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Meaning of misery

1. 精准解释:Misery是指极度痛苦、悲惨的状态,常用来形容生活中的困难、痛苦和不幸。

2. 发音指南:Misery的发音为[miz-uh-ree],重音在第一个音节上。


3. 同义词:Agony, suffering, distress, hardship, torment.

4. 例句:

- The refugees in the war-torn country are living in misery.


- She endured years of misery in her abusive marriage.


- The poverty-stricken family's life is filled with misery.


How to pronounce misery

1. 概念解释


2. 发音指南

- 第一个音节“mis”读作/mɪs/,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈。

- 第二个音节“ery”读作/əri/,发音时舌尖放松下垂。

- 整个单词重音在第一个音节上,“mi”部分要比“sery”部分重读。

- 最后一个元音“y”的发音比较轻,几乎听不到。

3. 同义词及例句

- Synonyms: agony, distress, suffering, woe, hardship

- Example sentences:

a) The refugees are living in misery, with no food or shelter.

b) She was filled with misery after the loss of her loved one.

c) The poor man's life was full of misery and struggle.

d) He couldn't bear to see his family living in such misery.

e) Despite all the hardships and misery, she never lost hope.

4. 常见错误发音

- 错误发音1:/maɪzəri/,将第一个音节读作“my”而不是“mis”。

- 错误发音2:/mɪzri/,省略了第二个音节的元音“e”。

- 错误发音3:/mizəri/,将第一个元音读成了/i/而不是正确的/i:/。

5. 练习建议

- 反复听几遍正确的发音,注意重读和轻读的区别。

- 尝试用不同的语调和语速来朗读这个单词,加强对它的掌握。

- 跟着英语老师或者网络上的视频练习发音

Usage and examples of misery

1. Definition of misery

Misery is a noun that refers to a state of extreme unhappiness, suffering, or discomfort. It can also be used to describe a feeling of great mental or emotional distress.

2. Pronunciation of misery

The word "misery" is pronounced as /ˈmɪzəri/ in American English and /ˈmɪzəri/ in British English.

3. Synonyms of misery

Some synonyms for misery include agony, distress, anguish, woe, despair, and suffering.

4. Examples of usage

- The refugees were living in absolute misery, with no access to basic necessities.

- She couldn't bear the thought of her children growing up in such poverty and misery.

- His constant complaining was causing misery for everyone around him.

- The war has brought nothing but misery to this once peaceful country.

- Despite her wealth and success, she couldn't escape the inner misery she felt.

- The old man's eyes were filled with sadness and misery as he recounted his past experiences.

5. Idiomatic expressions using "misery"

- "Misery loves company" means that people who are unhappy often seek out others who are also unhappy.

- "A necessary evil" refers to something unpleasant or undesirable that must be accepted or endured.

- "Wallowing in self-pity" means indulging excessively in feelings of sadness or self-pity.

6. Common collocations with "misery"

- Endure/tolerate/suffer through misery: He had to endure years of poverty before finally finding success.

- Escape/avoid/mask/forget one's misery: She turned to alcohol to mask her inner turmoil and forget her misery.

- Cause/bring about/create/multiply/double one's misery: His constant complaining only multiplied his own misery.

- Share/bear/ease/sympathize with one's misery: He shared his friend's misery and offered words of comfort.

- Misery index: A measure of economic well-being that combines unemployment and inflation rates.

In conclusion, misery is a powerful word that conveys a deep sense of pain and suffering. It is often used to describe extreme situations or feelings, and can be expressed through various idiomatic expressions and collocations. Understanding the usage and examples of this word can help us better empathize with those who are experiencing misery, and hopefully find ways to alleviate it

Phrases with misery

1. Misery is defined as a feeling of great unhappiness or suffering. (痛苦的感觉或遭受的巨大不幸)

2. To be in misery means to be extremely unhappy or distressed. (处于极度不幸或痛苦的状态)

3. "Misery loves company" is a common phrase that means people who are unhappy often seek out others who are also unhappy. (痛苦喜欢伴随着痛苦,指不幸的人经常寻找其他同样不幸的人)

4. "Pit of misery" is a humorous phrase used to describe a state of extreme sadness or despair. (痛苦之坑,用来形容极度悲伤或绝望的状态)

5. "In the depths of misery" refers to being in a state of utter despair and hopelessness. (处于绝望和无助的状态)

6. To "suffer in misery" means to experience great pain and distress. (遭受巨大痛苦和折磨)

7. "Misery index" is an economic term that measures the level of economic hardship and inflation in a country. (痛苦指数,衡量一个国家经济困难程度和通货膨胀水平的经济术语)

8. "Misery guts" is a slang term used to describe someone who is always unhappy and complains constantly.(抱怨不断、总是不开心的人)

9. The phrase "to wallow in self-pity" means to indulge in feelings of sadness and self-pity. (沉溺于自怜之中)

10. "Misery loves its own company" is similar to the phrase "misery loves company" but emphasizes that unhappy people tend to seek out others like them. (痛苦喜欢自己的伴侣,强调不幸的人倾向于寻找同类)

11. "Misery whip" is a slang term for a horse-drawn carriage or wagon used to transport prisoners or slaves. (马车,用来运送囚犯或奴隶的俚语)

12. The phrase "to be in the depths of misery" means to be in a state of extreme sadness and despair. (处于极度悲伤和绝望的状态)

13. "Misery acquaints a man with strange bedfellows" is a phrase that means difficult circumstances can bring together unlikely companions. (痛苦让人与陌生人成为床上伴侣,指困境会让不太可能的人走到一起)

14. To be "beset by misery" means to be surrounded and overwhelmed by great suffering and unhappiness. (被巨大痛苦和不幸包围和压倒)

15. "The road to misery is paved with good intentions" is a proverb that warns against the unintended consequences of well-meaning actions.(通往痛苦之路铺满了善意的意图,警告人们注意善意行为可能带来的后果)

Synonyms of misery with examples

1. Agony

- Definition: intense physical or mental suffering

- Example: The prisoner cried out in agony as he was tortured by his captors.

2. Distress

- Definition: extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain

- Example: The family was in great distress after losing their home in a fire.

3. Torment

- Definition: severe physical or mental suffering

- Example: The victim of the serial killer endured years of torment before finally being rescued.

4. Anguish

- Definition: severe mental or emotional pain

- Example: She felt anguish when she found out her best friend had betrayed her.

5. Despair

- Definition: complete loss of hope

- Example: After failing his exam for the third time, he fell into despair and thought he would never graduate.

6. Suffering

- Definition: the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship

- Example: The refugees have been through so much suffering and deserve a better life.

7. Misfortune

- Definition: bad luck or an unfortunate event

- Example: The family's misfortune continued when their car broke down on the way to their vacation destination.

8. Woe

- Definition: deep sorrow or distress

- Example: The old man lived a life filled with woe and regret for not following his dreams.

9. Grief

- Definition: intense sorrow caused by loss

- Example: She couldn't stop crying as she grieved the death of her beloved pet.

10. Tribulation

- Definition: a cause of great trouble or suffering

- Example: The country went through a period of tribulation during the war, but eventually emerged stronger than ever before
