1. male的发音是什么意思
2. male的词源及含义
3. male在不同语境下的用法
4. 如何正确发音male
5. 注意事项
6. male的同义词
1. 词性:形容词/名词
2. 词源:来自拉丁语“masculus”,意为“男性的”或“雄性的”。
男性,就是我们常说的男人。在英语中,male通常用作形容词,表示某物属于或与男性有关。例如,“male cat”指的是公猫,“male voice”指的是男声。
3. 源自拉丁语“masculus”的原意为“小型”,后来引申为“小型动物”,最终演变成现在表示男性的含义。这也反映了古代社会中男性通常比女性身材更高大、体型更强壮的现象。
4. 另外值得一提的是,在英语中,“man”也可以用来表示男人或者男子气概。而与之相对应的female则用来表示女人或者女子气概。
5. 总结一下,male作为形容词时表示属于或与男性有关,在名词中则指的是雄性生物。其词源来自于拉丁语,最初意为“小型”,后来演变成现在的含义。与之相对应的是female,用来表示女性
1. male的含义
2. male的用法
- The male of the species is usually more colorful than the female.
- The doctor said it's a boy, congratulations on having a male baby!
- She prefers to work with a male boss.
- Male athletes are often paid more than female athletes.
3. 其他相关用法
- Male-dominated:以男性为主导的。
例如:The tech industry is still very male-dominated.
- Male bonding:男性之间的友谊。
例如:The men went on a camping trip as a way of male bonding.
- Male ego:男性自尊心。
例如:His male ego was hurt when she rejected his offer.
- Male chauvinism:男性沙文主义。
例如:His comments about women only showed his male chauvinism.
Male作为一个名词,主要指代雄性动物或人类中的男性;作为形容词,可以修饰名词,并表示与男性有关。除此之外,它还可以构成一些常见短语和搭配,如male-dominated、male bonding等。了解这些用法可以帮助我们更准确地理解和使用male这个词
1. "Male" is a term used to refer to the gender of a person or animal that has male reproductive organs.
- Example: The male lion is known for its majestic mane.
2. In many species, the male is responsible for protecting and providing for the female and their offspring.
- Example: The male penguin takes care of the eggs while the female goes out to hunt for food.
3. "Male" can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is typically associated with males.
- Example: The male-dominated field of engineering.
4. When talking about humans, "male" can be used as a noun to refer to a man or boy.
- Example: I saw a group of males playing basketball at the park.
5. In genetics, "male" refers to the sex chromosome pair XY, which determines maleness in most mammals.
- Example: Male offspring inherit their Y chromosome from their father.
6. Other phrases commonly associated with "male" include:
- Male bonding: The close friendship and camaraderie between men.
- Male ego: A man's sense of self-importance and pride.
- Male pattern baldness: A type of hair loss that affects men more than women.
7. Some idioms that use "male":
- The bigger man/male: Refers to someone who takes the high road and doesn't engage in petty arguments or fights.
- To be one's own man/male: To make decisions independently without being influenced by others.
- Male chauvinism: An attitude or belief that men are superior to women.
8. When describing animals, "male" can also be replaced with other terms such as:
- Bull (for cattle)
- Rooster (for chickens)
- Stallion (for horses)
1. 同义词:man、gentleman、guy、boy、masculine
2. 反义词:female、woman、lady、girl、feminine