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The pronunciation of miserable

1. Introduction

Miserable is a common word in the English language, but its pronunciation may not be as straightforward as one might think. In this section, we will explore the correct pronunciation of miserable and its variations.

2. Pronunciation of "miserable"

The word miserable is pronounced as "MI-zuh-ruh-buhl." The stress is on the second syllable, "zuh." The "i" in the first syllable is pronounced as a short vowel sound, similar to the "i" in "sit." The final syllable is pronounced with a schwa sound, which is an unstressed and neutral vowel sound.

3. Variations of pronunciation

Although the standard pronunciation of miserable is as mentioned above, there are some variations that are commonly used by native speakers. These variations may differ based on regional accents or personal preferences.

a) Mizer-uh-buhl

Some speakers may pronounce the first syllable with a long "i" sound, making it sound like "mizer-uh-buhl." This variation is more common in American English.

b) Mizer-uh-bul

Another variation is to drop the final syllable completely and pronounce it as "mizer-uh-bul." This can be heard in British English.

4. Synonyms for miserable

Miserable can be used to describe someone who is very unhappy or uncomfortable. There are many synonyms for this word that can be used interchangeably depending on the context. Some common synonyms for miserable are:

- Unhappy: feeling sorrow or discontent.

Example: She was unhappy with her job and decided to quit.

- Wretched: extremely unhappy or unfortunate.

Example: The refugees were living in wretched conditions.

- Pitiful: deserving pity or sympathy.

Example: It was pitiful to see him begging on the streets.

- Distressed: suffering from anxiety or sorrow.

Example: She looked distressed after hearing the news.

- Mournful: feeling or expressing sorrow or grief.

Example: The mournful music made everyone emotional.

5. Example sentences

To better understand the usage of miserable, here are a few example sentences:

- After losing her job, she felt miserable and depressed.

- The weather was so miserable that we had to cancel our picnic plans.

- He lived a miserable life, always struggling to make ends meet.

- The poor dog looked miserable as it stood in the rain.

- She was tired of her miserable existence and decided to make a change.

6. Conclusion

In conclusion, the word "miserable" is pronounced as "MI-zuh-ruh-buhl" with the stress on the second syllable. However, there are some variations in pronunciation that can be heard in different regions. It is also important to note that there are many synonyms for this word that can be used in its place depending on the context

Is miserable an adjective or noun?

1. Miserable的意思

Miserable是一个形容词,意为“痛苦的,不幸的”,常用来形容人或情况。它可以指身体上的痛苦,也可以指精神上的痛苦。例如:“She looks miserable because she lost her job.”(她看起来很痛苦,因为她失去了工作。)

2. Miserable的发音

Miserable的读音为[miz-er-uh-buh l],重音在第二个音节上。

3. Miserable的同义词

Miserable的同义词包括unhappy, wretched, distressed, sorrowful等。它们都可以用来形容人或情况。

4. Miserable的例句

- The weather is so miserable today.(今天天气真糟糕。)

- She lived a miserable life until she met her true love.(她过着悲惨的生活,直到遇到了真爱。)

- The poor dog looked miserable after being left outside in the rain.(可怜的狗在外面被雨淋后看起来很悲惨。)

5. Miserable作为名词

虽然miserable通常被用作形容词,但它也可以作为名词使用,表示一个人或一种情况。“He lived in poverty and misery for many years.”(他多年来生活在贫困和痛苦中。)在这个例句中,miserable指的是一个人的状况

Usage and examples of miserable

1. Definition of miserable

Miserable is an adjective that describes a feeling of great unhappiness or discomfort. It can also refer to something or someone that causes this feeling.

2. Pronunciation of miserable

The word "miserable" is pronounced as /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ in American English and /ˈmɪzərəbl/ in British English.

3. Synonyms of miserable

Some synonyms for miserable are unhappy, wretched, sad, depressed, and dejected.

4. Examples of usage

- She had a miserable childhood with neglectful parents.

- The weather was so miserable that we had to cancel our outdoor plans.

- He felt absolutely miserable after losing his job.

- The homeless man looked cold and miserable on the street corner.

- I can't stand being stuck in this miserable job any longer.

5. Idioms with "miserable"

- Miserable failure: a complete and utter failure

Example: Despite all his efforts, he was a miserable failure in the eyes of his boss.

- Miserable excuse for: something or someone that is not good enough

Example: This old laptop is a miserable excuse for a computer.

- Make someone's life miserable: to cause someone great unhappiness or discomfort

Example: The new boss made everyone's life at the office absolutely miserable.

6. Common collocations with "miserable"

- Miserable weather: describes unpleasant weather conditions such as rain, snow, or extreme heat

Example: We had to cancel our picnic because of the miserable weather.

- Miserable conditions: refers to unfavorable living or working conditions

Example: The workers went on strike due to the miserable conditions at the factory.

- Miserable existence: describes a life that is full of suffering and hardship

Example: She lived a lonely and miserable existence after her husband passed away.

