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1. mighty的发音:[ˈmaɪti]


2. mighty的拼音:mai-ti

3. “mighty”的词源


4. “mighty”的含义

根据牛津英语词典, “mighty”可以用作形容词或副词,具有以下几种含义:

- 形容词:

a. 强大的,有力量的;

b. 巨大的,庞大的;

c. 重要的,显赫的;

d. 极好的,非常棒的。

- 副词:

a. 非常地,极其地;

b. 很多地。

5. “mighty”的用法

a. 作形容词时,“mighty”通常修饰名词或代词,并放在其前面。例如:

- The mighty river flows through the city.


- He is a mighty warrior.


b. 作副词时,“mighty”通常放在动词、形容词或副词之前,并起强调作用。例如:

- She fought mightily to save her family.


- He is mighty proud of his achievements.


- The team played mightily in the final match.


6. “mighty”的同义词

a. powerful:强大的,有力量的

b. strong:强壮的,坚强的

c. formidable:可怕的,令人敬畏的

d. impressive:令人印象深刻的

7. “mighty”的反义词

a. weak:虚弱的,无力的

b. feeble:衰弱的,微弱的

c. insignificant:微不足道的,无关紧要的

8. “mighty”在语言中的使用举例

a. The mighty oak tree stood tall and strong in the forest.


b. She was a mighty opponent, but I managed to defeat her in the end.


c. The storm was so mighty that it destroyed several buildings in the city.


d. He fought mightily for his beliefs, never giving up despite all the challenges he faced.



1. 音标:[ˈmaɪti]

2. 解释:mighty是一个形容词,意为“强大的、威武的”。

3. 用法示例:

- He is a mighty warrior on the battlefield. (他是一个在战场上强大的战士。)

- The mighty river flows through the valley. (这条强大的河流穿过山谷。)

4. 同义词:powerful, strong, robust

5. 反义词:weak, feeble, fragile

6. 搭配短语:

- mighty force(强大的力量)

- mighty king(威武的国王)

- mighty roar(巨大的吼声)

7. 幽默提示:如果你想要变得mighty,可以多锻炼身体,多学习知识,也可以多喝牛奶哦!


1. mighty的含义


2. mighty的用法

a. 作为形容词,mighty通常修饰名词,表示某物具有强大的特征或能力。例如:

- He is a mighty warrior.(他是一名强大的战士。)

- The mighty river flooded the entire town.(那条巨大的河流淹没了整个城镇。)

b. 作为副词,mighty通常修饰动词或形容词,表示某种程度上具有强烈或显著的特征。例如:

- She sings mighty well.(她唱得非常好。)

- I am feeling mighty tired after the long journey.(长途旅行后我感到非常疲惫。)

3. mighty的双语例句

a. The mighty king led his army to victory in the battle against the enemy.


b. The earthquake was so powerful that it destroyed the city and its surroundings.


c. The mighty lion roared loudly, warning all other animals to stay away from its territory.


d. She has a mighty voice that can fill the entire concert hall.


e. The mighty oak tree stood tall and proud in the middle of the forest.



1. Mighty fine - 非常好的,出色的

2. Mighty proud - 非常自豪的,骄傲的

3. Mighty big - 非常大的,巨大的

4. Mighty strong - 非常强壮的,强大的

5. Mighty difficult - 非常困难的,艰难的

6. Mighty impressive - 非常令人印象深刻的,令人钦佩的

7. Mighty powerful - 非常有力量的,强大的

8. Mighty wealthy - 非常富有的,财大气粗的

9. Mighty talented - 非常有才华的,天赋异禀的

10. Mighty generous - 非常慷慨大方的,宽宏大量的


1. Powerful: This word is often used to describe something or someone that has great strength, influence, or control. For example, "The mighty king ruled over his kingdom with an iron fist."

2. Strong: Similar to powerful, this word can also be used to describe something or someone with great physical strength or determination. For instance, "The mighty oak tree stood strong against the storm."

3. Mighty: This is a direct synonym for the word "mighty" and can be used in the same context. For example, "The mighty warrior defeated his enemies with ease."

4. Potent: This word conveys a sense of strength and effectiveness. It can be used to describe something that has a powerful impact or influence. For instance, "The medicine had a potent effect on her illness."

5. Robust: This word can be used to describe something that is strong and healthy, both physically and metaphorically. For example, "The company's robust financial performance impressed its investors."

6. Vigorous: This word suggests energy and vitality, often used to describe something that is strong and active. For instance, "He made a vigorous effort to complete the project on time."

7. Dominant: This word implies power and control over others or a situation. It can also mean superior or most important in a particular group or context. For example, "The team's dominant performance secured their victory."

8. Puissant: This is a more formal synonym for mighty and can be used in the same context as powerful or strong.

9. Formidable: Similar to puissant, this word conveys a sense of power and strength but also implies difficulty or challenge in overcoming it.

10. Herculean: Inspired by the mythological hero Hercules known for his great strength and courage, this adjective is often used to describe tasks or challenges that require immense effort and determination.

11. Indomitable: This word suggests an unbeatable, unyielding strength and resilience. It can also mean fearless or unconquerable. For example, "Her indomitable spirit helped her overcome all obstacles."

12. Invincible: This word means impossible to defeat or overcome. It can also imply an overwhelming sense of power and strength. For instance, "They believed their army was invincible until they were defeated in battle."

13. Majestic: This word is often used to describe something or someone that is grand, impressive, and powerful in a dignified way. For example, "The mighty eagle soared through the sky with majestic grace."

14. Supreme: This adjective implies the highest level of power and authority, often used to describe someone or something that is the best or most important in a particular context.

15. Mighty-like: This phrase can be used to describe something that resembles or has qualities similar to those of mightiness.

In conclusion, there are many words that can be used as synonyms for mighty depending on the context and intended meaning. These words all convey a sense of strength, power, and influence that is associated with the word mighty
