1. 发音简介
2. 发音规律
3. 同义词发音
- signifies(/ˈsɪɡnɪfaɪz/):意味着
- denotes(/dɪˈnoʊts/):表示
- implies(/ɪmˈplaɪz/):暗示
4. 例句及其发音
- The word "love" means different things to different people.(这个单词“爱”对不同的人来说意味着不同的事情。)
- What does this symbol mean?(这个符号是什么意思?)
- The red light means "stop".(红灯表示“停止”。)
- I don't know what you mean.(我不知道你的意思。)
5. 发音技巧
- 注意元音的长短:“ee”发音为长元音/iː/,而不是短元音/ɛ/。
- 注意清辅音/s/的发音:将舌头放在上齿龈后方,用气流挤压出声即可。
- 注意重读音节:means这个单词的重读音节在第一个字母上,因此要稍微加重发音
1. What is the means of transportation you usually take to work? (你平时上班都乘坐什么交通工具?)
2. The means to achieve success is hard work and determination. (实现成功的方法就是努力和决心。)
3. This job means a lot to me. (这份工作对我来说意义重大。)
4. How much do you have in your mns? (你钱包里有多少钱?)
1. What is the best tool for learning a new language? (学习一门新语言最好的方法是什么?)
2. We need to find a better method to solve this problem. (我们需要找到更好的解决这个问题的方法。)
3. There are many ways to cook this dish. (做这道菜有很多方法。)
1. means的意思
- 方法、手段:指达到某个目的或完成某项任务所采用的方式或工具。
例句:There are many different means to improve your English skills.
- 资源、财富:指拥有或可利用的东西。
例句:He has the means to buy a new car.
2. means的读音
3. means的同义词
- method: 指达到某个目的或完成某项任务所采用的方式或工具。
- way: 指实现某种目标或解决问题所采用的方法。
- approach: 指处理问题或解决困难时所采取的方式。
- resource: 指拥有或可利用的资源、财富。
4. means的例句
1) She used various means to convince her parents to let her study abroad.
2) The company is looking for new means to increase its profits.
3) The most effective means of communication nowadays is through social media.
4) He was born into a family with limited means, but he worked hard to achieve success.
1. Means to an end - 目的手段
例句:Money is just a means to an end, not the end goal itself.
2. By all means - 无论如何,务必
例句:By all means, go ahead and try it out.
3. Ways and means - 方法与手段
例句:We need to come up with new ways and means to solve this problem.
4. Beyond one's means - 超出某人的能力范围
例句:Living beyond one's means can lead to financial problems.
5. The end justifies the means - 目的正当手段可以不择手段
例句:Some people believe that the end justifies the means, while others disagree.
6. Means of communication - 沟通方式
例句:Technology has greatly expanded our means of communication.
7. A means to an end - 达到目的的方法或手段
例句:Studying hard is a necessary means to an end for achieving academic success.
8. Financial means - 财务能力,财力
例句:I don't have the financial means to afford a luxury vacation.
9. Within one's means - 在某人的财务能力范围内
例句:It's important to live within your means and not overspend.
10. Scare/scarce/rare/few/no/desperate/last resort/limited/ample/extensive/tremendous/sufficient/adequate/effective/efficient/successful/potential/reliable...means - 各种不同的方法或手段(根据前面形容词不同)
- In times of war, desperate means may be used to achieve victory.
- Due to the scarce means available, we had to improvise a solution.
- The last resort means of solving this issue is to seek professional help.
- With limited means, we had to make the most out of what we had.
- The extensive means used in this project led to its success
1. Signifies
- "Means" is often used to signify or indicate something.
例句:The color red often means danger or warning.
2. Represents
- "Means" can also be used to represent or stand for something.
例句:The letter "A" means the first letter of the alphabet.
3. Denotes
- Similar to "signifies," "means" can denote or symbolize something.
例句:In this context, the word "love" means a deep affection for someone.
4. Implies
- When something implies, it suggests or hints at a certain meaning.
例句:Her silence means that she is not happy with the situation.
5. Conveys
- To convey means to communicate or express a particular meaning.
例句:His tone of voice conveys his frustration with the project.
6. Indicates
- This synonym for "means" also suggests pointing out or showing something.
例句:The arrow on the map indicates where we need to turn.
7. Intends
- When someone intends, they have a specific purpose or meaning in mind.
例句:What do you think he intends by making that statement?
8. Refers to
- To refer to something is to mention or allude to it in a particular way.
例句:This term refers to any type of physical activity, such as sports or exercise.
9. Expresses
- Expressing means conveying thoughts, feelings, or ideas in a clear manner.
例句:Her smile expresses her happiness and gratitude.
10. Stands for
- Similar to representing, standing for something means being a symbol of it.
例句:The acronym NASA stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
11. Defines
- To define is to give a clear explanation of the meaning of something.
例句:The dictionary defines the word "means" as a method or way of doing something.
12. Portrays
- When something portrays, it depicts or represents a particular meaning.
例句:The painting portrays the beauty of nature.
13. Entails
- To entail means to involve or require something as a necessary part.
例句:Becoming a doctor entails years of studying and hard work.
14. Equates to
- This synonym for "means" suggests equalizing or being equivalent to something.
例句:In this situation, success equates to achieving your goals and dreams.
15. Designates
- To designate means to give a specific name or label to something.
例句:This symbol designates the location of the emergency exit