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例如,在农业领域,lucerne通常指代草料或牧草。因此,“lucerne is a type of forage crop that is commonly used for animal feed”(lucerne是一种常用于动物饲料中的饲料作物)。

在医学领域,lucerne也有特定的含义。它指代一种草药植物,也称为alfalfa(苜蓿)。因此,“the health benefits of lucerne have been widely studied and documented”(lucerne的健康益处已被广泛研究和记录)






除了以上提到的同义词外,“草木樨”和“紫花苜蓿”,还可以用其他一些词汇来替代lucerne。比如,“alfalfa”、“medick”、“purple medic”等。它们都指代同一种植物,只是在不同的语言或地区有所差异。

1. The fields were covered in a sea of lucerne, swaying gently in the breeze.


2. She felt a sense of lucerne when she won the lottery.


3. The company's profits have been growing steadily, reflecting their lucerne in the market.




1. lucerne的意思是什么?


2. lucerne怎么读?


3. lucerne的同义词有哪些?


4. 英文句子中如何使用lucerne?

(1) The farmer grows lucerne as feed for his cattle.


(2) My horse loves to eat lucerne.


5. 中文句子中如何使用lucerne?

(1) 这片土地上种满了苜蓿。

There are fields of lucerne in this land.

(2) 我们需要一些新鲜的苜蓿来喂养这些小羊。

We need some fresh lucerne to feed these lambs.

6. 英汉双语例句

(1) The lucerne fields are in full bloom, adding a touch of green to the countryside.


(2) The cows were contentedly grazing on the lucerne, their favorite food.



1. Alfalfa - 这是lucerne的另一个常用名称,源自阿拉伯语“al-fac-facah”,意为“父亲所有的食物”。

2. Medicago sativa - 这是lucerne的学名,来自拉丁语“medica”和“sativa”,分别指代医药和栽培。

3. Purple Medic - 这是一种紫色花朵的lucerne变种,也被称为紫色苜蓿。

4. Lucerne Grass - 这是lucerne的一种常见称呼,强调它作为牧草的重要性。

5. Chilean Clover - 这是一种南美洲产地的lucerne变种,也被称为智利苜蓿。

6. Lucerne Hay - 这是指经过干燥处理后用作动物饲料的lucerne植物。

7. Lucerne Meal - 这是指将lucerne植物压碎或粉碎后制成的动物饲料。

8. Lucerne Weevil - 这是一种以lucerne植物为食的甲虫,可能会对植物造成损害。

9. Lucerne Aphid - 这是一种以lucerne植物为食的昆虫,可能会对植物造成损害。

10. Lucerne Midge -这是一种以lucerne植物为食的小型蚊子,可能会对植物造成损害。


1. Lucerne is a highly nutritious forage crop that is widely used for animal feed. (苜蓿是一种营养价值很高的饲料作物,被广泛用于动物饲料。)

2. The farmer harvested a large amount of lucerne hay to feed his cattle during the winter months. (农民收割了大量的苜蓿干草,在冬季给牛喂食。)

3. The purple medic plant in my garden attracts many bees and butterflies with its beautiful flowers. (我花园里的紫色苜蓿植物吸引了许多蜜蜂和蝴蝶,因为它美丽的花朵。)

4. The lucerne weevil infestation caused significant damage to the crop, resulting in a lower yield. (苜蓿甲虫的大量滋生导致作物受到严重损害,产量降低。)

5. The farmer rotated his crops, planting lucerne in one field and wheat in another to improve soil fertility. (农民轮作农作物,在一块田地种植苜蓿,另一块种植小麦,以提高土壤肥力。)


1. Alfalfa

- 同义词:lucerne是alfalfa的另一种说法,两者指同一种植物。

- 例句:Lucerne, also known as alfalfa, is a highly nutritious forage crop.

2. Medicago sativa

- 同义词:Medicago sativa是lucerne的学名,也可以作为其同义词使用。

- 例句:Lucerne, or Medicago sativa, is a popular crop for livestock feed.

3. Purple Medic

- 同义词:Purple Medic是lucerne的别称,主要指其紫色的花朵。

- 例句:The purple flowers of lucerne, also known as Purple Medic, add a beautiful touch to the fields.

4. Chilean Clover

- 同义词:Chilean Clover是lucerne在智利的俗称。

- 例句:Chilean farmers often refer to lucerne as Chilean Clover due to its popularity in the country.

5. Buffalo Herb

- 同义词:Buffalo Herb是lucerne在澳大利亚和新西兰的俗称。

- 例句:In Australia and New Zealand, lucerne is commonly known as Buffalo Herb and is widely used in agriculture.

6. Lucerne Grass

- 同义词:Lucerne Grass是指lucerne作为饲草时的别称。

- 例句:Farmers often plant lucerne grass to provide high-quality forage for their livestock.

7. Camel Grass

- 同义词:Camel Grass是指lucerne作为骆驼饲料的别称。

- 例句:In some parts of the world, lucerne is known as Camel Grass and is a staple food for camels.

8. Lucerne Clover

- 同义词:Lucerne Clover是指lucerne和三叶草的混合品种。

- 例句:Lucerne Clover is a popular choice for farmers looking to improve their pastures with a combination of lucerne and clover.

9. Lucerne Hay

- 同义词:Lucerne Hay是指将lucerne干燥后用作饲料的产品。

- 例句:Lucerne hay is a nutritious feed option for livestock during the winter months.

10. Lucerne Silage

- 同义词:Lucerne Silage是指将lucerne发酵后用作饲料的产品。

- 例句:Many farmers choose to make lucerne silage as it preserves the nutrients in the plant and can be stored for longer periods of time.

11. Forage Legume

- 同义词:Forage Legume是指具有高营养价值的牧草,lucerne属于这一类别。

- 例句:Lucerne, along with other legumes such as clover and alfalfa, are considered valuable forage legumes for livestock.

12. Cicer Milkvetch

- 同义词:Cicer Milkvetch是lucerne在亚洲和欧洲的俗称。

- 例句:In Asia and Europe, lucerne is commonly known as Cicer Milkvetch and has been used as a medicinal herb for centuries.

13. Lucerne Meal

- 同义词:Lucerne Meal是指将lucerne磨碎后用作饲料的产品。

- 例句:Lucerne meal is a convenient option for farmers as it can be easily mixed with other feed ingredients.

14. Lucerne Pellets

- 同义词:Lucerne Pellets是指压缩成颗粒状的lucerne,方便储存和喂养。

- 例句:Many farmers prefer to use lucerne pellets as they are easy to store and feed to their livestock.

15. Fodder Crop

- 同义词:Fodder Crop是指用作饲料的农作物,lucerne是其中一种。

- 例句:Lucerne, as a highly nutritious fodder crop, is an important part of many livestock farming operations
