1. Introduction to "marginal"
"Marginal" is a commonly used word in the English language, but its meaning and pronunciation can sometimes be confusing for non-native speakers. In this section, we will explore the correct pronunciation of "marginal" and its various uses in different contexts.
2. Pronunciation of "marginal"
The word "marginal" is pronounced as /ˈmɑːrdʒɪnəl/, with the stress on the first syllable. The phonetic transcription for this word is also provided as a guide for correct pronunciation.
3. Definition of "marginal"
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, "marginal" can be defined as something that is related to or located at the margin or border, or something that is not very important or significant. It can also refer to something that exists or operates only in a limited or minor way.
4. Different meanings and uses of "marginal"
- As an adjective, "marginal" can describe something that is situated at the edge or boundary, such as a marginal note in a book.
- It can also be used to describe something that is not very important or significant, like a marginal issue in a discussion.
- In economics, "marginal" refers to small changes or additions that have little effect on the overall outcome.
- As a noun, "marginal" can refer to someone who exists on the outskirts of society or has little influence.
- In mathematics, it has a specific meaning related to rates of change and derivatives.
5. Tips for pronouncing "marginal"
To correctly pronounce "marginal," pay attention to the stress on the first syllable and make sure to pronounce it as /ˈmɑːrdʒɪnəl/. Additionally, the "g" is pronounced as a soft "j" sound, similar to the "g" in "general."
6. Practice makes perfect
To improve your pronunciation of "marginal," try saying it out loud several times and pay attention to the stress and intonation. You can also listen to native speakers pronounce the word and mimic their pronunciation.
7. Conclusion
In conclusion, "marginal" is a commonly used word with various meanings and uses. By following the correct pronunciation guide and practicing regularly, you can confidently use this word in your daily conversations. Remember to stress the first syllable and pronounce the "g" as a soft "j" sound for accurate pronunciation
1. “marginal”作为形容词
首先,让我们来看看“marginal”作为形容词的意思。它有两个主要的含义:一是指“边缘的”,二是指“微小的”。比如,我们可以说“The house is located in a marginal area.”(这所房子位于边缘地区。)或者“The company only made a marginal profit this year.”(这家公司今年只赚了微薄的利润。)因此,当我们用“marginal”来形容某件事物时,通常意味着它处于边缘地位或者数量很少。
2. “marginal”作为名词
接下来,让我们来看看“marginal”作为名词的含义。它主要有两种解释:一是指“边缘人群”,二是指“页边空白”。例如,“The book has lots of marginal notes.”(这本书上有很多页边注释。)或者“We need to consider the needs of the marginal groups in our society.”(我们需要考虑社会中边缘人群的需求。)因此,当我们用“marginal”作为名词时,通常是指某些群体或者页面上的空白处。
1. Marginal can refer to something that is not significant or important, such as a marginal issue in a discussion or a marginal character in a story.
For example, "The argument about the color of the curtains was just a marginal point in our overall decision-making process."
2. It can also be used to describe something that is barely enough or just satisfactory, such as a marginal passing grade on an exam.
For instance, "I only got a marginal score on my math test, but at least I passed."
3. In economics, marginal refers to the additional cost or benefit of producing one more unit of a good or service.
For instance, "The company decided to increase their production because the marginal cost of producing one more unit was lower than the price they could sell it for."
4. Another usage of marginal is in reference to something that exists at the edge or border, such as a marginal note in a book or a marginal group in society.
For example, "I always write my thoughts and ideas in the margins of my textbooks."
5. In statistics, marginal refers to the total probability distribution for one variable while holding other variables constant.
For instance, "The researcher analyzed the data using both joint and marginal probabilities to better understand the relationship between income and education level."
6. Marginal can also be used figuratively to describe someone who is on the outskirts or periphery of a group or society.
For example, "He always felt like he was just a marginal member of his friend group and never truly fit in."
7. Additionally, it can be used to describe something that has minimal relevance or impact.
For instance, "The new policy had only a marginal effect on improving employee satisfaction."
1. Marginal cost - 边际成本,指每生产一单位产品所增加的总成本。
2. Marginal benefit - 边际效益,指每增加一单位投入所带来的额外收益。
3. Marginal analysis - 边际分析,是一种经济学方法,用于决定最佳决策方案。
4. Marginal revenue - 边际收益,指每售出一单位产品所获得的额外收入。
5. Marginal profit - 边际利润,指每售出一单位产品所获得的额外利润。
6. Marginal product - 边际产品,指每增加一单位投入所带来的额外产出。
7. Marginal utility - 边际效用,指消费者对于每增加一单位产品的满足程度。
8. Marginal tax rate - 边际税率,指税收对于额外收入的征税比率。
9. Marginal cost pricing - 边际成本定价,是一种定价策略,在此策略下,价格等于边际成本。
10. Marginal propensity to consume (MPC) - 消费边际倾向性,指消费者每增加一单位收入所消费的比例。
1. "Borderline" - 边缘的,处于边界或界限的位置。
2. "Peripheral" - 外围的,位于边缘或外部的。
3. "Limited" - 有限的,受到限制或局限的。
4. "Inadequate" - 不充分的,不足够的。
5. "Negligible" - 微小的,可以忽略不计的。
6. "Insignificant" - 不重要的,无关紧要的。
7. "Mild" - 温和的,轻微的。
8. "Substandard" - 不达标准的,质量低劣的。
9. "Modest" - 适度的,不太显著或突出的。
10. "Marginalized" - 边缘化的,被排除在主流之外