别是“long”和“vacation”,它们的发音分别为[lɒŋ]和[vəˈkeɪʃən]。

2. "long vacation"的发音

在英语中,每个单词都有自己的重音,而这个重音通常会影响整个单词的发音。在“long vacation”中,“long”的重音在第一个音节上,因此它的发音为[lɒŋ]。而“vacation”的重音在第二个音节上,因此它的发音为[vəˈkeɪʃən]。

3. "long"的发音


4. "vacation"的发音


5. "long vacation"的连读

在英语中,当一个单词以辅音结尾,下一个单词以元音开头时,通常会发生连读现象。在“long vacation”这个短语中,“ng”和“v”之间就是这样的情况。因此,在连读时,“long”和“vacation”的发音会有所变化,变成[lɒŋg vəˈkeɪʃən]

"long vacation"是什么意思

1. 简介

"Long vacation"是一个英文短语,由两个单词组成。其中,“long”意为“长”,“vacation”意为“假期”。因此,“long vacation”可以理解为“长假期”。

2. 意义


- 指较长的假期:通常指持续时间超过一周的假期,可以是暑假、寒假、国庆节等。

- 指休息时间:有时候我们也会把周末或者节假日称为“long vacation”,表示相对较长的休息时间。

- 指退休生活:有些人退休后会选择去旅行或者享受自己的生活,这种生活状态也可以被称为“long vacation”。

3. 使用场景


- 学校:学校通常会安排寒暑假作为学生们的长假期。

- 公司:公司也会给员工安排年度休假,包括一些特殊节日和周末。

- 旅游广告:很多旅行社或者酒店都会使用“long vacation”来吸引客户,表示他们提供的假期时长较长。

- 个人生活:有些人会选择在退休后享受“long vacation”,去旅行或者做自己喜欢的事情。

4. 相关短语

除了“long vacation”外,还有一些相关的短语也值得我们了解:

- "short vacation":短假期

- "summer vacation":暑假

- "winter vacation":寒假

- "annual vacation":年假


"long vacation"的用法和例句

1. "long vacation"的含义

"Long vacation"是一个英语词组,指的是长假期或长期休假。它通常用来形容一个人或一群人在工作或学习之后,有较长的时间可以放松和休息。

2. "long vacation"的用法


- I can't wait for the long vacation next month. (我迫不及待地等待下个月的长假期。)

- After working hard for months, she finally got to enjoy a long vacation. (经过几个月的辛苦工作,她终于可以享受一个长假期了。)

3. "long vacation"的例句

下面是一些关于"long vacation"的实际使用例句:

- The company gives its employees a long vacation every summer.


- We're planning to take a long vacation in Europe next year.


- I haven't had a long vacation in years, so I'm really looking forward to this one.


4. "long vacation"与其他类似表达

除了"long vacation"之外,还有一些类似的表达可以指代长假期或长期休息。比如:

- extended holiday (延长的假期)

- long break (长假)

- extended leave (延长的休假)

5. "long vacation"的文化意义

在西方国家,"long vacation"通常指的是暑假,也就是学校放暑假的时间。因此,很多人会把它和学校生活联系起来。此外,在一些欧洲国家,夏季也被称为“long vacation season”(长假季节),因为许多人会利用这段时间去旅行

"long vacation"的词组

随着现代生活节奏的加快,长假成为了人们追求的一种奢侈品。每当我们听到“long vacation”这个词组时,脑海中总会浮现出五彩缤纷的画面:美丽的海滩、宁静的山林、热闹的城市……那么,“long vacation”究竟是什么意思呢?

1. “long vacation”的字面意思是“长假期”,通常指持续较长时间的休息或休假。在英文中,“vacation”一词指的是“休息、度假”,而“long”则表示时间上的延长。因此,“long vacation”可以理解为“长时间的休息”。

2. 在日常生活中,我们也常用到类似于“long vacation”的表达方式,比如“summer vacation”(暑假)、“winter vacation”(寒假)等。这些都是指在特定季节或时间段内持续较长时间的休息。

3. 除了指特定季节或时间段内的长假外,“long vacation”也可以用来形容一段较长时间内没有工作或学习压力,享受自由自在生活的状态。比如,“I took a long vacation after graduating from college and traveled around Europe for three months.”(我在大学毕业后休了一个漫长的假期,花了三个月游历欧洲。)

4. “long vacation”还可以指某些职业或行业中的长期休假制度。比如,在美国,大学教授通常每年会有一个长达几个月的暑假,这就被称为“long vacation”

"long vacation"的同义词示例

1. Extended holiday

- This refers to a longer period of time off work or school, usually lasting for more than a week.

- Example: After working hard for months, I decided to take an extended holiday and travel around Europe.

2. Prolonged break

- Similar to extended holiday, this phrase indicates a longer break from work or school.

- Example: The company is giving its employees a prolonged break during the summer season.

3. Lengthy vacation

- This synonym emphasizes the duration of the vacation, which is usually longer than usual.

- Example: My boss granted me a lengthy vacation to visit my family in another country.

4. Extended leave

- This can refer to an extended period of time off work due to personal reasons or circumstances.

- Example: The employee requested for an extended leave to take care of her sick parent.

5. Long-term getaway

- This phrase highlights the fact that the vacation is for a longer period of time and not just a short break.

- Example: We planned for a long-term getaway in Bali to celebrate our anniversary.

6. Protracted holiday

- This synonym suggests that the vacation has been prolonged or extended beyond its original duration.

- Example: Due to unforeseen circumstances, our protracted holiday in Thailand turned into a month-long trip.

7. Lengthy sabbatical

- A sabbatical is a period of time when someone takes a break from their regular job or studies. Adding "lengthy" emphasizes the duration of this break.

- Example: After working for 10 years, he decided to take a lengthy sabbatical and travel around South America.

8. Long hiatus

- Hiatus refers to a pause or gap in something, in this case, it refers to taking an extended break from work or studies.

- Example: The band announced that they will be going on a long hiatus after their world tour.

9. Prolonged absence

- This phrase indicates that someone has been away for a longer period of time than expected.

- Example: The teacher's prolonged absence due to illness caused the students to fall behind in their studies.

10. Extended recess

- Recess is a break or vacation period, usually used in the context of school. Adding "extended" means that the break will be longer than usual.

- Example: The school decided to have an extended recess during the summer holidays to give students and teachers a longer break

“long vacation”是指长假期,通常指持续两周或以上的休息时间。它可以用来放松身心,旅行,或者专注于自己喜爱的活动。作为一个网站编辑,我希望这篇文章能帮助你更好地理解“long vacation”,并且能够给你带来一些有用的信息。如果你喜欢这篇文章,请关注我,我会继续为大家带来更多有趣的内容。祝愿大家都能拥有一个愉快的长假!