7. Famous quotes using "miserable"

- "The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it." - Oscar Wilde

- "Life is one long process of getting tired." - Samuel Butler

- "The greatest wealth is to live content with little." - Plato

In conclusion, the word miserable carries a strong negative connotation and is often used to describe feelings of unhappiness or discomfort. It can also refer to something or someone that causes these feelings. With its various synonyms, idioms, and collocations, this word is commonly used in both spoken and written English. Remember to use it accurately and appropriately in your own sentences

Phrases with miserable

1. Definition of miserable

Miserable is an adjective that describes a feeling of extreme unhappiness or discomfort. It can also refer to something that is in a very poor or unsatisfactory condition.

2. How to pronounce miserable

Miserable is pronounced "MI-zuh-ruh-buhl."

3. Synonyms for miserable

- Unhappy: feeling sad or not satisfied with your situation

- Wretched: in a very unhappy or unfortunate state

- Dismal: causing gloom or depression; dreary

- Dejected: feeling sad and disheartened; low in spirits

4. Examples of phrases with miserable

- "She felt absolutely miserable after her pet cat passed away."

- "The weather was so miserable that we couldn't go outside."

- "Living in poverty can make one's life truly miserable."

- "I had a terrible day at work and now I'm feeling absolutely miserable."

- "The conditions in the refugee camp were absolutely miserable."

5. Idioms with miserable

- Miserable as sin: extremely unhappy or depressed.

Example: "After his girlfriend broke up with him, he was as miserable as sin."

- Miserable failure: someone who has failed completely at something.

Example: "He tried to start his own business, but it was a miserable failure."

- Miserable sod: someone who is always complaining and never happy.

Example: "My neighbor is such a miserable sod, he always has something to complain about."

6. Phrasal verbs with miserable

- Make someone's life/mood/condition etc. more bearable/miserable/unbearable etc.: to improve or worsen someone's life, mood, condition etc.

Example: "Her kind words made my day more bearable."

- Be/get fed up to the back teeth with somebody/something: to be extremely annoyed and tired of someone or something.

Example: "I am fed up to the back teeth with his constant complaining."

- Make someone's life a misery: to cause someone to be very unhappy.

Example: "His boss made his life a misery with her constant demands."

7. Common collocations with miserable

- Miserable weather/conditions/life/day etc.: used to describe something that is unpleasant or difficult to deal with.

- Miserable failure/experience/result etc.: used to describe something that has been unsuccessful or disappointing.

- Miserable existence/life/situation etc.: used to describe something that is very difficult or unpleasant for someone.

- Miserable person/creature/wretch etc.: used to describe someone who is very unhappy or unpleasant.

In conclusion, the word miserable can be used in various phrases, idioms, and phrasal verbs. It is important to note its synonyms and common collocations in order to fully understand its meaning and usage

Synonym examples for miserable

1. Definition of miserable

Before we dive into the synonyms for miserable, let's first understand what this word means. Miserable is an adjective that describes a feeling of extreme unhappiness, discomfort, or suffering. It can also refer to something that is very poor in quality or condition.

2. How to pronounce miserable

For those who are not familiar with the pronunciation of this word, it is pronounced as "miz-er-uh-buhl". Remember to stress on the first syllable and pronounce the "s" sound as a "z" sound.

3. Synonyms for miserable

Now, let's explore some synonyms for miserable that you can use in your everyday conversations or writing. These words have similar meanings to miserable and can be used interchangeably depending on the context.

- Unhappy: feeling sad or displeased about something.

Example: She looked unhappy when she heard the news.

- Wretched: extremely unhappy or unfortunate.

Example: The wretched conditions of the refugee camp broke my heart.

- Suffering: experiencing pain, distress, or hardship.

Example: The poor dog was suffering from a broken leg.

- Pitiful: deserving pity or compassion.

Example: It's pitiful to see how little they have after losing everything in the fire.

- Mournful: expressing sorrow or grief.

Example: The mournful music brought tears to my eyes.

4. Examples of using these synonyms

To help you understand these words better, here are some examples of how they can be used in sentences:

- She was unhappy with her job and decided to quit.

- The wretched state of his health made him unable to work.

- The refugees were suffering from hunger and thirst.

- It's pitiful to see how little they have after losing everything in the fire.

- A mournful silence fell over the room as they remembered their late friend.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, miserable is a versatile word that can be used in various situations to describe feelings of unhappiness, discomfort, or suffering. By using these synonyms, you can add more depth and variety to your vocabulary and make your conversations or writing more interesting. So go ahead and try using these words in your daily life!

miserable是一个形容词,读作/mɪzərəb(ə)l/,意思是“痛苦的、悲惨的”。它可以用来形容人或事物,表示情绪低落、不幸或令人不快的。在日常生活中,我们经常会用到这个词,比如说:“She looks miserable today.”(她今天看起来很痛苦。)“The weather is making me miserable.”(天气让我很痛苦。)除了miserable这个词本身,还有一些相关的短语也很常见,比如miserable condition(恶劣的条件)、miserable experience(悲惨的经历)等等。