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首先,让我们来看一下这个单词的意思。Miscellaneous在英语中的意思是“各种各样的”、“杂项的”,比如说:“She has a miscellaneous collection of books.”(她有一大堆各式各样的书籍。)现在你知道它的意思了,接下来就让我们来学习一下它的发音吧!

1. 音标:[ˌmɪsəˈleɪniəs]

2. 发音:首先,读出单词“miss”,然后加上“cell”和“lay”两个音节,最后以轻松地念出“us”。所以整体读起来就像是“miss-cell-lay-nee-us”。

3. 注意事项:在读这个单词时,要注意两点。第一点是要把重音放在第三个音节上,“lay”这个音节上。第二点是要把最后一个音节读得轻一些,“us”这个音节上。

4. 练习口语:现在,让我们一起来练习一下口语吧!跟着我念一遍:“miscellaneous”。“miscellaneous”。再来一遍:“She has a miscellaneous collection of books.”(她有一大堆各式各样的书籍。)太棒了,你已经学会正确的发音啦!

5. 反问:还记得刚才说的重音放在第三个音节上吗?那么,如果我把重音放在其他位置,比如第一个音节上,读起来会是什么样子呢?是不是就变成了“mIScellaneous”而不是“misCELLaneous”了呢?这就是为什么要注意重音的位置哦。






除了用来描述事物外,miscellaneous还可以作为名词使用。比如,在商业财务中,会有一个专门的账户用来记录各种杂项开支和收入,就被称为miscellaneous account。



1. miscellaneous的基本含义


2. miscellaneous的用法

(1) 作形容词,常用于修饰名词,表示“各种各样的、杂项的”。


- The store sells a wide variety of miscellaneous items, such as stationery, toys and household goods.


- The book is a collection of miscellaneous essays on different topics.


(2) 作名词,常用于复数形式,表示“杂项、琐碎事物”。


- I have to sort through all these miscellaneous before I can find what I need.


- In the garage sale, they were selling off all kinds of miscellaneous at low prices.


3. miscellaneous的例句

(1) The office was filled with piles of paper, books and other miscellaneous items.


(2) She has a talent for organizing and categorizing even the most miscellaneous of things.


(3) The miscellaneous expenses on our trip added up to more than we had budgeted for.


(4) The store has a section dedicated to miscellaneous gadgets and trinkets.


(5) The book is a mix of serious essays and more miscellaneous pieces, making it an interesting read.


4. 注意事项


- 不要将其与“miscellany”混淆,后者指的是文集或选集。

- 在正式场合,可以用“various”、“diverse”或“assorted”等词语来替换miscellaneous。

- 不要将其用于表示“无关紧要的、琐碎的”含义,这样使用会显得不太礼貌


1. Assorted: 混杂的,各种各样的

例如:The store sells assorted items, including clothing, electronics, and home goods.

2. Diverse: 多样的,不同的

例如:Our team is made up of diverse individuals from different backgrounds.

3. Varied: 各式各样的,不同的

例如:The menu offers a varied selection of dishes from different cuisines.

4. Heterogeneous: 多元化的,异质的

例如:The group is a heterogeneous mix of people with different skills and experiences.

5. Miscellaneous: 杂项的,其他的

例如:The box contained miscellaneous items such as pens, paper clips, and rubber bands.

6. Mixed: 混合的,杂色的

例如:Her painting was a beautiful mix of colors and textures.

7. Eclectic: 折衷主义的,多元化的

例如:Her taste in music is eclectic, ranging from classical to rock to jazz.

8. Variegated: 杂色斑驳的,多样化的

例如:The garden was filled with variegated flowers and plants.

9. Diversified: 多样化的,多元化发展的

例如:The company has diversified its products to appeal to a wider range of customers.

10. Sundry: 各种各样的,零碎的

例如:She bought sundry items at the grocery store, including milk, bread, and eggs


1. Miscellaneous items: 混杂物品,指各种不同种类的物品或事物。

例句:The store sells a variety of miscellaneous items, from household goods to office supplies.

2. Miscellaneous expenses: 杂费,指各种额外的费用。

例句:We need to budget for miscellaneous expenses such as transportation and food during our trip.

3. Miscellaneous documents: 杂项文件,指各种不同类型的文件。

例句:Please organize the miscellaneous documents into separate folders for easier access.

4. Miscellaneous tasks: 杂项任务,指各种不同的任务。

例句:As the event coordinator, I have to take care of all the miscellaneous tasks, from setting up decorations to managing volunteers.

5. Miscellaneous income: 其他收入,指除了工资以外的其他收入来源。

例句:The artist's miscellaneous income from selling merchandise and performing at events helped support her financially.

6. Miscellaneous information: 杂项信息,指各种不同类型的信息。

例句:The report contains a lot of miscellaneous information that is not relevant to our research topic.

7. Miscellaneous fees: 杂费,指各种额外收取的费用。

例句:Be aware of any miscellaneous fees when booking your flight, such as baggage fees or seat selection fees.

8. Miscellaneous goods: 杂货,指各种不同类型的商品。

例句:The store sells a wide range of miscellaneous goods, from snacks to household products.

9. Miscellaneous expenses account: 杂费账户,指专门用来支付杂费的账户。

例句:We need to transfer some money into the miscellaneous expenses account for our upcoming business trip.

10. Miscellaneous tasks list: 杂项任务清单,指列出所有不同类型任务的清单。

例句:I always keep a miscellaneous tasks list to help me stay organized and on top of my responsibilities
